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1) Which poets collaborated on the Lyrical Ballads of 1798, thus demonstrating the

"spirit of the age," which, in an era of revolutionary thinking, depended on a belief in

the limitless possibilities of the poetic imagination?
ANSWER: William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge

2) Which setting could you not imagine a work of Romantic literature employing?
ANSWER: All of the above would be appropriate settings for Romantic
literature. (A field of daffodils, the orient, a graveyard, medieval castle)

3) Which of the following factors contributed to literature becoming a profitable

ANSWER: All of the above (Commercial and public lending libraries were
established in order to provide for an enlarged reading public, Education
reform increased literacy, thus creating a demand for commercial and public
lending libraries, A new aesthetics of valuing literature for its own sake
emphasized reading for pleasure, People had more leisure time to read and
more disposable income to spend on reading materials)

4) The Gothic novel, a popular genre for the Romantics, exemplified in the writing of
Horace Walpole and Ann Radcliffe, could contain which of the following elements?
ANSWER: All of the above (supernatural phenomenon, perversion, and sadism,
often involving a maiden's persecution, plots of mystery and terror set in
inhospitable, sullen landscapes, secret passages, decaying mansions, gloomy
castles, and dark dungeons)

5) In which of the following works is the social outcast represented and addressed?
ANSWER: a) Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley's Frankenstein b) William
Worsworth's Lyrical Ballads c) Samuel Taylor Coleridge's The Rime of the
Ancient Mariner

6) Which of the following were inventions and developments brought about during the
Victorian Era?
ANSWER: trains run by the power of electricity, anesthetics, colonization of one-
fourth of the Earth’s territory.

7) To whom did the Reform Bill of 1832 extend the vote on parliamentary
ANSWER: c) the lower middle classes

8) Elizabeth Barrett's poem The Cry of the Children is concerned with which major issue
attendant on the Time of Troubles during the 1830s and 1840s?
ANSWER: b) child labor

9) What resulted from the repeal of the Corn Laws in 1846?

ANSWER: a) free trade and the reduction of tariff duties on imported grains

10) Which of the following best defines Utilitarianism?

ANSWER: b) moral arithmetic, which states that all humans aim to maximize the
greatest pleasure to the greatest number.

11) Which of the following discoveries, theories, and events contributed to Victorians
feeling less like they were a uniquely special, central species in the universe and more
ANSWER: d) all of the above (geology, evolution, discoveries in astronomy about
stellar distances, Tractarianism

12) Which of the following authors promoted versions of socialism?

ANSWER: e) all but c (William Morris, John Ruskin, Karl Marx)

13) What best describes the subject of most Victorian novels?

ANSWER: e) a and d (the representation of a large and comprehensive social
world in realistic detail, the attempt of a protagonist to define his or her place
in society)

14) What factors contributed to the increased popularity of nonfiction prose in Victorian
ANSWER: d) a and c (the growth of the periodical press, providing a new market
position for nonfiction, a popular belief in the didactic function of the
nonfiction writer)

15) Which of the following were not written by Charles Dickens?

ANSWER: c) Middle March

16) “Charge of the Light Brigade” was a poem written:

ANSWER: a) by Tennyson to commemorate a battle during the Crimean War

17) The most popular magazine of humor and satire in the Victorian era was called:
ANSWER: c) Punch

18) Who described her/his inspiration for a novel in the following words: “I saw - with
shut eyes, but acute mental vision- I saw the pale student of unhallowed arts kneeling
beside the thing he had put together.”
ANSWER: d) Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley

19) A good example of dramatic monologue is:

ANSWER: a) My Last Duchess

20) The Great Exhibition opened in:

ANSWER: c) 1851

21) A good example of Verse novel is:

ANSWER: b) Aurora Leigh
22) Charles Darwin introduced the scientific theory that populations evolve over the
course of generations through a process of natural selection in his work called:
ANSWER: d) The Origin of Species

23) Lord Byron’s apocalyptic vision was titled:

ANSWER: a) Darkness

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