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Aubrey Unique M.



1st year JMCM

In the film Patch Adams, it was shown that Dr. Hunter “Patch” Adams had certain

attitude/traits that are worthy for him to be called a “doctor”. One noticeable trait of Patch was his

humor. From the time he was admitted in the mental institution until becoming a medical student,

his humorous persona was evident throughout the film. In fact, it was what provided him with a

new purpose in life which is to help people and it was what made him a unique doctor from the

others. He can make the patients in the hospital smile and laugh that would make them forget about

their problems or condition. He wants to use humor to heal pain and suffering as what he told Carin

Fisher. Aside from that, Dr. Patch was also empathetic. He understands the feelings of the patients

and wants to connect emotionally to them leading for the patients to open up about themselves. He

calls the patients by their names unlike other doctors who call them by their bed numbers. He sees

them more than just a patient but rather a human being. Lastly, the way he stood up for himself in

front of the state medical board and to Walcott when he was accused of practicing without a license

and was questioned on his treatment methods showed that he was a courageous doctor and received

support from his friends, the nurses and the children in the hospital.

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