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Summative 2

In Celebration of National Women's Day last Friday, I watched the virtual talk show
sponsored by the HSC department. I really expect a lot from the first-ever virtual talk show. I
expected some video introduction about the National Women's Day when the virtual talk show
started. But I like the introduction about explaining having an event on National Women’s Day. I
also like the theme and the topic of the virtual talk show because it speaks about the life of an
individual in this new normal system due to Covid-19. But I really like the questions put to the
guest speakers throughout the video. The guest speaker sends us clear messages and answers to
the virtual talk show. In connection with the virtual talk show, I also watch a documentary film
called "Miss Representation." The film discusses how the media influences the role of women in
society. The media puts the opinion that women's views rely on their youth, beauty, and sexuality
rather than their leadership. In the perception of women, the media plays an important role. I think
that we should not consider gender stereotyping. I believe that everyone can be politically fit
regardless of gender. Therefore, people must be considered as who they are and stop gender

After watching the virtual talk show, the guest speakers taught me a lot about how they
managed or faced their problems with Covid-19. I remember one guest speaker's response to the
fact that all women are particularly affected by this pandemic. She also said that in this pandemic
there are three main problems for her. One is budgeting, the second is making plans for their
family, and finally, she stated that most women in the house are responsible for reminding
everyone about the health protocols. I agree with everything the speaker said because I believe that
women play a major role in this pandemic. I think women know how to handle this kind of situation
and how to deal with it because they are the light of the home. Another answer that I remember is
from Sir Verde. He stated that helping his wife with the household chores and other things will
help his wife deals with these covid problems. I also believe that decision-making should be both
father and mother as their decision would lead to a better outcome. The other thing I remember
from Brother Clifford Sorita. He mentioned that women are good at managing crises and play a
key role in these covid-19 situations. I agree with what he said about giving women the opportunity
to decide on these issues. The empowerment of women plays a vital role for me in such
circumstances. I think people should value and give women a chance.

After watching the film "Miss Representation, " I learn that media has played an important
part in our lives. The media is capable of influencing individual beliefs, attitudes, and behavior. In
today’s modern-day, media can be positive from other people by using it to gain new information
but, there is also a negative function of media. One thing is that being media addicted will alter
individual beliefs or change one's views from another. Some things are disturbing and may be
taken in real life by people. Media also affects people's thinking about themselves. Since most
people use social media, things they see in the media change their way of thinking about
themselves and feel less significant. With social media becoming a part of almost everybody's
daily routine, people also need to restrict their time to social media. Sometimes media can be
harmful to people who lead to anxiety and depression. People should always be confident and
focus on the good things. The media often treats women as an object. Sometimes women were
portrayed as sexual objects in the media. This public objectification of women is strongly affected
by advertising in the form of advertisements, newspapers, and posters. I also learned how women
are treated and discriminated against in the media when I watched the documentary. Gender
stereotypes have beliefs on how men and women should act. I believe these stereotypes have no
positive impact because these stereotypes make women inferior to men. I believe that this
stereotype can only be avoided by viewing men and women equal.

The thing I learned from this documentary is that the media are influential in today's world.
The media may influence people's opinions. The media can also be both positive or negative to
people. People who use the internet should always be aware that not everything in the media is
true. The contradiction I see is that the media shows that women are not leaders but dependent on
their beauty and bodies. But I think there are many outstanding leaders of women. I also believe
that some women can properly perform men's jobs. The media believes it will gain the public's
attention and therefore will generate a lot of sales. But I believe that stereotyping groups of people
are not working on business ideas growth and marketing. I believe that raising media awareness
will change the way the media works. Spreading some information may help others to see how the
media actually works.

As I watch the documentary film and the virtual talk show, I realize that making an
advocacy campaign to support gender equality and reduce gender-based violence would contribute
to society. I believe that the best way to begin a campaign is educating people in the community
in the form of narratives, films, and games. The next thing in the campaign is to provide young
people with examples of how they should think about gender and human rights. Point out to young
people that these stereotypes are still present in the media or the real world. Let them know that
being different is all right and promote an acceptance culture.

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