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Andres Emilio Gasca Sanchez 5AING-M

Hitchcock/Sir Alfred(1899-1980). British film director.

A prolific director and master of suspense, his films include:
Thirty – nine steps(1935) Rebecca (1940) and Psycho (1960)
The Birds ( 1963) among others. He used to appear for a
few seconds in his films. Full name: Sir Alfred Hitchock.

Answer the questions, complete the sentences, put the words in the right order or tick
the right answer.


1. When was Hitchcock born? August 13, 1899
2. When did he die? April 29, 1980
3. What honour did he receive from the British Queen? She bestowed upon
him the title of Sir.
4. What was his job? He is a British film director
5. What was he said to be the master of? Surprise
6. Complete the grid with the translation given to his films in your own


VERGO Vertigo
REAR WINDOW La ventana indiscreta
THE 39 STEPS Los 39 escalones
THE MAN WHO KNEW TOO MUCH En manos del Destino
TO CATCH A THIEF Para atrapar al Ladron
THE BIRDS Los Pajaros
PSYCHO Psicosis
A LADY VANISHES La dama desaparece


1. What’s the document? A Terror movie

2. What’s its title? Psicosis
3. Who was its director ? Alfred Hitchcock
4. When was it shot? 1960
5. Which city does the action begin in? a  Dallas b  Phoenix c New
6. When does the story begin? On a ….. a  Wednesday b  Thursday
c  Friday
7. *action* in * the * a * starts* lovers* two* hotel* with *
The action stars whit two lovers in a hotel
8. What’s the man’s name? Sam
9. What’s the woman’s name? Marion

After telling her lover once more that she wants to marry him in spite of all the
problems, the main female character goes back to work.

10. What’s her job? ( where does she work?)

Secretary in a real estate
There’s a deal of $40, 000 over a property.
11. How does the buyer pay that sum of money? a  with a cheque b  cash
c  He’ll pay later.
12. *bank* boss*Marion *her* the * to * the* to * take*money * asks *
Marion boss ask her to take the money to the bank
13. *seen *yet* is* her*things*Marion * later* packing*
Later Marion is seen packing her things yet
14. *to * decided*her*she*the*steal*have*rejoin*must *lover*and* money*
She decide must steal the money and have to rejoin her lover
15. Who does she see while driving out of town? a  her lover b  her boss
c  Hitchcock d  her sister
16. Where does she sleep during the first night?
In her Car
17. Who does she see when she wakes up? A policeman
18. *again*and*the*to*her*here*is*she*car*decides*policeman*exchange*
19. How does everybody think she behaves? a  normally b  strangely
(2 answers) c  as if she was guilty of something
20. What does she imagine or think of while she keeps driving?
What is happening in your city and with your family
21. What are the weather conditions at the beginning of the second night?
22. Where does she decide to stop then?
23.Is the motel full or empty? Empty
24. Why? There were only people when they diverted the road
25. Which cabin is she given? N ° 1
26. Who welcomes her? What’s his name? Norman Bates
27. What does he look like ? ( precise physical description)
Skinny, Falt, good features, short hase, blonde
28. Where does she hide the money? In newspaper
29. What does the man prepare for dinner? Sandwiches and milk
After a few minutes , we hear the man quarrelling with his mother. She doesn’t
want her son to invite a girl in her house, so…
30. Where does he suggest having dinner? In the office
This room is full of birds, so…
31. What’s his hobby? Dissect birds
The two characters start chatting together about their personal lives. Marion
finds it strange for a young man to stay alone with a mother who” isn’t
quite herself today”
32. How does he react? a  he doesn’t care b he gets angry
c  he doesn’t mind
33. What is their situation compared to? a *P*T*A*R* Trap
34. *institution*suggests*her*an * Marion* in *putting*
Marion suggest putting in an institution
35. *back*return*that*to*the*to*at*money*moment*Phoenix*give*decides*and
*she*to* She decides that moment to back to Phoenix to return and give the money
36. Marion goes back to her room , then what does Bates do?
Look through a hole in the room
37. *shower*to*she*decides*a *have*
She dicides to have a shower
38. Then what happens to her? She gets stab whit a knife
The murderer goes back home, we hear Bates realizing what must have happened
because he sees all the -----------------------( a red vital liquid in your body)
39. After that , what object does Bates wrap the body in ? The cuartain
40. What does he do afterwards? Put these actions in the chronological order.
3 He sinks the car in a pond
2 He puts the body in the boot of her car
1 He cleans the bathroom
41. When we see Marion’s lover writing her a letter, who comes into his shop
because she’s worrying about her disappearance? Marion’s sister
42. What’s her name? Lila
43. A private investigator is also after her. What’s his name? Arbogast
44. What will happen if Marion gives the money back? She can return to normal
45. The detective goes everywhere in town and asks if anybody has seen Marion.
Where does he end? At the bates Motel
He looks at the register there and is sure Marion stayed there at least one
46. How does he find Bates’ behaviour? a  normal b  strange
After phoning Lila and Sam (Marion’s sister and lover) about what he has
discovered, he decides to go back to the *T*L*O*E*M ---
He wants to ask Norman’s mother some questions , he goes
straight to the house .
47. What happens to him?
The lady kills him
48. *because*back* and* the*worried* Sam* come* detective*get* Lila*doesn’t
Sam and Lila get worried to the detective because doesn’t back home
49. So, who do they go to see? To the sherieff
50. What does he think the detective has done? Steal the money
Sam and Marion go to town to lead their own inquiry and go to see the sheriff
who is surprised when they mention Bates’ mother because it is known for a
fact that she’s been dead for ten years.
51. Apparently she committed *E*C*I*U*I*S*D* Suicide after the
*T*E*D*A*H* Death of her lover.
52. In the meantime Bates is shown hiding his mother in the Basement
53. Sam and Lila decide to go to the motel and register there as husband and
54. Once there, what do they do? Inspect the Motel
55. What do they find? Evidence that Marion was there
While Lila goes to see the old woman at home ……………………………..
56. *house*he*the*has*to*the* questions*Norman*Sam*realizes*until*gone*
*woman* Sam has questions to Norman until realizesthe woman gone to the house
Norman knocks Sam out and runs to the house while Lila tries to hide in the
staircase leading to the fruit cellar. Before that she had a look in Norman’s and
his mothers’ bedrooms .
57. Yet, what does she discover in the cellar? The skeleton of a woman
59. At that moment , Norman comes with a knife , what’s strange about his
appearance? Wear Granny clothing and wig
Hopefully, Lila is rescued by Sam. Bates is put in the hands of a psychiatrist.
What had happened to him?...... In fact he had developed two personalities, his
and his mothers’. At the end of the film his mother’s personality has taken over
60. Who were his first two victims of murders? Why?
Two Girls, Justifying that his mother would be jealous like him
61. He had stolen his mother’s corpse and treated her body?
Yes and put it in the basement
62*two* was*a*there*battle*personalities*the *always*between* Was there a
tow battle between
He tried to be his mother and at the end of the film HE IS.
63. Whose voice do we hear the last time we see Norman? His Mother
64. Do you find his attitude scary? Why? Yes, because he had a psychotic face
65. What’s the last image of the film ? Her Face smiling
66. And what about the $ 40,000? They sinked with the car

67. What do you think of this film? I think that is a film old but has a good history
and have a good director
68. What you think about the music? Does it play an important part in building
suspense and fear? I think that is a old music but gives to the movie suspense

This was a handmade

gift ( a jigsaw puzzle)

representing Hitchcock’s


Andres Emilio Gasca Sanchez 5AING-M

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