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LearnEnglish Kids
ABC animals

Part 1: Match the words and the animals: Part 2: Read and guess the answers!
1. Aardvarks’ tongues are
a) 5 centimetres long
b) 15 centimetres long
duck-billed platypus c) 45 centimetres long

2. Male giraffes are about

a) 3 metres tall
b) 5.5 metres tall
giraffe c) 7 metres tall

3. Sloths move at
a) 0.16 kilometres an hour
koala bear b) 1.6 kilometres an hour
c) 16 kilometres an hour

4. Male orangutans weigh up to

ring-tailed lemur a) 90 kilos
b) 75 kilos
c) 50 kilos

5. Yaks can live in temperatures of minus

orangutan a) 10 degrees Celsius
b) 25 degrees Celsius
c) 50 degrees Celsius

sloth 6. A baby koala bear is called

d) a cub
e) a joey
f) a koaly

Part 3: Read the puzzles and match the descriptions to 5 of the animals above!
1. I live in South and Central America. 3. I live in Madagascar, an island off Africa.
I hang upside-down in trees. I like sitting in trees in the sun.
I sleep 15 hours a day. I eat fruit, flowers and leaves.
I eat fruit and leaves. I’ve got a black and white stripy tail.
I move very, very slowly! What am I? ______________________
What am I? ______________________
4. I live in the rainforests of Sumatra and Borneo.
I climb trees.
2. I live in Australia. I eat fruit, flowers, leaves and insects.
I swim in lakes and rivers. I’ve got long red hair and very, very long arms.
I lay eggs. What am I? ______________________
I eat insects, worm, shrimps and crabs.
I’ve got feet and a bill like a duck. 5. I live in Tibet, China and India.
What am I? ______________________ I climb high up into the mountains.
I eat grass in summer and snow in winter.
I’ve got long brown hair and long horns.
What am I? ______________________

The British Council/ Spring Gardens 2005

The United Kingdom’s international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.

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