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Circulation: Heart Failure


Coupling Right Ventricular–Pulmonary

Arterial Research to the Pulmonary
Hypertension Patient Bedside

See Article by Tello et al Steven Hsu, MD

ver the last decade, there has been increasing appreciation for the im-
portance of right ventricular (RV) coupling to the pulmonary arterial (PA)
circulation. This relationship, so-called RV-PA coupling, is an application of
the left-sided ventriculo-arterial coupling first described in the 1980s.1 Whether it
refers to the left or right, coupling describes the energy transfer between ventricu-
lar contractility and arterial afterload. Ventricular contractility is well characterized
by end-systolic elastance (Ees), a load-independent measure of systolic function.
Arterial afterload, on the other hand, can be thought of in terms of net vascular
stiffness. Sunagawa et al1,2 created a term in 1983 called effective arterial elastance
(Ea), which encapsulates net stiffness by combining mean and pulsatile loading to
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yield a lumped parameter that reflects the load imposed upon the ventricle. An
important breakthrough came in 1992 when Kelly et al3 found in humans that
end-systolic pressure divided by stroke volume accurately represented Ea across a
wide afterload range. Because Ea is conveniently measured using the same units as
Ees, this allows the ratio of Ees to Ea to become a unit-less value that encapsulates
ventriculo-arterial coupling. The ideal Ees/Ea ratio is estimated to be 1.0 to 2.0.2
This ratio is seen in the healthy RV-PA unit and remains preserved even in the early
phases of pulmonary hypertension (PH) because compensatory RV hypertrophy
leads to an increase in RV Ees that matches increasing Ea. It is only with progressive
RV decompensation that RV Ees begins to fall, Ees/Ea declines, and the RV-PA unit
becomes uncoupled.4
RV-PA coupling is often talked about in academic circles and carefully measured
in animal and human experimental studies of PH. Coupling can describe RV com-
pensation not only in group I PH but also in PH secondary to a range of left-sided
cardiac conditions. Its importance has risen alongside increasing recognition of the
pivotal role that the RV plays in many cardiopulmonary conditions. But when was
the last time any of us talked to a patient or clinical colleague about coupling?
“Great news, your coupling ratio is 1.5!” Despite its common use in the literature
and its ability to describe the full range of RV-PA performance, there is a surprising
lack of correlation between coupling, as measured by Ees/Ea, and more clinically
The opinions expressed in this article are
utilized parameters of RV dysfunction, such as RV dilation or RV ejection fraction not necessarily those of the editors or
(RVEF). This leads to an unfortunate disconnect between the research and clinical of the American Heart Association.
applications of RV-PA coupling. Key Words: Editorials ◼ energy
In this issue of Circulation: Heart Failure, Tello et al5 lay out a much-needed blue- transfer ◼ pulmonary hypertension
◼ stroke volume ◼ vascular stiffness
print that relates RV-PA coupling to more clinically accessible measures of RV per-
formance in PH. In their study, they prospectively obtain pressure-volume loop mea- © 2019 American Heart Association, Inc.
surements alongside right heart catheterization and cardiac magnetic resonance
imaging in 42 human patients with PH. In this cohort, the PH patients with more circheartfailure

Circ Heart Fail. 2019;12:e005715. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCHEARTFAILURE.118.005715 January 2019 1

Hsu; Coupling Pulmonary Hypertension Research to the Bedside

severe disease demonstrated predictable increase in RV pressure of isovolumic contraction (Pisovol) and combines
mass and end-diastolic volume , decrease in RVEF, as well that with the end-systolic pressure point to calculate
as worsening PA stiffness, capacitance, and distensibility. Ees. It should be noted that although RV Pisovol has been
Ees/Ea showed progressive decline alongside worsening validated in animal models, it has not been validated in
RV end-diastolic volume, mass, and RVEF. By mapping humans with severe PH,4 and a recent study failed to
out Ees/Ea across tertiles of each parameter, the authors show correlation between single-beat and multi-beat
show that Ees/Ea maintains a ratio of 0.89:1.09 in PH measures of Ees in a human cohort with and without
patients with compensated RVs (best tertile), drifts to PH.11 That said, both methodologies, on the whole,
0.58:0.70 in early RV decompensation (middle tertile), capture the same overall relationship of RV contractil-
and falls to 0.56:0.61 in the most decompensated ter- ity to PA afterload, and Ea is measured the same either
tile. Little is known about the clinical relevance of Ees/ way. Also, the current study may help to bolster the
Ea, and so by using receiver operator curve analysis, the validity of single-beat Ees/Ea by relating it to well-estab-
authors show that an Ees/Ea of <0.805 best predicted lished metrics of RV decompensation.
a cardiac magnetic resonance RVEF of <35%, the latter Now that we have a blueprint with which to under-
being an established indicator of RV decompensation in stand the clinical implications of Ees/Ea, where do we
PH. Last, they show that RV stroke volume divided by go from here? More work needs to be done to link Ees/
end-systolic volume, a measure readily attainable from Ea to the bedside. Despite its common use in research,
cardiac magnetic resonance, is at least as good at pre- Ees/Ea has never been shown to predict outcomes in
dicting RVEF <35% as Ees/Ea, if not better. PH patients. Does Ees/Ea even predict clinical events? It
Using pressure-volume loops, the authors also cal- would be a much more relevant parameter if so. Also,
culate single-beat end-diastolic elastance (Eed), a co- the current study shows that readily available clinical
efficient of diastolic stiffness attainable from RV pres- metrics of RV performance serve as an adequate surro-
sure-volume data. Eed indexes RV diastolic dysfunction, gate for reduced Ees/Ea. But is there perhaps a role for
increases with diastolic stiffness, and has been shown Ees/Ea in identifying early uncoupling in PH patients?
to be predictive of outcomes in PH.6,7 The authors show Ees does remain a very sensitive measure of RV systolic
that Eed increases alongside worsening RV mass, vol- function and captures declining RV contractility well
ume, and ejection fraction, as well as worsening T1 before right heart catheterization or cardiac magnetic
mapping of RV fibrosis. Interestingly, Eed trends up- resonance can detect.12,13 RV dilation, stroke volume/
ward just as RV mass and end-diastolic volume increase
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end-systolic volume, and reduced RVEF all capture the

and Ees/Ea declines, illustrating just how tightly inter- uncoupled RV, and so perhaps Ees/Ea can be better put
woven coupling, mass, dilation, and diastolic dysfunc- to use in capturing earlier RV disease. Now that we are
tion are in PH.5 guided by Tello et al5 with a more robust clinical frame-
RV Ees/Ea has been widely used in research; its clin- work for RV-PA coupling, future studies in the field will
ical validity has generally been assumed. The current hopefully provide more context and utility to the bed-
study thus does an important job of validating Ees/ side application of Ees/Ea.
Ea, and even Eed, against multiple established clini-
cal benchmarks of RV decompensation. Second, the
authors verify that Ees/Ea maintains coupling at ≈1.0 in ARTICLE INFORMATION
early PH and show us that Ees/Ea has to fall below 0.8 Guest Editor for this article was Ryan J. Tedford, MD.
before we see RV dilation and overt worsening of RV
systolic function. These values help us to understand Correspondence
the range of Ees/Ea in the context of known clinical Steven Hsu, MD, Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, Johns Hop-
markers of RV decompensation. Tello et al5 thus pro- kins University School of Medicine, 600 N Wolfe St, Carnegie 591A, Baltimore,
vide a much-needed link between the growing body of MD 21205. Email

RV-PA coupling research to the bedside assessment of

RV function in PH. One fly in the ointment, however, Affiliation
is the single-beat method by which Ees/Ea was deter- Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University
School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD.
mined. Ees is traditionally measured by altering RV pre-
load, obtaining a family of pressure-volume loops, and
measuring the slope of multiple end-systolic pressure
points. This is known as the multi-beat method. The
single-beat method determines Ees without need for
filling changes to the RV. It was originally proposed by REFERENCES
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