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1. Meaning

 The rules are the set of instruction  Regulations are the rules which are
which tells us the way things are to be authorised by the legislation.

2. Nature  Rigid

 Flexible

3. Made as per
 Act
 Conditions and Circumstances

4. Set By
 Government
 Individual and Organisation

The rules should be followed by the public as they are made for the welfare of them. Rules tell
us what to do and what not to do. It can be set up for home, hospital, institution, college, office,
school, etc.

Regulations are made after taking into consideration the whole public at large, and so they
must be followed by them. Violation of any regulation may cause severe penalty or punishment
or both. In the parliament, when both the houses pass a bill it becomes an Act, and on the basis
of the Act, regulations come into force.

In short, both are rules and regulations are like siblings in which one is elder, and the other is
younger. Rules are mainly used to restrict any individual from doing anything while the
regulations are used to control people from doing anything not permissible by law. People can
set rules in general as per their need while the regulations can be set only by the government.
The major difference in them is that regulations have a wider scope than rules, and that is why
the consequence of breaking any regulation is much severe as compared to the breaking of

Office Timings

The Firm encourages a five-day work week for its professional employers with week-ends off.
However, the office is open on Saturdays and you may attend work if you feel the need to
and/or when required to by your Reporting Manager. Articled trainees would be required to
work as per the ICAI rules and regulations.

Working hours
The normal working hours from Monday to Friday are 09:30 a.m. to 05:30 p.m. with half hour
lunch break (see 1.13 below).

Lunch Break
The official Lunch Break is between 1.: 00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. Lunch break is taken during the
specified time. In are circumstances when you need to break for lunch at a different time, you
may do so in a considerate manner such that visitors to the office and/or your colleagues are
not inconvenienced in any way.

Professional staff working at client locations will need to observe the clients working hours and
lunch break.

All employees working outside the firm’s offices must inform their Reporting Manager of their
work location(s) and contact telephone numbers in advance. Any change in work location
and/or contact numbers, must also be communicated in advance by you to your Reporting
Manager and to the Receptionist of your reporting office. Reporting Managers will provide
contact details (in writing) of their team members, on a weekly basis, to the Receptionist of the
reporting office.

Time Off
Occasionally you may require to take some time off during the course of the working day or you
may wish to leave a little early. Whenever you feel the need to do so, please obtain prior
permission of your Partner/Reporting Manager.

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