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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

review article

Medical Progress

Leslie T. Cooper, Jr., M.D.

From the Division of Cardiovascular Dis- yocarditis may present with a wide range of symptoms, rang-
eases, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN. Ad- ing from mild dyspnea or chest pain that resolves without specific therapy
dress reprint requests to Dr. Cooper at the
Division of Cardiovascular Diseases, Mayo to cardiogenic shock and death. Dilated cardiomyopathy with chronic heart
Clinic, 200 First St. SW, Rochester, MN failure is the major long-term sequela of myocarditis. Most often, myocarditis results
55905, or at from common viral infections; less commonly, specific forms of myocarditis may
N Engl J Med 2009;360:1526-38. result from other pathogens, toxic or hypersensitivity drug reactions, giant-cell myo-
Copyright © 2009 Massachusetts Medical Society. carditis, or sarcoidosis. The prognosis and treatment of myocarditis vary according
to the cause, and clinical and hemodynamic data usually provide guidance to decide
when to refer a patient to a specialist for endomyocardial biopsy. The aim of this
review is to provide a practical and current approach to the evaluation and treat-
ment of suspected myocarditis.

Defini t ion

The standard Dallas pathological criteria for the definition of myocarditis require
that an inflammatory cellular infiltrate with or without associated myocyte necrosis
be present on conventionally stained heart-tissue sections (Fig. 1A).1 These criteria
are limited by variability in interpretation, lack of prognostic value, and low sensi-
tivity, in part due to sampling error.2,3 These limitations have led to alternative
pathological classifications with criteria that rely on cell-specific immunoperoxidase
stains for surface antigens, such as anti-CD3, anti-CD4, anti-CD20, anti-CD68, and
anti–human leukocyte antigen (Fig. 1B).4,5 Criteria that are based on immunoper-
oxidase staining have greater sensitivity and may have prognostic value.6
Preliminary studies suggest that noninvasive cardiac magnetic resonance imag-
ing (MRI) may provide an alternative method for diagnosis without the risks of
biopsy. For example, regions of myocarditis are reported to correlate closely with
regions of abnormal signal on cardiac MRI.7,8 The lack of consensus regarding the
value of invasive studies such as endomyocardial biopsy and the overall good prog-
nosis for patients with mild, acute dilated cardiomyopathy who have suspected
myocarditis have led to recent recommendations that endomyocardial biopsy should
be considered on the basis of the likelihood of finding specific treatable disorders.9
Clinicopathological criteria may distinguish fulminant lymphocytic myocarditis
from acute lymphocytic myocarditis and introduce prognostically useful information
that improves on purely pathological classifications.10 On the basis of clinico-
pathological criteria, fulminant lymphocytic myocarditis, which has a distinct onset
with a viral prodrome within 2 weeks before the onset of symptoms and hemody-
namic compromise but has a generally good prognosis, may be distinguished from
acute lymphocytic myocarditis, which frequently does not have a distinct onset and
hemodynamic compromise but more frequently results in death or the need for
cardiac transplantation (Table 1).11,12 Two caveats are important when using such
clinicopathological criteria. First, even though patients with fulminant lymphocytic

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farction–like syndrome. Cardiac symptoms are

A variable and may include fatigue, decreased exer-
cise tolerance, palpitations, precordial chest pain,
and syncope. Chest pain in acute myocarditis can
result from an associated pericarditis or, occasion-
ally, from coronary-artery spasm.13
Although a viral prodrome with fever, myalgia,
and respiratory or gastrointestinal symptoms is
classically associated with myocarditis, reported
symptoms are highly variable.14 Of the 3055 pa-
tients with suspected acute or chronic myocardi-
100 µm
tis who were screened in the European Study of
the Epidemiology and Treatment of Inflammatory
B Heart Disease,15 72% had dyspnea, 32% had chest
pain, and 18% had arrhythmias. Most studies of
acute myocarditis report a slight preponderance
in male patients,16-18 which may be due to a pro-
tective effect of natural hormone variations on
immune responses in women.19 The clinical pre-
sentation of myocarditis in children differs from
that in adults; children often have a more fulmi-
nant presentation.20 Because of the wide spec-
trum of clinical presentations, clinicians need to
50 µm
consider myocarditis in the differential diagnosis
in many cardiac syndromes.
Figure 1. Lymphocytic and Histiocytic Infiltrate and Most people with myocarditis who present
T Lymphocytes in Heart-Tissue Sections from Patients with acute dilated cardiomyopathy have relatively
with Acute Myocarditis. mild disease that resolves with few short-term
Panel A shows acute myocarditis with widespread lym- 2nd sequelae, but certain clinical clues signify those
phocytic and histiocytic infiltrate (arrow) and associated
CASE TITLE (arrowhead) (hematoxylin Revised
3rd at high risk for more difficulty (Table 1). Rash,
myocyte damage and eosin).
EMail Line
Panel B shows CD3 immunostaining 4-C
of T lymphocytes fever, peripheral eosinophilia, or a temporal re-
in aFILL mst
with acute H/T
myocarditis. H/T
Images provided
16p6 lation with recently initiated medications or the
courtesy of Dr. Dylan Miller. use of multiple medications suggest a possible
Figure has been redrawn and type has been reset. hypersensitivity myocarditis. Giant-cell myocardi-
Please check carefully.
tis should be considered in patients with acute
myocarditis frequently recover,
JOB: 36015
they are quite ill
ISSUE: 4-9-09
dilated cardiomyopathy associated with thymoma,
and need treatment with intravenous inotropic autoimmune disorders, ventricular tachycardia, or
agents or mechanical circulatory support. Also, high-grade heart block. An unusual cause of myo-
since both forms of myocarditis are rare, prog- carditis, such as cardiac sarcoidosis, should be
nostic data on heart transplantation and survival suspected in patients who present with chronic
are limited to relatively few patients. heart failure, dilated cardiomyopathy and new
ventricular arrhythmias, or second-degree or third-
Cl inic a l M a nife s tat ions degree heart block or who do not have a response
a nd Incidence to standard care.21
The true incidence of myocarditis in the com-
Acute myocarditis is frequently first diagnosed as munity is unknown. Endomyocardial biopsy is
nonischemic dilated cardiomyopathy in a patient used infrequently because of perceived risks and
with symptoms that have been present for a few the lack of a widely accepted and sensitive his-
weeks to several months. However, manifestations tologic standard. Seroepidemiologic data are dif-
range from subclinical disease to sudden death, ficult to interpret because of the heterotopic
with new-onset atrial or ventricular arrhythmias, effect of enteroviruses, which may cause an am-
complete heart block, or an acute myocardial in- nestic antibody response to other coxsackievirus

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Table 1. Clinical Scenarios for the Diagnosis of Myocarditis.*

Clinical Scenario Duration of Illness Pathological Correlates Prognosis Treatment

Acute myocardial infarc- Several hours or Active lymphocytic myo- Good if lymphocytic myo- Supportive
tion–like syndrome days carditis or, rarely, necro- carditis is present on
with normal coro- tizing eosinophilic myo- biopsy
nary arteries carditis or giant-cell
Heart failure with normal- Less than 2 wk Active lymphocytic myo- Good in fulminant lympho- Supportive; possible use of
sized or dilated left carditis or, less com- cytic myocarditis, but corticosteroids or IVIG
ventricle and hemody- monly, necrotizing eo- acute care often requires in children
namic compromise sinophilic myocarditis inotropic or mechanical
or giant-cell myocarditis circulatory support
Heart failure with dilated A few weeks or Giant-cell myocarditis, Poor; high likelihood of Variable therapy according
left ventricle and new months ­eosinophilic myocar­ death or need for car­ to histopathological
ventricular arrhyth- ditis, or lymphocytic diac transplantation if ­results
mias, high-degree myocarditis giant-cell myocarditis
heart block, or lack is found on biopsy
of response to usual
care within 1 to 2 wk
Heart failure with dilated A few weeks or Nonspecific changes most Good in the first several Supportive; definition of
left ventricle without months likely, with the presence years, but a risk of late genomic predictors of
new ventricular ar- of viral genomes in 25 disease progression risk under investigation
rhythmias or high- to 35% of patients and with heart failure and
degree heart block of lymphocytic myocar­ cardiomyopathy
ditis (Dallas criteria) in
about 10%
Heart failure with Any duration Eosinophilic or hypersensi- Poor Supportive, including iden-
­eosinophilia tivity myocarditis, eo- tification and treatment
sinophilic endomyo- of underlying cause;
carditis possible use of corti-
costeroids for hyper-
sensitivity myocarditis
Heart failure with dilated More than several Cardiac sarcoidosis (idio- Increased risk of need for Supportive; corticosteroids
left ventricle and new months pathic granulomatous pacemaker or implant- for biopsy-proven car-
ventricular arrhyth- myocarditis) or specific able cardioverter–defi- diac sarcoidosis
mias, high-degree infection (e.g., Trypano­ brillator if sarcoidosis
heart block, or lack soma cruzi and Borrelia is confirmed on biopsy
of response to usual burgdorferi); nonspecific
care in 1 to 2 wk changes most likely
Heart failure with dilated More than several Nonspecific changes most Depends on functional Supportive; antiviral treat-
left ventricle without months likely; increased number of class ejection fraction ment and immunosup-
new ventricular ar- inflammatory cells shown and the presence or ab- pression under investi-
rhythmias or high- by sensitive immunostain- sence of inflammation gation
degree heart block ing in up to 40% of patients and viral genomes on
and the presence of viral biopsy
genomes in 25 to 35%

* IVIG denotes intravenous immune globulin.

B strains.22 However, the observation that viral the greatest burden of myocarditis may not be ap-
genomes are more common in cardiac tissue from parent for 6 to 12 years after diagnosis when chil-
patients with chronic dilated cardiomyopathy than dren die or need to undergo cardiac transplanta-
in tissue from patients with valvular or ischemic tion for chronic dilated cardiomyopathy.25
cardiomyopathy supports the concept that viral
myocarditis leads to a substantial disease burden C aus at i v e Agen t s
in the community. Furthermore, myocarditis is
an important cause of sudden death,23 as well as Viral and postviral myocarditis remain major
childhood cardiomyopathy.24 A recent long-term causes of acute and chronic dilated cardiomyop­
study of pediatric myocarditis demonstrated that athy. Seroepidemiologic and molecular studies

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linked coxsackievirus B to outbreaks of myocardi- systemic hypereosinophilic syndromes can cause

tis from the 1950s through the 1990s. The spec- a specific myocarditis that often responds to with-
trum of viruses that were detected in endomyocar- drawal of the offending agent or to treatment
dial biopsy samples shifted from coxsackievirus of the underlying disorder, though adjuvant corti-
B to adenovirus in the late 1990s and, in the past costeroid therapy is often required.33 Numerous
5 years, to parvovirus B19 and other viruses, ac- medications, including some anticonvulsants, anti­
cording to reports from the United States and biotics, and antipsychotics, have been implicated
Germany.6,26 In Japan and in a serologic study of in hypersensitivity myocarditis. Eosinophilic myo-
myocarditis in the United States, hepatitis C virus carditis is characterized by a predominantly eosino­
was also linked to myocarditis and dilated car­ philic infiltrate in the myocardium and may oc-
diomyopathy.27,28 Many other viruses have also cur in association with systemic diseases, such
been associated less frequently with myocarditis; as the hypereosinophilic syndrome, the Churg–
these viruses include Epstein–Barr virus, cytomeg- Strauss syndrome, Löffler’s endomyocardial fibro-
alovirus, and human herpesvirus 6. The large sis, cancer, and parasitic, helminthic, or protozoal
number of observations that link viruses with infections.34-36 Eosinophilic myocarditis has been
myocarditis have led to ongoing treatment trials reported after vaccination for several diseases,
of antiviral therapy in patients with virus-associ- including smallpox.37,38 Clinical manifestations
ated cardiomyopathy. of eosinophilic myocarditis include congestive
In addition to viruses, certain other infectious heart failure, endocardial and valvular fibrosis,
causes of myocarditis should be considered in and endocardial thrombi. A rare disorder, acute
patients with acute or chronic cardiomyopathy. necrotizing eosinophilic myocarditis is an aggres-
Myocarditis can result from infection with Borrelia sive form of eosinophilic myocarditis with an
burgdorferi (Lyme disease), and patients with myo- acute onset and a high death rate.39
carditis due to Lyme disease are occasionally Two idiopathic and histologically similar dis-
coinfected with ehrlichia or babesia.29 Lyme myo- orders, giant-cell myocarditis and cardiac sarcoi-
carditis should be suspected in patients with a dosis, are rare but important causes of cardio-
history of travel to regions where the disease is myopathy. Giant-cell myocarditis, an acute disorder
endemic or of a tick bite, particularly if they also with a high risk of death or need for cardiac
have atrioventricular conduction abnormalities.30 transplantation, is considered to be primarily auto-
In areas of rural Central and South America, immune in nature because of its association with
Trypanosoma cruzi infection can present as acute a variety of autoimmune disorders,40 thymoma,41
myocarditis or chronic cardiomyopathy, sometimes and drug hypersensitivity.42 Giant-cell myocardi-
with right bundle-branch block or left anterior tis is sometimes distinguished from the much
fascicular block.31 In this disorder, echocardiog- more common postviral myocarditis by the pres-
raphy or contrast ventriculography may reveal a ence of ventricular tachycardia, heart block, and
left ventricular apical aneurysm, regional wall- a downhill clinical course, despite optimal clin-
motion abnormalities, or diffuse cardiomyopathy. ical care. Patients who present with apparently
Regional wall-motion abnormalities or perfusion chronic dilated cardiomyopathy yet with new ven-
defects that are not in the distribution of a coro- tricular arrhythmias or second-degree or third-
nary artery may also be seen in noninfectious degree heart block or who do not have a response
disorders, such as cardiac sarcoidosis and arrhyth­ to optimal care are more likely to have cardiac
mogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy or dys- sarcoidosis, a granulomatous myocarditis.21
plasia. Myocarditis may occur concomitantly with
Myocarditis is the most common cardiac path- other cardiomyopathies and may have an adverse
ological finding at autopsy of patients infected effect on the clinical course of the other condi-
with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), tion. For example, the prognosis in cardiac amy-
with a prevalence of 50% or more. Cardiomyopa- loidosis is much worse if histologic evidence of
thy in patients with HIV infection may be caused myocarditis is present.43 Myocarditis has been
by an inhibition of cardiac contractility by HIV associated with clinical deterioration in hyper-
type 1 glycoprotein 120, coinfections, or antiviral trophic cardiomyopathy, and in such cases, evi-
medications.32 dence of a persistent viral genome may be identi-
Drug-induced hypersensitivity reactions and fied in the myocardium.44 A high percentage of

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

patients with arrhythmogenic right ventricular

Figure 2 (facing page). Pathogenesis of Myocarditis.
cardiomyopathy or dysplasia have associated myo-
The current understanding of the cellular and molecu-
carditis; some of these cases are associated with lar pathogenesis of postviral and autoimmune myo-
a viral infection,45-47 the prognostic value of which carditis is based solely on animal models. In these
is not known. Recently, there was a report that models, the progression from acute injury to chronic
active coxsackievirus B infection was present in dilated cardiomyopathy may be simplified into a three-
stage process. Acute injury leads to cardiac damage,
up to 40% of patients who died of acute myocar-
exposure of intracellular antigens such as cardiac myo-
dial infarction; involved cardiomyocytes showed sin, and activation of the innate immune system. Over
evidence of cytoskeletal disruption in these pa- weeks, specific immunity that is mediated by T lym-
tients.48 phocytes and antibodies directed against pathogens
and similar endogenous heart epitopes cause robust
inflammation. In most patients, the pathogen is cleared
Patho gene t ic Fe at ur e s and the immune reaction is down-regulated with few
sequelae. However, in other patients, the virus is not
Most information about the molecular pathogen- cleared and causes persistent myocyte damage, and
esis of viral and autoimmune myocarditis comes heart-specific inflammation may persist because of
from rodent models and isolated cell systems, mistaken recognition of endogenous heart antigens as
pathogenic entities. APC denotes antigen-presenting cell.
rather than from studies of human tissue.49 In
these models, viruses appear to enter cardiac
myocytes or macrophages through specific recep- an innate immune response, is associated with
tors and coreceptors. For example, the receptor the development of cardiomyopathy.63 Thus, the
for coxsackievirus B and adenoviruses 2 and 5 is nature of the innate immune response can deter-
the human Coxsackie adenovirus receptor.50,51 A mine the subsequently acquired T-cell and B-cell
coreceptor that plays a role in viral entrance for responses. It is not known whether an autoreac-
serotypes B1, B2, and B5 is the coxsackievirus B tive immune response will lead to viral clearance
coreceptor decay-accelerating factor; it appears and normal heart function or ultimately progress
that differential binding to this coreceptor influ- to a chronic immune-mediated cardiomyopathy
ences viral virulence.52 The virulence of coxsackie­ in individual patients.
virus B is also modified by variations in its viral CD4+ T lymphocytes are key mediators of
genome53 as well as in host factors, such as sele- cardiac damage in experimental autoimmune
nium deficiency54 and mercury exposure.55,56 A myocarditis.64,65 For example, circulating T cells
better understanding of the genetic and environ- that have a low avidity for self antigens are nor-
mental determinants of virulence is needed to un- mally harmless but can cause immune-mediated
derstand why the great majority of infections with heart disease if stimulated with large amounts
“cardiotropic” viruses, including enter­ovirus, ad- of self antigens.66 T-cell responses that are associ-
enovirus, and parvovirus B19, do not cause car- ated with the production of both Th1 and Th2
diomyopathy.22,57,58 cytokines have been implicated in the pathogen-
The innate immune response is essential for esis of myocarditis after viral infection.67 Recently,
host defense early during an infection (Fig. 2). a third T helper subgroup, Th17 cells, which
Viruses, streptococcal M protein, and certain host produce interleukin-17,68 have been implicated in
proteins can trigger an innate immune response myocarditis as well.69 Both CD4+ and CD8+ T
through several mechanisms, which involve toll- cells are important in a murine model of cox-
like receptors and pattern-recognition receptors in sackievirus B myocarditis.70 The prominent role
patients with tissue injury.59 The development of of T lymphocytes in multiple models of experi-
myocarditis requires MyD88, a key protein in den­ mental myocarditis supports the rationale for the
dritic-cell toll-like receptor signaling.60 Coxsackie­ use of anti–T-cell therapy in severe human car-
virus B infection up-regulates toll-like receptor diomyopathy with prominent autoimmune fea-
4 on macrophages, stimulates the maturation of tures.71
antigen-presenting cells, leads to proinflamma- Circulating CD4+ T cells are generally under
tory cytokine release,61 and decreases regulatory the control of at least one subgroup of regula-
T-cell function.62 The production of increased tory T cells (T reg).72 Ono and colleagues73 dem-
levels of type 1 helper T (Th1) and type 2 helper T onstrated that one subgroup of regulatory T cells
(Th2) cytokines, which occurs 6 to 12 hours into that express CD4, transcription factor forkhead

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

box p3 (FOXP3), and that have a high level of the Di agnosis

corticosteroid-induced tumor necrosis factor re-
ceptor influence the course of autoimmune myo- Biomarkers of cardiac injury are elevated in a mi-
carditis. CD4+CD25+FOXp3+ T cells are also im- nority of patients with acute myocarditis but may
portant negative regulators of inflammation in help confirm the diagnosis. Troponin I has high
coxsackievirus B myocarditis.74 Regulatory T-cell specificity (89%) but limited sensitivity (34%) in
subgroups have not yet been studied in human the diagnosis of myocarditis.85 Clinical and ex-
myocarditis. perimental data suggest that increased levels of
Autoantibodies to a variety of cardiac antigens cardiac troponin I are more common than in-
are common in suspected or histologically con- creased levels of creatine kinase MB in acute
firmed lymphocytic myocarditis and dilated car­ myocarditis.86 A few serologic and imaging bio-
diomyopathy.75,76 Streptococcal M protein and markers have been associated with poor clinical
coxsackievirus B share epitopes with cardiac my- outcome. For example, relatively high serum lev-
osin, an intracellular antigen, and cross-reactive els of Fas ligand and interleukin-10 may predict
antibodies may result in the production of auto­ an increased risk of death,87,88 although these as-
antibodies because of this antigenic mimicry.77 says are not widely available.
After viral clearance, cardiac myosin may provide In acute myocarditis, the electrocardiogram
an endogenous source of antigen in chronic may show sinus tachycardia with nonspecific ST-
myocarditis and stimulate chronic inflammation segment and T-wave abnormalities. Occasionally,
through autoimmune mechanisms. A series of the changes on electrocardiography are sugges-
studies during the past decade or so have de- tive of an acute myocardial infarction and may
scribed cross-reactivity between cardiac myosin include ST-segment elevation, ST-segment depres-
and the endogenous human cell-surface protein sion, and pathologic Q waves. Pericarditis not
laminin, suggesting that laminin could serve as infrequently accompanies myocarditis clinically
an ongoing stimulus in chronic myocarditis.78,79 and is often manifested in pericarditis-like chang-
Recently, antibodies to cardiac myosin that cross- es seen on electrocardiography. The sensitivity
react with the β1-adrenergic receptor have been of the electrocardiogram for myocarditis is low
described,77 and these antibodies may contribute (47%).89 The presence of Q waves or left bundle-
to cardiomyocyte apoptosis.80 However, distin- branch block is associated with higher rates of
guishing antibody autoreactivity, which occurs death or cardiac transplantation.18,90
commonly in the course of normal immune reac- Echocardiography is useful primarily to rule
tions, from autoimmune disease, in which anti- out other causes of heart failure, since there are
cardiac antibodies contribute to ongoing cardio- no specific features of acute myocarditis. Echocar-
myopathy, is a challenge for investigators. diographic patterns of dilated, hypertrophic, re-
Myocardial damage during enterovirus infec- strictive, and ischemic cardiomyopathies have
tion may also occur independently of immune been described in histologically proven myocardi-
reactions. For example, protein products of the tis. Segmental or global wall-motion abnormali-
enteroviral genome, including viral protease 2A, ties in myocarditis can simulate myocardial in-
can cleave host proteins, including dystrophin, farction.91 In the Myocarditis Treatment Trial,
which may lead to cardiomyopathy.81 This induc- increased sphericity and left ventricular volume
tion of dystrophin deficiency augments the car- occurred in acute, active myocarditis.92 Fulminant
diomyopathy that accompanies the enterovirus.82 myocarditis may be distinguished from acute
Data from experimental models indicate that cox­ myocarditis by a smaller left ventricular cavity
sackievirus B may persist in the myocardium size and increased wall thickness.93 The loss of
with a partially deleted genome, leading to a low- right ventricular function was the most powerful
grade, noncytolytic, chronic infection in the heart.83 predictor of death or the need for cardiac trans-
Such observations, if replicated in human pa- plantation in a series of 23 patients with biopsy-
tients with dilated cardiomyopathy, might help confirmed myocarditis.94
to explain how enterovirus infection can cause Cardiac MRI is being used with increasing
chronic dilated cardiomyopathy in the absence frequency as a diagnostic test in suspected acute
of myocarditis.84 myocarditis95,96 and may be used to localize sites

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Medical Progress



Figure 3. Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of the Heart of a 24-Year-Old Man with Acute
Cardiac MRI is being increasingly used to evaluate suspected acute myocarditis and to localize sites for endomyo-
cardial biopsy, with additional detail ICM
with delayed gadolinium enhancement
Cooper RETAKE (Panel
1st A, arrows), in a four-
chamber view (Panel B, arrows), andREG in TF2 -weighted 2nd D, arrows). Scans provided
three-chamber views (Panels C and
courtesy of Dr. Jeannette Schultz-Menger.
EMail Line 4-C
for endomyocardial biopsy (Fig.FILL
3). In a study by The role
Combo of33p9
endomyocardial biopsy in the
Mahrholdt et al., histopathological evaluation of PLEASE
AUTHOR, evaluation
NOTE: of cardiovascular disease was recently
Figure has been redrawn and type has been reset.
biopsy specimens directed by contrast cardiac addressed in a scientific statement by the Ameri-
Please check carefully.
MRI with delayed enhancement demonstrated can Heart Association in concert with the Amer-
active myocarditis in 19 of 21 patients,
JOB: 36015although ican College of Cardiology and the European
ISSUE: 4-9-09
such evaluation without delayed enhancement Society of Cardiology.9 Two scenarios, which de-
showed active myocarditis in only 1 of 7 patients.7 scribed the most common presentations of ful-
A combination of T1-weighted and T2-weighted minant myocarditis and giant-cell myocarditis,
images had the best combination of sensitivity received a class I recommendation. Endomyocar-
and specificity.97 dial biopsy should be performed in patients with

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

unexplained, new-onset heart failure of less than with myocarditis in which increased death rates
2 weeks’ duration in association with a normal- were associated with sustained exercise.105 The
size or dilated left ventricle and hemodynamic reintroduction of aerobic activities somewhat de-
compromise, for suspected fulminant myocardi- pends on the severity of left ventricular dysfunc-
tis. Endomyocardial biopsy should also be per- tion and the extent of recovery.106 The use of
formed in patients with unexplained, new-onset candesartan improved survival in a murine model
heart failure of 2 weeks’ to 3 months’ duration of viral myocarditis (60%, vs. 18% with no can-
in association with a dilated left ventricle and desartan treatment).107 The use of carteolol, a
new ventricular arrhythmias or Mobitz type II or nonselective beta-blocker, improved histopatho-
second-degree or third-degree heart block and logical results and reduced wall thickness in cox-
in patients who do not have a response to usual sackievirus B myocarditis.108 The use of non-
care within 1 to 2 weeks, for suspected giant-cell steroidal antiinflammatory drugs was associated
myocarditis. The role of endomyocardial biopsy with increased mortality.109-111 Taken together,
in patients who do not present with these clini- these data support the application of the current
cal scenarios has not been as well established. heart-failure guidelines to patients with heart
Patients with an indication for endomyocardial failure from myocarditis.
biopsy who present to a medical center where In patients with acute myocarditis, therapy for
the relevant expertise is unavailable should gen- arrhythmias is also supportive, since such ar-
erally be sent to a medical center with biopsy rhythmias usually resolve after the acute phase
capability. of the disease, which can last several weeks. The
2006 guidelines of the American Heart Associa-
T r e atmen t tion, the American College of Cardiology, and the
European Society of Cardiology recommend that
Patients who present with myocarditis with acute arrhythmias be managed conventionally in pa-
dilated cardiomyopathy should be treated accord- tients with myocarditis.112 However, in acute
ing to the current guidelines of the American myocarditis, temporary pacemakers may be re-
Heart Association, the American College of Car- quired for patients with symptomatic bradycar-
diology, the European Society of Cardiology, and dia or complete heart block. Patients with symp-
the Heart Failure Society of America.98-100 The tomatic or sustained ventricular arrhythmias may
mainstay of therapy for acute myocarditis is sup- need amiodarone and possibly an implantable
portive therapy for left ventricular dysfunction. cardioverter–defibrillator, even if active inflam-
Most patients will improve with a standard heart- mation is still present. The prognostic impor-
failure regimen that includes the administration tance and treatment of nonsustained ventricular
of angiotensin-converting–enzyme inhibitors or arrhythmias in acute myocarditis have not been
angiotensin-receptor blockers, beta-blockers such systematically evaluated.
as metoprolol and carvedilol, and diuretics, if The finding of viral genomes on endomyocar-
needed. In patients whose condition deteriorates dial biopsy has been used to guide treatment in
despite optimal medical management, case series acute and chronic cardiomyopathy. In some but
suggest a role for mechanical circulatory sup- not all studies, the presence of viral genomes was
port, such as ventricular assist devices or extra- associated with subsequent worsening of heart
corporeal membrane oxygenation, as a bridge to function, the need for cardiac transplantation,
transplantation or recovery.101-103 The overall rate and death.6,113 Data regarding the use of antivi-
of survival after cardiac transplantation for myo- ral agents are currently limited to animal models
carditis is similar to that for other causes of car- and small case series. In murine viral myocardi-
diac failure.104 tis, antiviral therapy with ribavirin and inter-
Since no clinical trials of therapy for heart feron alfa reduced the severity of myocardial le-
failure have been conducted specifically in pa- sions and mortality.114,115 Antiviral therapy has
tients with myocarditis, the only relevant studies been used in only one case series of fulminant
describe animal models. Patients recovering from myocarditis.116 Because most patients with acute
acute myocarditis should refrain from aerobic myocarditis are diagnosed weeks after viral infec-
activity for a period of months after the clinical tion, it is unlikely that antiviral therapy would
onset of the disease, based on studies in rodents be provided early enough to be of benefit in

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acute viral myocarditis. In contrast, interferon and corticosteroids.40 There may be a broader role
beta has been used successfully in patients with for immunosuppression in patients with chronic,
viral persistence in chronic, stable dilated cardio- moderate-to-severe cardiomyopathy, whose con-
myopathy.117 Viral clearance was achieved in all dition is unlikely to improve further after optimal
patients after antiviral treatment, with a signifi- care has been given for 6 to 12 months. In one
cant increase in left ventricular function in the trial involving 84 patients with chronic dilated
treatment group. Successful antiviral therapy or cardiomyopathy and human leukocyte antigen
vaccines would need to be tailored to current expression on cardiomyocytes, the use of azathio-
viruses, since viruses that have been detected in prine and prednisone was associated with im-
the heart have changed from enterovirus in the provement in cardiac function and in New York
1980s to adenovirus in the 1990s and now to Heart Association functional class.123 Other ap-
parvovirus B19 and human herpesvirus 6 — and proaches to modify immune activation that are
because coinfections are common.113,118 under investigation in this population include im-
Antiviral and immunomodulatory effects that munoadsorption and immunomodulation.124,125
have been shown in experimental models and
uncontrolled case series suggest that intravenous Sum m a r y a nd F u t ur e Dir ec t ions
immune globulin (IVIG) might have a therapeu-
tic use in myocarditis. However, in the Interven- This review discusses an approach to suspected
tion in Myocarditis and Acute Cardiomyopathy myocarditis according to the likelihood of find-
trial, patients with acute dilated cardiomyopathy ing a treatable disorder. A major issue for the
who were treated with IVIG did no better than future is whether the diagnosis of myocarditis
those given placebo.119 Therefore, the routine use will continue to require histologic confirmation.
of IVIG for acute myocarditis in adults is not rec- Cardiac MRI is a promising tool but requires ad-
ommended. IVIG has not been evaluated rigor- ditional validation for noninvasive diagnosis and
ously for the treatment of chronic dilated cardio- prognosis in acute and chronic myocarditis. On
myopathy with inflammation or viral persistence. the horizon, analysis of messenger RNA and pro-
IVIG may have a role in the treatment of acute tein markers from peripheral-blood components
pediatric myocarditis.20,120 may be able to detect a clinically meaningful in-
Results from several randomized, controlled flammatory signal in high-risk populations with-
trials of immunosuppression for acute myocardi- out the risk of endomyocardial biopsy.126 Treatment
tis were negative or only marginally positive.16,121 of subpopulations of chronic viral-associated and
These studies suggest that immunosuppression nonviral myocarditis with biopsy-guided therapy
is not beneficial in the routine treatment of acute is an area of active investigation. Our understand-
lymphocytic myocarditis. Future trials involving ing of the immunologic regulation of viral car-
patients with acute myocarditis are probably not diac infection is derived primarily from research
feasible since the disease affects so few patients, in animal models. The insights from these mod-
has a highly variable clinical prognosis, and is els may be explored in human studies in the next
associated with substantial improvement in left decade to develop new diagnostic tests and pos-
ventricular function with usual care.122 Unlike sibly pathway-specific treatments.
lymphocytic myocarditis, transplant-free survival Dr. Cooper reports receiving consulting fees from Acambis,
Asahi Kasei Kuraray Medical, and Crucell and serving as a board
in patients with giant-cell myocarditis may be member and president of the Myocarditis Foundation. No other
prolonged with a combination of cyclosporine potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.

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