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5 Habits for Sound Sleep

Having trouble falling asleep every night? There can be many reasons
behind this like stress, bad food habits, improper lifestyle etc, but not to
worry, here are 5 habits which you can develop to ensure sound sleep.

1. Eat Right at the Right Time

Eating the right type of food, the right amount and at the right time is very
essential for a healthy lifestyle. Food plays a crucial role in determining the
type of sleep we get throughout the day. Therefore try to include the type of
food items in your dinner which is going to promote sleep. The food items
that are rich in tryptophan are a good choice because tryptophan gets
converted into sleep promoting neurotransmitters, that are melatonin and
serotonin. It is very essential to avoid alcohol and caffeine-induced food
items like coffee, chocolates etc before going to sleep or it is better to avoid
them even in the evening. Caffeine acts as a central nervous stimulant and
promotes awakeness. Make sure to have your last meal of the day three
hours before going to bed to give enough time to your body to digest the
ingested food. Do not drink excessive water before going to bed to avoid
frequent visit to the toilet which will again promote awakeness and will be a
hindrance to a sound sleep.

2. Incorporate Exercise or Yoga into your Lifestyle

Try incorporating exercise or yoga into your lifestyle to ensure better sleep.
Studies have shown time and again that people who exercise daily usually
fall asleep faster. There are many yoga routines to cure sleep disorders.
Secondly, yoga will help you to have a peaceful and calm mind which is
very essential for sound sleep and also it will help you to lead a healthy life.

3. Avoid Blue Light Before Going to Bed

Avoid any source of blue light before going to bed, be it televisions, cell
phones or laptops. The blue light from these gadgets strains both your eyes
head promoting awakeness and causing hindrance in falling asleep by
stopping the production of sleep hormones.

4. Avoid Frequent Naps throughout the Day

Naps during daytime are not at all harmful instead they are good for your
health as they refresh your mind and boost your energy to get back to your
work again but frequent naps during daytime or long naps should strictly
be avoided to ensure sound sleep during night time. Frequent naps during
daytime give rise to awake tendencies during the night and thus creates
trouble for you to fall asleep.

5. Consistency is the Key

It is very essential to maintain consistency in a given practice to turn it into
a habit. You need to be consistent with all the above-mentioned practices in
order to turn them into habits, especially going to bed every day at the exact
time. Therefore consistency is the key to ensure best results.

Therefore, try incorporating these practices into your daily lifestyle and turn
them into habits to ensure sound sleep every day.

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