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Yes by Drake OK yes Sir at the level of the only time I got a single for recitation in my senior year

in political overview once when I was

asked to recite on section one of I think you need the judicial power is vested in the Supreme Court such as requesting established by law
I got the site right after I recited the sentence I said sit down Mr close my mistake I used artikkel Z instead of 1 because there should be
only one essentially you recall that case that's not a temporary request established as a temporary measure for purposes of class
collaboration case shortly after he was unconstitutional because even then under the 1935 constitution it was prescribed that we shall
have only once so let's see if there are any next year providing for the establishment of regional Supreme courts with dancers yes
provided that there will be 1 final stream consistent with response additional information I hope that is clear now before we attacked the
other metrics next well discussed a few things certain fundamentals regarding this concept of judicial power when we have this kind it
not the second paragraph of section one is very important for our understanding of traditional power the traditional concept actual cases
involving legally enforceable in demandable rights the expanded concept of judicial power the grave abuse of discretion factor but I have
told you guys know that judicial power is more than what is prescribed or what are prescribed in the second paragraph judicial power
includes the competence of required consistent with Section 4 paragraph two of Article 8 to pass up on the constitutionality of laws
executive orders etc that long this prescribe class in paragraph 2 Section 4 well judicial power is as prescribed class in Section 5 of Article
8 first paragraph of which confers upon the original jurisdiction over these cases involving the diplomats and these original actions for
century polyvision adamus forward and prohibits forms judicial power includes minimum jurisdiction give it you see in the facility of the
court has found class in the second paragraph of Section 5 article note is prescribed in Section 2 of articulate the Congress would not
have the competence to touch the original and minimum appendagitis diction of the Supreme Court prescribed in paragraphs one and
group of Section 5 but that is also part of judicial power well I think they explained to you that judicial power is found elsewhere
constitution in article 7 section formerly called pass the sole judge ship of the Supreme Court over election contests breaking into
president and vice presidents device that is also separate edition power as explained by the Supreme Court in that case of macalintal
versus presidential electoral tribunal but last week we talked about it again these special judicial power to discipline for pertinent to its
competence to review the factual basis for a declaration of martial law or the suspension of the privilege ability this fault was a
publication of any citizen who is equipped with facial challenge for kittens precisely to pursue such actions well remember class the
judicial power special judicial power special sanctuary jurisdiction rule 65 I mean rule 64 is is given to the Supreme Court class over the
edge indications of the constitution information the provisions of section segment and then the focus had the additional organizations
versus executive secretary case so I've been asleep for so long as there is a great issue which is a far reaching legal or constitutional
implications judicial power exercise regardless of the moment I hope that concept is clear because I am very glad that the method of
judicial power is most important and very close to the heart of hashtag OK I took the pains to point this out thanks size of judicial power
we have to die from a few fundamental concepts for instance I hate lecturing about these things 'cause I don't like pet that free in any
form I am also a scholarship class but pedantry it's something else from the end at this like it but I have to because there is much of this
in this these concepts in recent to this puts the standard stress for judicial scrutiny the three of them strict scrutiny rational basis
standard height and or intermediate scrutiny well as found cracks in the case of white light Corporation and tower images scrutiny Paolo
I'm a dog you're familiar with the white light Corporation case arena I think that's one of your favorite cases well I guess about do you
remember the white light Corporation but the city of Manila case I think that's the one about the red light district prostitution close but
not quite follow white light which is the latest pronouncement on this particular topic the earlier ones well Anita melati hotel operators
Association versus city of Manila later just Stinger in the case of like University what is like types involved out rooms more than twice a
day a young Eubank wash up rate what is another word for wash up great but another way of saying it Patrick what is the another one
for washed up I'm only asking the gentleman he also girls here sure thank you not married with country I'm so proud of you play I'm just
joking I don't finish task as it took three concepts that are plastic cases that might like case but the intermediate students must refer to
the rest immediate care well remember that the strict scrutiny essentially break pains plans and the measure of the distance it pertains
to questions to China constitutional challenges breaking into freedom of the mind so basically fundamental rights which would of course
include our exercise of our political rights the rational basis standard classes assert for the scrutiny of cases involving economic
legislation and the matter of height angle intermediate scrutiny but by way of assessment of gender or legit implications strict scrutiny
three factors then plasma there must be a lawful governmental objective and unreasonable relationship between the measure imposed
by way of regulation and the attainment of the government second factor the regulation must be seen as the least intrusive measure or
method for purposes of attainment of the lawful governmental objectives and 3rd class even if it were the least intrusive method it
should still be established on the building strict standards that no less than a compelling state interest would justify the intrusion
involving exercise of these food mental experts the height late last evening Speak English and the national debt reasonableness of the
relationship between the governmental objective ending national Skype in a state regulation while the rational basis standard rationale
nation ship between the national and the government alone qnective salty that's the most I want to share about posting because I I just
want you to be aware that that there was a question in this point in the 2014 but examination and this leads me to my next or final point
on this particular well to begin with these standards of judicial scrutiny had been utilized for research funding in equal protection clause
cases understand class not that of late in our today students for instance the case of mosquito which is banana plantains Association the
application or applicability of these standards have been expanded plans and I think correctly to include questions pertaining to
substantive due process not only people protection anymore alright class now we go glass to launch from the default requisites for the
daily tradition I have two turn down the bit to my heart palpitating you know my heart palpitated the whole day yesterday because of the
old president I don't care Jesse meat meat you voted for him now yes
You know class when I would hold classes before it doesn't matter I wouldn't sit down I would always because walking about
approaching each student as he or she would preside I hardly would ever seem like you one public pilot game atmosphere in the course
of my entire tenure as a teacher class and I've been teaching since 1984 two of my students have actually changed in reservation and at
night if item and then must female that that was the name any vitamin plans that otherwise would have been on the basis of our thought
Lockwood I would be liable at sadly in student I was asking them for the 2nd then are you feeling nervous something at your Sir well you
have to understand even though I really have that effect on women I'm just joking class there but I really said that I'm really no point
serious mode choose now as default requisites for a valid judicial inquiry there must be an application of controversy the constitutional
challenge must be filed by the proper people must possess what is frequency standing the constitutional question must be raised at the
earliest possible utility and the 4th class pronounces that the constitutional resolution of the constitutional question must be necessary
for the determination application server or you can say that the termination of the constitution question must be necessary for the
resolution caitians we first AKA the 1st this is the first thing that I would like to stress these are mean technical in the sense that well
they can be flexible with respect to these don't put this in your body examination answers but just among us it would all depend on the
fields of the weather and that it would want to address the matter because if it were important enough and before his mind to resolve it
will set aside dress this actual case understand the requirements wedding is set aside but it was not is it an inclined not to be solved for
political reasons maybe classic when it will involve these both of these very stupid you have seen this happen many times in many of
these decisions filed with the Supreme well I don't know what happened I missed your piece on the anti terror block when it was first
promulgated filed by this very handsome spokesperson of this very ugly president plasma that was dismissed precisely because well an
actual case while normal standing despite the importance of that particular measure attending application I need this directly with the
definition of the traditional concept of judicial problem applications actually involving legally enforceable and amendments there must
be a point that my something there must be something that will be resolved by way of addressing a quote real conflict as to legally
enforceable rights here cares not we have to principle because I don't think it would be difficult for us to test an application exists
remember that no action can be filed with the Supreme Court by way of a request for an advisory opinion for illegal opinion there must
be a solution of conflicts pointing into actual rights on the basis of substantive law in any event remember that has been jurisprudence is
the effect that the mean promulgation of the law when it makes that point of promulgation it is already right for review an application
can be said to me to exist already by simple promulgation for not even if it will yet be in the United States translate there was this
measure promulgated law intended to be implemented five years after its foundation so clearly there was no situation that obtaining on
the beaches below and yet application was filed a sailing across the United States and pronounce that by Neil promulgation well it is
already ripe for review and even judicial appointments the more important principle here plus would be this the more important concept
in plants will be their softball Ness principal 'cause he goes case of Javier versus formula this election protest filed by this Protestant
additional in this case who was assassinated during the pendency of this particular application went this random that particular course
of action another situation if the if the conflict was already moved after then and there will be no need for the work to resolve nothing
simple definition of the madness principle eyesight another illustration APRA vantages French in order for let's say 90 days well you
know how these petitions go assailing the constitutionality of these orders they last four weeks clearly class network can just say about
999 nothing to stop anymore by the way of implementation of the group when did suspension work and think the enforcement that
explains the mootness principle but you recall class that in the week versions are going before it said that the book this principle is not a
magical formula which should always result in the outright dismissal is precisely because the action the cause the reason for the action
that already discipline for this reason class I reminded that there are basic recognize and continue of course continuing applicability
exceptions to the move the screens they just be mindful of this relations transendental I don't know public interest or far reaching legal
or constitutional implications any of these would be present for all of these will be present in a particular case which otherwise can be
considered as more than plastic we can proceed to resolve the constitutional challenge so you see in this sense the court sets aside the
actual occasion polymerization which would be consistent with my earlier statement to the effect that it is only a technical and the court
has the language in flexibility or competence to be flexible on this November the other reasons for setting aside innocence meet class
notes on a grave constitutional issue to provide for guidelines for the future precisely to guide the public the bench in part that's another
recognized exception and then the final exception the one actually really really hate knowledge is I don't like this pedantic consummate
this before class cheat with me the doctrine of capable of repetition yet evading review not snowing in I hate that concept doctrine of
capable of repetition yet invading review it's the same as the one the last one that I mentioned the need to provide for guidelines besides
the bench the bar in the public for future purposes is the same thing did not happen capable of repetition yet debating with you but you
have to remember that class best to keep that in mind and then again I will try to be more chill some of my students day after installed
me for over emoting and for being too muddled up because they see that I get tired because of him I have been always like this I have to
realize that I no longer possess the ingest I had before it's like last week and this online thing is difficult we talking to a screen not
knowing what Jackie has a by way of Marian decided there not seeing the banana tea you need me simponi because in the actual
classroom I would actually see my students know they would then many times the toy screen that was unless I point it out match why
does he Jackie hello national service how dare you Jackie we go to the second personality well we have discussed this already when you
tackle the concept of a facial challenge most important thing would be the direct injury test it is he who stands to be directly injured
when enforcement action will choose who can be considered improbable well apart from the direct injury does not related to taxpayers
considered as proper partition when it comes to constitutional challenges breaking into appropriations measures passed measures or
any action involving the disbursement on use of public funds but legislators Kim question constitutionality of laws how strange not but
yes in many cases it has been acknowledged that legislators both computers challenge the constitutionality of loss local government units
insofar as measures which are affected yes they would not be considered this problem pointless but the spatial challenge concept is by
wayfinding we have discussed this I emphasize only for purposes of reiteration the facial challenge competence granted in the
constitution in favor of any citizen who is empowered to file or a petition question defection basis for the declaration of martial law or
the suspension of the privileges sports went class similar to the actual casing controversial repeat requisite standing requirement can be
easily set aside matrices grass flexibility on this point better for the same reasons transcendental importance paraman public interest
legal and constitutional implications they need to prescribe guidelines for the future for the bench the bar public and the doctrine is
capable of replication yet creating we end our discussion with regard to the third the constitutional question must be raised at the
earliest possible opportunity if not reaching the pleadings foreclosed driel definitely not in class I would like to draw your attention more
to the exceptions but there are three of them you will remember in criminal cases the constitutional question can be replaced anytime
that's one the second exception in several cases plus the constitutional question can be raised anytime if it involves class if the resolution
of the case is dependent upon the determination of the constitutional question stated that device is the determination of the constitution
in question will be essential for the resolution of the case itself I repeat it is applicable in civil cases may be raised anytime depending on
that particular condition exception unless there is estoppel the constitutional in all other cases unless that is stopping the constitutional
question can be raised anytime if it involves the jurisdiction of well the thing to remember here would be that qualification unless that is
stopping this is based on now that now old case of the hand be humble teacher I think it's the unknown anyone he had no I love you
Maggie electric smoker pronounce anyone help me out here you think this letter K N E CHP this is Nick versus Republic is an eminent
domain case anyone know would know how to pronounce it K&ECHD WI don't know help you find out that the case of the hand versus
evil man nobody in fact there was this party litigant who participated in the trials for 15 years it was only around that time I said no
thank you raise a constitutional question well in that exceptional case last Department in 15 years you are stupid you are precluded from
reaching this particular constitution it was not forget the basic rule remains cancer this general rule stand is the constitutional question
can be raised anytime in any other case if it involves the jurisdiction of the in many cases of region vintage 17 2018-2019 receiver only
pulling Plaza surgery students landing network was invited is exceptional the rule remains planting erased unconstitutional question
anytime in all of these other cases if it is pertinent to the jurisdiction of the courts alright now to be 4th and final language the less the
determination of the constitutional question must be necessary for the resolution of the case itself you do understand or remember plans
that this particular force required in the principle of separation of powers coequal branches independent of each other then formed
education the Supreme Court is bound to offer basic respect for the measures done either by the executive on the legislative pensions
what am I saying these measures done by these two other branches are less class with this presumption of constitutionality so the
principle of separation of powers class is basic sponsor for this political question doctrine which is rooted or related again to the
presumption of constitutionality that is because of the respect that is required to be shown by the judiciary to the basic measures
promulgated by either of the two branches or both of them in terms for instance of a long join actor benched well he is the same plasma
is at all possible on the basis of the force legacy if the case can be resolved by the Supreme without addressing the constitutional question
then that is it cheating it must result on the basis of that other ground and not on the contribution income precisely because of the
presumption of constitutionality but I'm gonna do in class now I really missed this phrase not the double negative in terms of the
dispositions of the Supreme Court unconstitutional challenge is not unconstitutional that is not semantics that is the principle of
separation of powers at work in place because it's like here is a law assume to be constitutional upon its formation UTC condition will
challenges its constitution this petition that goes through the court and insists you're all night this law is unconstitutional that is his
position that is his contention the client receives the challenge when it receives a challenge the basic premise is this malika because the
presumption is this responsive functional visual signal fishel review what your contentions it does its food donations the condition
finally something Monica we will dismiss this case it is not unconstitutional this one clearly to what you are saying Mr condition because
what is the petition was saying your honor the law is unconstitutional I'm so glad Jenna Supreme Court when it dismisses the case
contrary to what you are saying the law is not unconstitutional because stress is the point where to see the law is constitutional that
special so therefore the scenery you got the point it is principle of separation I related to this requirement I repeat my earlier statement
is at all possible And then before is there were available any other ground not constitutional Internet when it is the duty of the point to
resolve it on the basis of that program otherwise be forced language it would not be helped I sleep now before I proceed to relate to these
three cases plus he mentioned component because relevant section which confers upon the Congress the authority to define prescribe a
portion of the jurisdiction of normal points Patrick can you remind me I'm just after my discussion in the fall like receipts lower courts is
but not Section 2 plus now it contains a knew plus the last sentence now it says that that no law shall be passed reorganizing the
judiciary if it will undermine the security of tenure of judges 11 judges are entitled to remain in good behavior until they reach the age of
17 it is only the Supreme Court which may provide for him well here's the point now no no pass reorganizing if it will undermine the
security of rationalize on the basis of this when you provision in Section 2 do we now see that Congress may no longer be organized
education yes organize the judges I'll stick to not because of the organization so keep that in mind when I discussed now the three cases
we have time the first case happened in the 1940s nineteen 45 I think there was this June 1944 there was this judiciary judiciary the
organization you don't know the organizations there is art class in the education sector offices in this case points so that was these jets
justice of the peace E sport now he must be organized out of this sport over which he presided for many years that would be nice singing
with us Magnum now what submenu each beach cancel appointment to that new Paula one it was accepted by the way no I'm busy
And Lastly appointments these are it was at that point once that is truthful Chinese constitutionality of that organization claiming a
breach violation of securities so that you had the question was clearly raised by him directly pointing out this way organization me
removes me from and therefore I am entitled to consider this concentration challenge and he couldn't get out this guy squarely raised the
constitutional question should be resolved with otherwise this might just something about it not anyway we should bring constitutional
question yeah set an appointment on the basis of the same law that he is now questioning before us I stop it to zieke the coin considered
that particular petition to be stopped in a statement from challenging the constitutionality of that mission So what did they call it
complied with this voice requirement although the constitutional challenge was squarely race class eat me solve the case on the basis of
an unconstitutional their ritable friends and the next one planning points of choice requirement separation of powers principles pressure
flashlight with you satisfied you got the points yes questions we go now 11 years later in 1955 class that was this another judiciary
reorganization law this is the case of the first case blood wasn't letter versus della poster the second case is the case of Auckland
population Secretary of State in this case does not the judge was ousted from the sport by reason of the reorganization he immediately
signed this petition for challenging the constitutionality of this 1955 reorganization claiming similarly violation of a security nearly I
choice the resolution of this constitutional is essential absolutely necessary for the determination implications this time we will just let
the hammer fall and heavily so you see it again there quite complaint again avoidable 9 constitutional issue could not be resolved
anymore than the basis of extraneous matters once it did not solve the constitutional question the challenge as to the violation of the
judges security so that was how it was applied this false like we said in the two cases clear class alright how was it this all of my public
office remember there was clean a violation of security because of the reorganization this judge was ousted from his seat his fault and
therefore he considerably please thank you to which he would she should be considered execute Daniel but like nature abortion
temporary employees yes missionary casualwear OK there yes security of Daniel in relation to removal you mentioned it due to a low yes
but did they manage getting back on the bus is the officer and this is the office and I've done this not yet OK so OK so we understand how
did the Supreme Court resolve this security of tenure I will repeat arises as an issue only if the mode of termination of official relations
would be removal because for the removal to be considered as valid to say that must be just force second there must be observance of
the twin requirements of noticing now in the context of is was that every move like that because the mode of termination of official
relations that was abolition of coffees change the mode of termination was not removal but something else abolition security of Kenya
would not be considered as an issue and therefore on that basis the court dismissed the petition for Warrenton filed by a farm boy in this
case I hope that is clear that's not now there was a third case in 1981 plus not on a similar reorganization this is a case of deliana
questions I'm happy to report that I did get to meet at one point in my letter this judge the Lillian club it was a very nice man but I I I got
to discuss the case but I wouldn't principiile Nah QuickBooks offline for later but the court added another factor provided that the
reorganization is done in good faith now this good faith precept class eventually found its way into subsequent legislation if memory
serves that this is Republic at 6656 which provides for the parameters for the validity of reorganizations significantly it contains
provisions which would indicate when a reorganization can be considered as sham and therefore invalid some janitorial Department in
attendance steeping Department that's a sham reorganization that nothing to do by way of streamlining it's the same thing differently
well this particular in the public at 6656 not found its way in jurisprudence quite a lengthy discussion in the case of laryne versions
executive secretary essentially following the precepts the element of but this time as more particularly defined by this particular you not
even versus executive secretary class I hadn't done that was spent by justice Flores I included in my discussions in public officers why
because I had the location anyway class not that guy laryne because that guy are the organization was on the pages of the parameters
specified in the public access and CS 56 it was considered as a sham reorganization OK then they hold them for this Wednesday why he
doesn't but he earned a lot of money that is why he paid my friend my laptop manual so yeah alright then wait alright so we're done with
the fall requisites for the valid judicial inquiry is that like the NASA reorganization may I incorporate a little civil service a little public
officers here right make time basic principle in the case of Lego virtual civil Service Commission Lopez lupini versus CSC and civil Service
Commission in terms of the exercise of the appointing authority of his power of appointment basically the fundamental they don't get the
the civil Service Commission is to see to it procedure procedurally know that the appointment is properly that the appointing as the
qualifications what I'm saying is appointment appointment into temporary point class now luego there was a permanent appointment
done by the appointing authority submitted to the CSC for processing the CSC approves the appointment but as temporary not no wait
something is unconstitutional the civil Service Commission cannot alter religion or character of the appointment affected by the
appointments later later later into the Lopez virtual civil service appointment I was thinking of that case of Lego versus civil Service
Commission I was in my office at the time , default to Mayo well after stick I mean Google the law say some websites here Jesus so I had to
go to the strip the case in front of me so I dialed my father's house living together W dot dot gonna see that he was working he also ready
to type Lego versus civil Service Commission and civil service welcome the election so something discussion Oh my God 143 stratum a
volume 143 page three 600 volume 140 E repaid so it's all about thanks dad get out volume 140 volume 143 Page 3 something
something before I was so impressed with my father he was already retired at the time of village passed by my father was in the bag so I
got to talk to my mom for supper making should I be the second but in volume next page chili cook he still sharp I knew that I knew that
he you know he he bowl advised me about it
And therefore the effects of their handling of the criminal cases they are the same so for purposes of double jeopardy class now the court
martial in the criminal case can be considered as a competent for such that a conviction or acquittal before record measure can preclude
another presentation for the same offense this time before original price so that is Garcia versus office of the president that is crisologo
versus people don't worry about this too much and I ask this question in my body example I mean the world guess about examination
question on a different point why because there is this 2018 pronouncement miss long version no money at all metal additional or
special characterization and Supreme Court as to the nature of a court martial Supreme Court class you know it is sweet generys sweet
jinetes young switch in there he's not picking village adjacent to ask someone what sweet beauty salone well this is huge and at least we
understand Latin you're OK with Latina yes Missy Charlie so you're OK with Latin please you answer so I don't know that hi I have to
teach you then I have to teach you you translate this into English do not laugh you answered you answered me you translate it to English
he leak to a mayor ilica to her English you would not Russian I like to eat man me head eagle not good in Latin not in to Victoria Victoria
Ferguson that was my big break now Are you ready Vic zombie Are you ready echeck plan for salieri I came here brilliant excellent I will
let my drink now I will eat ice cream later by 5 minutes
I'm so sorry but I'm requesting additional time because that word fall is follows request if request is used as a noun I am making a
request for leniency pero I am requesting leniency and after a seek I see justice you didn't say I see for justice man I did not say this you
did not say I did not fall fitness but I love you so what's your order French fries potatoes so you are big floor you are mashed potatoes
French and then particularly about those things all right see this month now we talked about this Article 8 Section 5 paragraph the
question is asked me know when courts pass up on the constitutionality of loss all of them the methods mentioned class in the five items
and humiliated under in Section 5 paragraph well obviously the answer is yes the premise paragraph provides is hoping for with
competence no system resources may affect your audio quality try closing some applications improve performance close word but I
definitely bought application open alright can you hear me well yes it sums up please so remember the rule and this has been a friend in
jurisprudence lower courts may pass up on the constitutionality of loss subject of constant final review and determination by this
Supreme Court appellate jurisdiction over decisions of lower courts with respect to the five items there which includes the method of
constitutionality of loss so you will see at the outset yes no well points may pass up on the constitutionality of measures again subject of
course we sign an appellate review of recently now I'm eager not that verification there was a time that I had difficulty on this point
because in one of these Camacho cases be I got no in abandoning geisha international auctioneers case to the effect in this commercial
case the court of tax appeals because it is a court of special jurisdiction it does not possess the competence to pass up on the
constitutionality of measurements not thinking enough points have become potential parents appoint the constitutionality of loss point
of tax appeals from that group happily for us now Boo maligna Supreme Asia international auctioneers principle yes they point of tax
appeals can initially pass up on the constitutionality of measures significantly knowing this supports my earlier posture on this point sad
because I knew that Mustang petitioner SM the same position at SM or pure gold in this case Shannon auctioneers and petitioner data
was BDO the title of the cases PTO versus Republic all right now if the Supreme Court finally either affirms or well if you declares a
measure unconstitutional I will reiterate what I have pointed out before the rule remains the same as old as this very old case of our
Norton versus Shelby come eat an unconstitutional law that's not concern anyway it's not office it is a total maletis it is as though it had
never been written in the statute books well that would remains the same saalfeld glass in terms of application so as to temple D
potential harshness of this particular preset by this doctrine of operative fact which I've already discussed with you as well recall that
this is an exceptional which can be invoked only for purposes of fairness and equity off as often emphasized class in jurisprudence on the
application of the doctrine of operating from recent applications of this talking you're familiar with prospective now and effects all prior
disbursements on the basis of the data came in anyway it is only fair because it produced its part economic growth you know what you
restriction well trust English version case of bandanas versions this I don't see me see chat and then my name what are you eating what
are you eating this
But here's the point list someone please do a quick calculation 2011 - 21 any 99 the start 1990 alright well alright let's start distribution
program was approved 9090 it was declared unconstitutional in 2011 alright which simply means this if we were to follow the basic rule
regarding unconstitutionality of measures not the declaration you 2011 declaration will retroactive to 1990 everything would be null
and void that is the strict rule but in a plane and Supreme for inducting of operative fact how was it applied in those 21 years now the
most significant of which would be this between 1990 and 2011 in expropriate mango beer no large tracts of portions of agenda luisita
which are now the ask me as a tax I'm sorry so big like yes yes it acts now shortly podcast night bye not just compensation to Hacienda
luisita population you get the point now if we would follow the basic rule that an unconstitutional law creates no rights image of the
emplacement 1990 never natural rights shareholders do farmers but the point is that would be inequitable that would be unfair that is
why the doctrine of operative fact was applied by the Supreme Court here in this manner class the just compensation paid in the
meantime of during that. May run junk sharing human farmers class because during that. They were cheerful please evidence that is an
application of the doctrine I hope that that is clear ultimate he was blamed for this particular decision but it is a potential of justice
philosophy anyway

For papers discussing the methods for the valuation of this equipment purchase by retiring justices consistent with the so-called
tradition obtaining Department like you know there was a blanket and outright refusal by the Supreme Court to have that meeting with
the cover see the Lucknow and Supreme threat lockdown so its property division which can provide for the values of this equipment
because if they were to be interfered in this regard that would be by way of intemperance individual independence impairment of their
rulemaking authority that would undermine he faced in the Panini they considered constitutionally processes that was placed in the
nation in this case request of power next plane class now as as I think I have mentioned this already this case of civil Service Commission
versus version secretary of the budget the budget Department imposed what it it was what was referred to as a known import no release
policy meaning unless and until the agency of the entity submits a liquidation Department it would not be entitled to further on
additional releases of the appropriations in March submitters have been that long point no release policy is inapplicable to all
constitutional officers endowed with fiscal economy because that would be by way of impairment and we can't really the general
principle to the effect that they are corporations from this fiscal year economist in peace once approved they must be automatically
regularly released so be mindful of that dancing but this does not mean that these fiscali autonomous entities should not submit reports
to the secretary of the budget only that these reports should not be a condition on a prerequisite for the release of funds so is it better
make compromises in acknowledging necessity for liquidation reports but rejected points nickel as a condition for the release of results
another thing classes closed versus civil Service Commission fiscal autonomy class does not exempt the officially autonomous can be
released from compliance with basic rules loss frightening to the appointments and salaries of their personnel that he screws version
SQL Server the lesion case class of our place espanol involving a particular procurement services I think last night of the Supreme Court
summer recipe although it is physically apology compliance with the process is linked with speakers respect so I hope that's OK alright
that is physical Academy Patrick take note please when you issue we will finish our discussion in the judicial Department starting in
Section 4 as promised I haven't tried to finish all contribution information concerns of my accountability and Bill of Rights I'll be OK tired
but I'm going to eat Peach cake frozen it's now in my future with plenty of walnuts yeah by 30 regarding before the finals do you have a
deep when you wanna my understanding is more weeks starting next week by way of class sessions is that right yes three more weeks
finals the boggle after Christmas 02 finals after the last that's why I really hate the changing of this answers no please plus so you can
imagine the kind of move I will be here yes you give me giving back angry because I would not be able to enjoy the Holidays I don't know
I'm open to this it's up to you guys

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