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Report Writing

Research Report

The Benefits of Extensive Reading

Prepared by:
Dinda Rasvita Putri

Assignment of Report Writing Studies

Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto

Shelia Anjarani

20th June 2020

Tables Of Content
1. Introduction
2. Findings
● Theory of Extensive Reading
● Benefits of Extensive Reading
3. Conclusion
4. Recommendation
5. Reference List
1. Introduction

​Reading is one way to gain knowledge through textual sources such as books,
magazines, articles, or newspapers. By reading, a person can relax, interact with
feelings and thoughts, obtain information, and improve his knowledge. In reading
there are two methods that can be used to understand it, there are Intensive Reading
and Extensive Reading. Intensive Reading usually helps students for reading detailed
information. While in Extensive Reading, students read with enjoyment.

According to Carrell and Carson (1997) "Extensive reading... generally involves the
rapid reading of large quantities of material or longer readings (e.g. whole books) for
general understanding, with the focus generally on the meaning of what is being read
than on the language". (p. 49-50) Therefore Extensive Reading is a reading method
that is not focused on testing or learning vocabulary, grammar, and phrases.
According to Davis (1995), "Extensive reading program is a supplementary class
library scheme, attached to an English course, in which pupils are given the time,
encouragement, and materials to read pleasurably, at their own level, as many books
as they can, without the pressures of testing or marks". (p. 329) So, Extensive
Reading is a method of actually reading to the level of each student, Extensive
Reading becomes fun because they can choose to read what they like and on the other
hand read for general information and understanding with pleasure.
The purpose of this reading activity research report is to help reading skills through
the Extensive Reading method which focuses on reading to get general information or
understanding with pleasure.
2. Findings
1. Theory of Extensive Reading
The main theory behind extensive reading outlined to Krashen’s (2011)
apperception hypothesis. When we accept what we hear or what we read from a
message and then receive it "comprehensible input" we can develop language and
literacy (Krashen, 2011, p. 81). When a student reads a lot of reading material that is
easy for them to understand, they will become skilled readers. As their linguistic base
develops it will be easier to understand texts effectively, reading will become
smoother and general knowledge will be further enhanced. Not only that usually
reading will add skills in vocabulary or grammar.
The indication for the Compelling Input Hypothesis are the numerous cases of
unexpected improvement in the language without conscious effort, but merely by
being very interested in reading, or watching films and television programs (Krashen
et al., 2018).
2. Benefits of Extensive Reading
The great benefits associated with Extensive Reading, when students read
extensively over a period of time, their reading fluency improves, and their ability to
comprehend texts also increases. Discussed below are benefits students can get from
ER (Renandya, Hu & Yu, in press; Renandya & Jacobs, forthcoming; Renandya &
Jacobs, 2002).
● ER helps learners to read at a faster rate (Day & Bamford, 1998). In reading
speed reading is important. When reading too slowly it will be more difficult
to understand the meaning in the text. ER helps expand vocabulary so that it
helps understand text with sufficient speed.
● Students who do ER develop a better ‘feel’ of the grammar of the target
language. With ER we can understand grammar better than before because of
previous reading habits we don't even use in conversation.
● ER can increase and deepen students’ vocabulary knowledge. When reading
we can meet with new vocabulary and new sentence patterns, with this we can
develop our sentence patterns
● Gain confidence and motivation, because they read according to their abilities
or according to their level. Students will be more confident and easier to
understand a text can be more motivating for students and reading becomes
● Learners will have a positive attitude toward reading. Students who read in
quantity and enjoy what they read often report having more positive attitudes
towards reading and becoming more eager to go beyond their comfort zone
and explore a wider variety of texts, including more challenging texts.

3. Conclusion
The purpose of this paper is to outline more clearly the benefits of extensive
reading. ​Day & Bamford (1998) highlight the benefits that have been gained by the
undertaking of extensive reading programs. These include gains in reading and
writing proficiency, oral skills and vocabulary, an increase in motivation, and positive
There are so many benefits from extensive reading. Not only to develop students'
reading skills. The Extensive Reading program is expected to provide reading habits
with pleasure. Reading habits will be attached to students if they know that reading
activities for themselves. I think this is the most important point in the method of
reading Extensive Reading.

​4. Recommendation
Based on this research information, that Extensive Reading provides many benefits
for students because with this method students will not feel pressured or forced to
read something. Researchers try to provide some suggestions or recommendations as
● To the school, giving students a lot of access to reading books, such as providing
good and comfortable library facilities.
● To the teacher to maintain the enthusiasm and interest of students in reading both
through learning in the classroom and outside the classroom.
● Then the parents of students always give encouragement to students to always read
and become a good habit.
5. Reference List
Renandya, A. W. (2017). ​The Power of Extensive Reading​. ​RELC Journal​. Vol 38.
Number 2. 133-149.

Ng, Renandya, & Chong. (2019). ​Extensive Reading: Theory, Research, and
Implementation.​ ​TEFLIN Journal.​ Vol 30. Number 2. 171-186.

Renandya, A. W. (2017). ​Should You be Teaching Reading Intensively or

Extensively?. ​ F
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