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The relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction (ER Reidenbach,
Sandifer-Smallwood, B., "Exploring the perception of hospital operations with a revised
SERVQUAL approach." , "in Marketing and Management Progress) is the first academic to
show that service quality is an antecedent of customer satisfaction. Moreover, also argues that
customer satisfaction is a result of service quality. This study found that service quality can
be classified under four factors, namely efficiency, assurance, certainty, and reliability.Other
studies on the mobile services industry in China have shown that the dimensions of service
quality such as barriers, reliability, assurance, and network quality are positively and
significantly related to customer satisfaction. (RWE WAL, Van der, Pampalis , A. and Bond,
C.) have made to concludes that SERVQUAL is a reliable instrument ent to measure the
quality of service in the telecommunications industry in Malaysia. Their research shows that
uniformity, reliability, responsiveness, certainty, and empathy have a positive impact on
service quality. (A. Seth, Momaya, K. and Gupta, H.M.) have incorporated two other
dimensions, namely the convenience and quality of customer-perceived networks into the
original service quality dimensions of SERVQUAL. Their study shows that all dimensions of
service quality are significantly correlated with overall service quality in the mobile services
sector in India. In another study, four new dimensions of service quality have been added,
namely customer-perceived network quality, price structure, facilities, and value-added
service to the original SERVQUAL scale. Their research shows that all dimensions of service
quality have a positive effect on affecting customer loyalty in the Malaysian mobile service
industry. According to (E. a. J. L. B.-P. Sivadass), quality of service from a customer
perspective is a key predictor of customer satisfaction. Instead, it states that customer
satisfaction is influenced by service quality, product quality, and price. They conclude that
overall customer satisfaction with transactions is a function of evaluating service quality,
product quality, and price. Further, (J. A. M. a. K. Duffy, A.A) also agrees that customer
satisfaction is influenced by service quality. Therefore, one way to increase customers is to
improve the quality offered. Based on the 'American Customer Satisfaction Index' (ASCI)
overall customer satisfaction is influenced by perceived quality, perceived value, and
customer expectations. The study also found that service providers' perceptions of customer
satisfaction functioned as a function of the quality of services felt as they conducted research
in the Greek banking sector. Other studies have also concluded that there is a positive
relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction. For example, technical quality
is required to achieve customer satisfaction in low cost services such as car repair, while
functional quality is the customer satisfaction of the driver who is dominant in high contact
services such as healthcare services. Therefore, for low contact services, companies should
invest in equipment, technology, technical expertise, and so on. On the other hand, for high
quality relationship services, companies should invest in developing interpersonal attitudes
and skills in the staff relationship. By doing so, the company should be able to improve the
quality of the services provided and thus achieve customer loyalty.

R. W. E. Wal, Van der, Pampallis, A. and Bond, C.,
"Service Quality in a Cellular Telecommunications
Company: A South African Experience," Managing
Service Quality, vol. 12, pp. 323-35, 2002.

A. Seth, Momaya, K. and Gupta, H.M., "Managing

the Customer Perceived Service Quality for Cellular
Mobile Telephony: An Empirical Investigation,"
Vikalpa vol. 33, pp. 19-34, 2008.

E. a. J. L. B.-P. Sivadass, "An Examination of the

Relationship Between Service Quality, Customer
Satisfaction, and Store Loyalty," International
Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, vol.
28, pp. 73-82, 2000.

J. A. M. a. K. Duffy, A.A., "Examining the role of

service quality in overall service satisfaction,"
Journal of Managerial Issues, vol. 10, pp. 240-55,

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