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Occupational Wellness

Occupational Wellness is about loving the job and valuing efforts at the workplace or personal
carrier. If Occupational Wellness is a picture it would be best if represented by a picture of having
shake hands with your coworkers or clients. To be a good worker we must work with a heart. Giving
a heart in every work you do, will bring you more positive vibes. When you give your full effort it will
guarantee a good result plus when the people see that you are successful they will be inspired and
get motivated to do their best.

Emotional Wellness
Emotional Wellness relates to understanding feelings and coping actively with stress. If emotional
wellness is a picture it would be my favorite song. When I am down and feel stressed I just go to my
music app and play my favorite song. Songs can help us calm our minds because of its melodic sound
and also remind us to get up and fight. Songs are just like stories that everyone can relate to. This is
me song means that we must be confident of what we are and be brave and bruised to face the

Spiritual Wellness

Spiritual Wellness enables the creation of a collection of principles and in looking for meaning and
reason. If spiritual wellness is a picture it would be the Holy Rosary. We must have a strong
connection with God because he is our source of life and our salvation. Every day we must pray to
God for all we get every day even if it is just a centavo, we should always be grateful and also ask for
forgiveness of our sins we commit every day.

Environmental Wellness
Environmental Wellness inspires us to live a lifestyle that is respectful of our surroundings.
Environmental wellbeing promotes interaction with nature and the environment. If environmental
wellness is a picture it would be a picture of a plant. We must plant more to save our Earth and stop
throwing garbage anywhere and stop using harmful chemicals that ruin our seas and forests. We are
the destroyer of our planet. We must know how to fix it for the next generation. The plant is like a
human, we grow to be thought and to be the best versions of ourselves and the water is like the
failures, challenges, and bad experiences that teach us to grow.

Financial Wellness

Financial Wellness involved the process of learning how to manage financial expenses successfully. If
financial wellness is a picture it would be the picture of budgeting. To manage our money we must
know how to budget our money to avoid stress. Money is one of the causes of stress because money
is essential to survive. We can avoid financial problems if we must know how to prioritize our needs
than the things that we don’t need.

Physical Wellness
Physical Wellness involves maintaining a balanced body by having exercise, eating nutritious foods,
enough sleep to avoid sickness. If Physical Wellness is a picture it would be the picture of having
exercise. Every day we must exercise to be healthy. Exercise can help us to be fit, circulates our
blood wee and have a healthy heart. Having exercise can help you to have a good mood aand be
more energized so you can work easily.

Social Wellness

Social Wellness aims to effectively and happily fulfill social roles and to create a network of support.
We must have a good relationship with friends and our family. If social wellness is a picture it would
be the picture of me with my friends. Friends are always there in times of sorrow and happiness.
They will guide you, taught you, and help you decide on some things you can’t manage. Friends are
there when you want a talk or want advice.

Intellectual Wellness

Intellectual wellness means having an open mind when it comes to exploring a new idea and
continuing to expand awareness. If intellectual awareness is a picture it would be a picture of A
colorful brain. The colors represent our diverse and complex mind. We are able to learn things,
discover new knowledge and do math, science and art. We must always think of what we say and
what we post online to avoid misunderstanding. We must know how to respect everyone including
their nationality, gender, age and their appearance.

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