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Name: 29/07/2020

Student’s Number:


1. Write the ordinary English words for the corresponding anatomical terms in the table.

Anatomical Term Common word Anatomical Term Common word

coxa Skull
axilla Cranium
mamma Mandible
patella Vertebral column
cubitus Sternum
abdomen Costa
carpus Clavicle
nates Scapula
tibia Femur
patella tibia

2. Match the conditions (1-8) with the organs affected (a-h), using your medical knowledge.

1. Hepatitis a. Bladder
2. Pneumonia b. Gall bladder
3. Nephritis c. Heart
4. Gastric ulcer d. Kidney
5. Cystitis e. Liver
6. Angina pectoris f. Lung
7. Cholecystitis g. Stomach
8. Ulcerative colitis h. Large bowel

3. Replace the underlined words and phrase with appropriate lay terms.

a. Mr Budi, I’m afraid your wife’s suffered an acute cerebrovascular

b. The reason for your nocturia is that your prostate is enlarged.
c. Do you suffer from dyspnoea when you exert yourself?
d. I’m going to give you an analgesic and an anti-inflammatory for your
sprained ankle.
e. I’m putting you on anti-depressants for a short time to help you get
back to normal life

4. Write down the questions a doctor might ask in the following case:
Case Doctor’s possible questions:
pain just above belly button;
goes through to back;
makes me double up;
worse after a fatty meal;
drink a lot (alcohol);
had it several times before;
pain there all the time;
came on after dinner last night

5. Read the following text and answer the questions related to the text.

Asthma is a serious disorder that makes breathing difficult. The World Health Organization
says asthma affects about three hundred million people worldwide. An estimated two hundred fifty
thousand people die from the disease every year. And more than five hundred thousand others are
treated in hospitals.
Asthma happens when tissue that lines the airways to the lungs begins to expand or swell.
This swelling makes in the air cause allergic reactions.
Some of the more common allergens include animal hair, dust, mold and pollen. Pollen is a
fine dust that comes from grass, trees and flowers. Mold is a kind of fungus. It can grow on the walls
or floors of homes. It is often in wet or damp areas like bathrooms, kitchens and basements. The
Environmental Protection Agency estimates that twenty-one percent of asthma cases in the United
States have links to mold and dampness in homes. Air pollution can also trigger asthma. Cigarette
smoke is a major problem for asthma sufferers. So is air pollution from motor vehicles. Chemical
sprays like air fresheners, hair spray, cleaning products and even strong beauty aids can trigger an
asthma attack.
Some people cough, wheeze or feel out of breath during or after exercise. They are said to
suffer from exercise-induced asthma. During the winter, breathing in cold air can trigger an asthma
attack. So can colds and other respiratory infections.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says more than twenty-three million people
in the United States have asthma. Among adults, more women have the disease than men.
Asthma affects more than seven million children each year. It is more common among boys
than girls.
The National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases says the disease affects African-
Americans more than whites. African-American children die from asthma at five times the rate of
white children.
Asthma has become a major health issue around the world, and a problem for many
individuals, families and economies. The yearly economic cost of asthma is close to twenty billion
dollars. (From:

1. What is the suitable title for the text above?

2. What does the word ‘estimated’ in paragraph 1 mean?
3. List the major problems for asthma sufferers!
4. What does the text say about gender and asthma affects?
5. What do you think the author will discuss in the next paragraph?


Mohon menjawab atau memberi respons terhadap pertanyaan atau pernyataan di bawah ini sesuai dengan
pendapat atau pengalaman Anda pribadi. Jawaban atau respons saudara akan digunakan untuk
meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris pada Fakultas Kedokteran Unismuh Makassar dan
tidak menentukan nilai akhir pada mata kuliah ini.

1. Menurut saya, materi yang digunakan pada mata kuliah ini:

2. Menurut saya, model pembelajaran yang diberikan pada mata kuliah ini:

3. Menurut saya, hal yang perlu dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran pada mata kuliah
ini adalah:

4. Catatan tambahan:

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