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Complete Set of Material Constants of Pb(In1/2Nb1/2)O3-Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-

PbTiO3 Single Crystal with Morphotropic Phase Boundary Composition

Article  in  Journal of Applied Physics · November 2009

DOI: 10.1063/1.3243169 · Source: IEEE Xplore


83 94

5 authors, including:

Xiaozhou Liu Shujun Zhang

Nanjing University Pennsylvania State University


Wenwu Cao
Pennsylvania State University


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Complete set of material constants of

Pb„In1/2Nb1/2…O3 – Pb„Mg1/3Nb2/3…O3 – PbTiO3
single crystal with morphotropic phase boundary composition
Xiaozhou Liu,1,2 Shujun Zhang,1 Jun Luo,3 Thomas R. Shrout,1 and Wenwu Cao1,a兲
Materials Research Institute, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802, USA
Key Laboratory of Modern Acoustics, Institute of Acoustics, Nanjing University,
Nanjing 210093, China
TRS Technologies, Inc., 2820 East College Avenue, State College, Pennsylvania 16801, USA
共Received 17 August 2009; accepted 6 September 2009; published online 14 October 2009兲
Using combined resonance and ultrasonic methods, a full set of material constants has been
measured for morphotropic phase boundary 共MPB兲 composition xPb共In1/2Nb1/2兲O3 – 共1 − x
− y兲Pb共Mg1/3Nb2/3兲O3 – yPbTiO3 共PIN-PMN-PT兲 single crystals poled along 关001兴c. Compared with
the MPB composition 共1 − x兲Pb共Mg1/3Nb2/3兲O3 – xPbTiO3 共PMN-PT兲 single crystals, the
PIN-PMN-PT single crystals have smaller anisotropy, higher Curie temperature 共Tc ⬇ 197 ° C兲, and
higher rhombohedral to tetragonal phase transition temperature 共TR-T ⬇ 96 ° C兲. The
electromechanical properties obtained here are the best found so far for this ternary system with
d33 ⬇ 2742 pC/ N, d31 ⬇ −1337 pC/ N, k33 ⬇ 95%, and k31 ⬇ 65%. © 2009 American Institute of
Physics. 关doi:10.1063/1.3243169兴

I. INTRODUCTION PIN-PMN-PT system with composition close to the morpho-

tropic phase boundary 共MPB兲. In addition, a complete set of
Since the discovery of the superior piezoelectric and material constants has been accurately determined for this
electromechanical coupling properties of 共1 − x兲Pb composition, which can facilitate practical applications of
共Mg1/3Nb2/3兲O3 – xPbTiO3 共PMN-PT兲 and 共1 − x兲Pb this ternary piezoelectric single crystal.
共Zn1/3Nb2/3兲O3 – xPbTiO3 共PZN-PT兲 multidomain single There are numerous published reports in the literature on
crystals,1 there have been intensive research on finding other PIN-PMN-PT ternary compounds. As an earlier work, ce-
crystal systems with even better properties and use them in ramic PIN-PT and PIN-PMN-PT were fabricated and
practical applications. Typical devices utilizing these domain characterized.2,3 Although the ceramic form of this ternary
engineered crystals include ultrabroad band ultrasonic imag- compound does not have ultrahigh piezoelectric properties,
ing transducers and high performance actuators. In principle, one found that the addition of lead indium niobate can dras-
because the piezoelectric properties of these crystals are tically increase the phase transition temperature Tc and the
three to five times better than that of Pb共Ti, Zr兲O3 共PZT兲 rhombohedral to tetragonal transition temperature TR-T. The
ceramics and the manufacture price also comes down to an 关001兴c poled multidomain single crystals exhibited excellent
acceptable level, these domain engineered crystals could re- dielectric and piezoelectric properties with ␧33 T
⬃ 5000 and
place PZT in most electromechanical devices. However, d33 ⬃ 2200 pC/ N and the phase transition temperatures are
some limitations of these crystals prevent them from replac- also increased 共Tc ⬃ 192 ° C and TR-T ⬃ 119 ° C兲.4 Tian et al.
ing traditional PZT piezoelectric ceramics in many practical demonstrated that ternary PIN-PMN-PT crystals can be
applications, despite their much superior electromechanical grown in large size by a modified Bridgman method, and
properties. The most noticeable inferior properties are the they reported high coercive field 共EC ⬃ 6.0 kV/ cm兲 and in-
relatively low Curie point 共Tc ⬃ 145 ° C兲 and low creased depoling temperature 共TR-T ⬃ 100– 117 ° C兲.5 The
rhombohedral-tetragonal transition temperature 共TR-T elastic, dielectric, and piezoelectric properties of ternary
⬃ 70 ° C兲, which restrict the application temperature range PIN-PMN-PT crystals with 26% ⬃ 59% PIN were measured
and also make the piezoelectric properties temperature sen- using resonance technique and it was found that the ternary
sitive. system can have excellent piezoelectric properties compa-
In order to increase the Tc and TR-T, people have been rable to that of PMN-PT single crystals.6 The PIN-PMN-PT
trying to add different dopants to the binary compound single crystals were also investigated earlier by Hosono and
PMN-PT. So far, the most successful system reported is the Yamashita who reported higher phase transition tempera-
ternary compound xPb共In1/2Nb1/2兲O3 – 共1 − x − y兲Pb tures: Tc = 184 ° C and TR-T = 89 ° C, and excellent dielectric
共Mg1/3Nb2/3兲O3 – yPbTiO3 共PIN-PMN-PT兲, which can in- and piezoelectric properties.7 Zhang et al.8 reported an inves-
crease the Tc and TR-T without losing the superior electrome- tigation on PIN-PMN-PT system using a larger crystal boule
chanical properties of the binary PMN-PT system. In this of 50 mm in diameter and 100 mm in length. They reported
paper, we report the best properties found so far from this full set material constants measured using resonance method
for three different sections from the same crystal boule. The
Electronic mail: compositions were found to change along the growth direc-

0021-8979/2009/106共7兲/074112/4/$25.00 106, 074112-1 © 2009 American Institute of Physics

074112-2 Liu et al. J. Appl. Phys. 106, 074112 共2009兲

TABLE I. Relationships between phase velocities and elastic constants for 4mm symmetry the measured values
of phase velocities in 0.27PIN-0.40PMN-0.33PT multidomain single crystals poled along 关001兴c.

关001兴 关001兴 关100兴 关100兴 关100兴 关110兴

Phase velocities vl vs vl vs⬜ vs储 vl
1 E
cD33 cE44 cE11 cE66 cD44 2 共c11 + c12 + 2c66兲
Related elastic constants
Measure phase velocity 共m/s兲 4571 2900 3850 2750 2962 4675

tion so that the exact composition of each section was diffi- becomes tetragonal 4mm, which has 11 independent electro-
cult to determine, therefore, a range of properties was re- mechanical constants: six elastic, three piezoelectric, and two
ported with the best results comparable to that of dielectric constants.
PMN-29%PT.8 Because the resonance technique has strict All samples were oriented using the Laue x-ray machine
demand for sample geometries and the properties are and vacuum sputtered with gold on the parallel 具001典 faces.
strongly influenced by the geometries of the sample due to The samples were poled along 关001兴c at room temperature
the change of domain configuration, properties determined using an electric field of 20 kV/cm. The frequency spectra
using resonance technique alone often have very large uncer- were measured by an HP 4194A impedance-phase gain ana-
lyzer. A 15 MHz longitudinal wave transducer 共Ultra Labo-
In this work, we have grown and characterized the MPB
ratories, Inc.兲 and 20 MHz shear wave transducer 共Panamet-
composition of this system with nominal composition of
rics兲 were used for the pulse-echo measurements. The
0.27PIN-0.40PMN-0.33PT. The crystals have rhombohedral
symmetry and were being polarized along 关001兴c to produce electric pulses used to excite transducers were generated by a
effective tetragonal macroscopic symmetry. By using com- Panametrics 200 MHz pulser/receiver 共5900PR兲, and the
bined ultrasonic and resonance methods,9–11 we accurately time-of-flight between echoes were measurement by a Tek-
measured a complete set of material properties for this mul- tronix 460A digital oscilloscope.
tidomain system. It was found that this MPB composition The free and clamped permittivity 共␧11 T
, ␧33
, ␧11
, and ␧33

has the best electromechanical properties of the PIN- were calculated from the low 共1 kHz兲 and high frequency
PMN-PT system reported so far, which are comparable to 共⬃2f a兲 capacitances using the parallel capacitor approxima-
that of the PMN-0.33PT system, while the TR-T and Tc have tion. The electromechanical coupling factors k15, k31, k33, and
been increased by more than 27 ° C. kt, and the elastic compliance s11 , s33 , and s33 , were calcu-
lated from the resonance and antiresonance frequencies of
resonators with geometries defined in the IEEE standards.
The elastic constants c33 , c44 , c11 , c66 , c44 , and c12 were de-
termined from the phase velocities of ultrasonic waves
The crystals used in the study were grown by a modified propagating along certain crystallographic directions. After
Bridgman method and the crystal symmetry is rhombohedral that, d31, d33, e31, and e33 can be calculated with the mea-
3m according to the XRD pattern. After being poled along sured properties, while c13 can be calculated from the for-
关001兴c, the effective symmetry of the multidomain system mula c13E
= 共e33 − d33c33
兲 / 2d31. Over all, we made 18 indepen-

TABLE II. Measured and derived material constants of 0.27PIN-0.40PMN-0.33PT multidomain single crystal poled along 关001兴c 共density: ␳ = 8198 kg/ m3兲.

Elastic stiffness constants, cij

共1010 N / m2兲
a a a a a a a a
cE11 cE12 cE13 cE33 cE44 cE66 cD11 cD12 cD13 cD33 cD44 cD66

12.2 11.3 10.8 11.2 6.9 6.2 12.3 11.4 9.9 17.1 7.5 6.2

Elastic compliance constants, sij

共10−12 N / m2兲
11 sE12 sE13 sE33 a E
s44 sE66 sD11 sD12 sD13 sD33 a sD44 sD66
75.5 ⫺38.3 ⫺35.8 77.8 14.5 16.1 61.0 ⫺52.8 ⫺4.7 11.3 13.3 16.1

Piezoelectric coefficients, ei␭ di␭ gi␭ hi␭

共C / m2兲 共10−12 C / N兲 共10−3 Vm/ N兲 共108 V / m兲
e15 e31 e33 d15 d31 d33 g15 g31 g33 h15 h31 h33
16.0 ⫺2.7 18.6 232 ⫺1337 2742 2.6 ⫺13.4 42.7 3.8 ⫺4.6 31.9

Dielectric constants, ␧共␧0兲 共10−4 / ␧0兲 Electromechanical coupling factors
␧S11 a ␧S33 a ␧T11 a ␧T33 a ␤S11 ␤S33 ␤T11 ␤T33 k15 a k31 a k33 a kt a
4736 659 10 081 7244 2.1 15.2 1.0 1.4 0.20 0.65 0.95 0.59
Directly measured properties.
074112-3 Liu et al. J. Appl. Phys. 106, 074112 共2009兲

TABLE III. Comparison of some important constants for several different single crystals.

Tc Trt Pr Ec d33
Compound 共°C兲 共°C兲 共␮C / cm2兲 共kV/cm兲 共pC/N兲 k33 ␧T33 / ␧0

PMN-29%PTa 137 93 26.5 2.0 1540 0.91 5400

PMN-33%PTb 149 69 27.0 2.3 2820 0.94 8200
PMN-42%PTc 190–193 / 42.0 5.3 260 0.78 660
PIN-PMN-PTa 共part C兲 191 125 25.0 5.5 1510 0.92 4400
PIN-PMN-PT 共in this study兲 197 96 34.0 5.5 2742 0.95 7244
See Ref. 8.
See Ref. 12.
See Ref. 14.

dent measurements, which provided seven control checks to and parallelness of the sample surfaces, the overall error of
guarantee self-consistency of the 11 independent constants sound velocity measurements is about 1.0%. On the other
being determined. hand, if one uses the resonance technique, the elastic con-
The measured sound velocities for the five pure modes stant c12 is derived from following formula:
are listed in Table I. In order to see the better accuracy of our
E ␧33
− ␧33
S 2 E
− d31 2 E
c11 − 2d33e33 + d33 c33
combined method than the resonance method, let us analyze c12 = 2
a specific measurement for c12 E
. From the sound velocity 2d31
关110兴 E
measurement vl , we can obtain c12 following the formula ␧33
− ␧33
S 2 E
− 2d33e33 + d33 c33 E
in Table I. Considering the resolutions for the time of flight = 2 − . 共1兲
2d31 2
and the sample thickness measurements are 1 ns and 0.01
mm, respectively, and there are small errors in orientation The relative errors may be estimated by

冉 冊 冉 冊
␧T33 ⌬␧T33
2 ␧T33
␧S33 ⌬␧S33
2 ␧S33
+ 共2e33 + 2d33cE33兲d33 冉 冊
+ 2d33e33
冉 冊 ⌬cE33
+ d233cE33 E + 2共␧T33 − ␧S33 − 2d33e33 + d233cE33兲
d 31
冉 冊 ⌬cE11
+ d231cE11 E
冉 冊 .
cE12 ␧T33 − ␧S33 − d231cE11 − 2d33e33 + d233cE33

For the PIN-PMN-PT crystal, Eq. 共2兲 may be quantified PMN-0.33PT,12 which is the MPB composition of the
as PMN-PT binary system. The piezoelectric coefficients
d33共⬇2742 pC/ N兲 as well as d31共⬇−1337 pC/ N兲 are very
⌬d33 ⌬e33
= 0.02 + 0.003 + 2.67 + 0.10 large, and the corresponding electromechanical coupling fac-
c12 ␧33
d33 e33 tors k33 共⬇95%兲 as well as k31 共⬇65%兲 are even better than
⌬d31 ⌬cE that of PMN-0.33PT. Because the composition of this crystal
+ 1.28 E + 2.43 + 0.22 E11 . 共3兲 is at the MPB, its electromechanical properties are better
c33 d31 c11
Thus, if there is 2.0% error in the measurement of d31 and
d33, the error of c12 will exceed 10.0%. Therefore, c12 ob-
tained from the ultrasonic measurement is much more reli-
able. By selecting only dependable formulas for the con-
stants, the combined ultrasonic and resonance technique
offers much better accuracy in the full matrix property char-
acterization of these multidomain single crystals.


The measured elastic, piezoelectric, and dielectric con-

stants for the MPB composition PIN-PMN-PT single crystal
are given in Table II, and some important parameters are
listed in Table III for comparison among several different
FIG. 1. 共Color online兲 Dielectric constant ␧T33 and dielectric loss as a func-
systems. One can see from Table III that the properties ob- tion of temperature for PMN-0.33PT and 0.27PIN-0.40PMN-0.33PT single
tained here are comparable to that of the 关001兴c poled crystals.
074112-4 Liu et al. J. Appl. Phys. 106, 074112 共2009兲

TABLE IV. Anisotropies of measured material properties for several different single crystals.

Compound ␧T11 / ␧T33 ␧S11 / ␧S33 sE33 / sE11 sD33 / sD11 sE44 / sE66 sE13 / sE12 sD13 / sD12

PMN-29%PTa 0.28 1.47 0.87 1.33 1.80 0.94 0.82

PMN-33%PTb 0.20 2.1 1.73 0.25 0.95 5.01 0.12
PMN-42%PTc 13.00 11.79 2.04 0.95 2.88 3.65 0.67
PIN-PMN-PTa 共part C兲 0.31 1.75 1.34 0.24 0.37 1.71 0.11
PIN-PMN-PT 共in this study兲 1.39 7.2 1.18 0.18 0.90 0.93 0.09
See Ref. 8.
See Ref. 12.
See Ref. 14.

than those reported earlier for PIN-PMN-PT system with chanical coupling factors k33 ⬇ 95% and k31 ⬇ 65%k33 are
lower PT content, but the TR-T here is about 10– 20 ° C lower even better. Most importantly, the depoling temperature TR-T,
than those reported earlier.5,8,13 Even though, compared to which restricts the temperature range of practical applica-
PMN-0.33PT, the phase transition temperatures Tc 共from cu- tions of these piezoelectric crystals, has been increased by
bic to tetragonal兲 and TR-T 共from rhombohedral to tetragonal兲 more than 27 ° C, which can greatly enlarge the application
of the 0.27PIN-0.40PMN-0.33PT crystal increased by 48 and range of these outstanding piezoelectric single crystals.
27 ° C, respectively. The temperature dependence of the di-
electric properties has been measured for both PMN-0.33PT ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
and 0.27PIN-0.40PMN-0.33PT single crystals. As one can This research was supported by the NIH under Grant No.
see from Fig. 1 that the Tc and TR-T of 0.27PIN-0.40PMN- P41-EB21820 and ONR under Grant No. N00014-09-01-
0.33PT are much higher. 0456 and N00014-07-C-0858.
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