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MINERVA BIOTEC 2014;26:287-93

Phytochemical screening and antibacterial activity

of different parts of the Prosopis farcta extracts against
methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)

® A
The present study investigated the phytochemical 1Zabol Medicinal Plants Research Center
screening and antibacterial potentiality of different Zabol University of Medical Sciences, Zabol, Iran
parts (roots, leaf, pods and seeds) of the Prosopis farc- 2Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy

ta extracts against Methicillin-resistant Staphylococ- Zabol University of Medical Sciences, Zabol, Iran

cus aureus (MRSA). Phytochemical screening of the
P. farcta methanolic extract was carried out for esti-
3Pediatric Infections Research Center
Mofid Children Hospital, Shahid Beheshti
mation of saponins, glycosides, alkaloids, tannins and University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
4Department of Range and Watershed Management
flavonoids by using standard phytochemical screening
methods. The antibacterial activity was determined by Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Zabol, Iran
5Zabol University of Medical Sciences, Zabol, Iran
both the disc diffusion method and the microbroth di-
lution method. Antibacterial screening of P. farcta ex-

tracts showed that inhibited zones for roots, leaf, pods

and seeds extract were 5±0.1, 6±0.4, 8±06 and 12±0.1

mm, respectively. MIC for roots, leaf, pods and seeds more dangerous than the disease itself. Nowadays,
extract were 45±0.4, 35.5±0.8, 15±0.1 and 5±0.4 µg/
mL, respectively. MBC for roots, leaf, pods and seeds due to the deformation resistance of bacteria becom-

extract were 100±0.4, 75±0.3, 25±0.5, and 5±0.2 µg/ ing resistant to commonly used antibiotics, tendency
mL, respectively. In this study, MIC range for Vanco- to replace them with new antibiotics has increased.1

mycin was between 0.4-4 μg/mL for all strains isolated In spite of the progress of science and the develop-
from various clinical samples. All P. farcta extracts ex- ment of synthetic drugs, medicinal plants are still
hibited different degrees of antibacterial activity on used in large-scale and traditional medicine.2-7 In re-

MRSA; this difference is mainly due to the presence of

different components in these parts. The seeds extract
cent years, extensive study was carried out to evalu-
showed more effect than other parts of the plant. This ate the antimicrobial effect of plant essential oils and
effect may be related to high concentrations of alka- extracts. These results showed the potency of these

loids, tannins or glycosides in this part. These compo- compounds in inhibiting the growth of a wide range
nents are known to high antibacterial activity. P. farc- of pathogenic microorganisms.
ta extracts possess potent antibacterial against MRSA, The genus Prosopis belongs to the Leguminosea
and may be used as an antibacterial to treat diseases. family (subfamily Mimosoidae). It includes almost
Key words: Anti-bacterial agents - Prosopis - Methicillin-resist- 50 species, whose 25 are on the list of federal harm-
ant Staphylococcus aureus - Alkaloids - Tannins - Glycosides. ful weeds. The Prosopis farcta is a little prickly spiny
shrub or tree. Its native of range land, it is wide-
or other proprietary information of the Publisher.

spread and a weed of cotton fields and wheat, in-

T he increasing use of chemical drugs causing bac-
terial resistance to the drugs caused side effects fringed by root suckers. It is native of United States,
northern Africa, south western Asia, Kuwait, Turkey,
Iraq and Iran. It grows in southern Iran in the Sistan
Corresponding author: S. M. Hoseini-Alfatemi, Pediatric Infections
Research Center, Mofid Children Hospital, Shahid Beheshti University and Baluchestan, Hormozgan, Bushehr, Khuzestan
of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran. E-mail: and southern Fars provinces.8 The antimicrobial ac-


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tivity of extracts from Prosopis spp. was examined

and the results showed antibacterial activity against
some gram-positive and negative bacteria, antidi-
arrheic, antiparasitic and antifungal properties.9, 10
The bacterial resistance to drugs has become a
major problem worldwide. One of these bacteria
that have been resistant to drugs is Staphylococcus
aureus (S. aureus). S. aureus is one of the most con-
sequential human pathogen responsible for nosoco-
mial, hospital- and community-acquired infections.
It can bring about a range of infectious diseases
from moderate conditions, such as soft tissue infec-
tions, to serious life-threatening debilitation like en-

® A
docarditis, to death.11, 12 Methicillin-resistant strains
of staphylococci were recognized shortly upon the

preface of methicillin into clinical train. The first out- Figure 1.—Prosopis farcta plants used in this study.
break caused by Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus

aureus (MRSA) happened in an English hospital in
the early 1960s and appeared in the United States These working solutions were used for all the tests
in the 1980s.12 In recently years, MRSA strains have in this study.
often become resistant to multiple other antimicro-

bial agents and many researcher have reported an
intensification in the incidence of MRSA. On the
Preliminary phytochemical analysis
basis of some investigations on phytochemical and Phytochemical screening for major constituents
antibacterial properties of different parts extracts of include saponins, glycoside, flavonoids, tannins, al-
the P. farcta against MRSA, it can be asserted that the kaloids, resin and phenols was undertaken by using
importance of traditional medicine and medicinal standard qualitative methods as described by Fadeyi

plants with very small side effects on human can be et al.,14 Odebiyi and Sofowora,15 Harborne,16 and
useful for discovering natural extracts to that reduce Abulude.17

the growth of these bacteria.

Bacterial isolates and antibiotic susceptibility assay

Materials and methods Four hundred and seventy-seven clinical speci-


mens such as burn, wound, urine, pus and throat

Plant preparation and extracts swab were collected from patients attended in emer-
gency Hospital and Internal Laboratory of Hospital

The Prosopis farcta were collected during the ma- and Central Laboratory in Zabol city (Iran) for differ-
ture period, May 2013, from the area surrounding ent bacteriological examinations (Table I). Standard
Hamun Lake, Zabol (Coordinates: 31° 1′ 43″ N, 61° isolation protocols were used for all the samples.

30′ 4″ E), in Sistan and Baluchestan Province of Iran Identification of S. aureus was approved by stand-
(Figure 1). The plant was taxonomically identified ard techniques accord on colonial and microscopic
by the Ferdowsi University Mashhad Herbarium, morphology, coagulase test and biochemical activi-
Iran (Voucher No: 25685). Twenty grams of each ties.17 Detection of MRSA was done by the use of
parts viz. roots, leaf, pods and seeds were powdered Cefoxitin disc (30 µg) diffusion test. The strains of
separately and then dissolved in 200 mL methanol S. aureus with a zone diameter of <19 mm based
85% using a shaker water bath for 24 hours at 25 on Clinical and Laboratory Standard Institute (CLSI)
or other proprietary information of the Publisher.

°C. After filtration with Whatman No. 1 filter paper, were taken to show methicillin-resistance.19 All
the resulting solutions were concentrated by a rotary strains of S. aureus were confirmed as methicillin
evaporator at 40 °C for 35 min to remove solvents resistant by oxacillin agar dilution using Muller Hin-
from the extracts. Solid extracts (residues of plant ton agar (beef extract, acid hydrolysate of casein
extracts) were dissolved in 20 mL of distilled water. 17.5g/L, starch 1.5 g/L, agar 17.0 g/L, final 7.3±0.1


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Table I.—The number and percentage of isolated MRSA from various clinical specimens.
S. aureus MRSA
Type of specimens Number of specimens
N. % N. %
Burn 104 53 50.69 9 16.98
Wound 45 38 84.44 4 10.52
Urine 254 11 4.33 4 36.36
Pus 14 4 28.57 0 0.00
Throat 60 1 1.66 1 100
Total 477 107 22.43 18 16.82

at 25 °C) supplemented with 2% NaCl. The concen- terial growth. Bacterial cells from the extracts MIC
trations tested ranged from 1 μg/mL to 16 μg/mL test plate were sub-cultured on solid nutrient agar

® A
of oxacillin. The strains having minimum inhibitory by making streaks on the surface of the agar. The
concentration (MIC) ≥4 μg/mL were taken as resist- plates were incubated overnight at 37 °C and the

ant. Among 477 clinical specimens, of the 107 speci- minimum bactericidal concentration (MBCs) were
mens (22.43%) were S. aureus that from these 18 determined after 24 h. The plates that did not show

specimens (16.82%) were MRSA. growth were measured to be the MBC for the extract
used. The experiment was performed in triplicate.
Disc diffusion method All strains were assayed for MIC by vancomycin agar
dilution method using Muller Hinton agar. The con-

Antimicrobial activity was based on the disc dif-
fusion method 20 using a cell suspension of micro-
centrations assayed ranged from 1 μg/mL to 33 μg/
mL of vancomycin.
organisms. The concentration of the cell suspension
was equilibrated to a 0.5 McFarland standard and 50 Statistical analysis
μL of each microorganism’s suspension was spread
on a Mueller-Hinton agar plate. In addition, 50 μL of The extracts were prepared in triplicate for

diluted methanolic extracts was pipetted onto sterile chemical characterization and antibacterial assays.
paper discs (6 mm in diameter), which were dried Data was subjected to analysis of variance follow-

in an open sterile Petri dish in a biological laminar ing a completely random design to determine the
flow bench. Discs were placed on the surface of least significant difference (LSD) at P<0.05 using

inoculated plates and incubated at 37 °C for 24 h. SPSS vs. 11.5 (IBM SPSS, New York, USA). In this
Diameters (mm) of the zones of bacterial inhibition study values for antibacterial assays were based on

minus the discs diameter were recorded.21 mean±SE.


Determination of MIC and minimum bactericidal

concentration Results

The MIC values for each plant extracts were deter- Preliminary phytochemical analysis

mined by microbroth method. Residues of plant ex-

tracts were dissolved in 20 mL of distilled water. All The results of preliminary phytochemical analysis
extracts are tested at 1000 μg/mL 22 and serially di- of different parts (roots, leaf, pods and seeds) of the
luted two-fold to 1.95 μg/mL in a 96-multiwell poly- P. farcta showed that roots methanolic extract dem-
styrene flat-bottomed microplate (Sigma-Aldrich, St. onstrated high concentrations of flavonoids, saponins,
Louis, MO, USA) after which 100 μL (1×106 CFU/mL) phenols and moderate concentrations of alkaloids,
of bacteria are added to each of them. Preincubation tannins, glycosides and resins. The leaf and pods
or other proprietary information of the Publisher.

absorbance values were read from an ELISA reader. methanolic extract showed a high concentration of
The microplates were then incubated overnight at saponins and flavonoids and moderate concentrations
37 °C and absorbance values were read after 24 h. of alkaloids, resins, glycosides, tannins and phenols.
The MIC values are recorded as the lowest concen- Seeds methanolic extract presented high concentra-
tration of the extract that completely inhibited bac- tions of alkaloids, tannins, glycosides and moderate


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Table II.—Results of phytochemical analysis of extracts from root, leaf, pod and seed of the P. farcta.
Methanolic extracts
Chemical Compounds Root Leaf Pod Seed
Saponins ++ ++ ++ +
Tannins + + + ++
Flavanoids ++ ++ ++ +
Glycoside + + + ++
Alkaloids + + + ++
Phenols ++ + + +
Resin + + + +
The values: High (++), Moderate: (+)

® A
concentrations of flavonoids, saponins, phenols and on MRSA bacteria as evidenced by the inhibited
resins (Table II). The results demonstrated that all zones (5±0.1, 6±0.4, 8±06 and 12±0.1 mm, respec-

parts of the plant included same compounds. tively). The inhibited zones of all part of the plant
on plate are shown in Figure 2A-D. Results showed

Disc diffusion method that seeds extract were significantly more efficacious
on the MRSA bacteria than other extracts (P<0.05).
The results of disc diffusion method showed that The roots extract was inhibited for MRSA bacteria
all parts of the methanolic extract of the P. farcta with 5±0.1 mm, which is significantly different with

recorded different degrees of antibacterial activity other extracts at P<0.05.

or other proprietary information of the Publisher.

Figure 2.—Inhibition zones of all parts of the Prosopis farcta. A) roots; B) leaf; C) pods; D) seeds.


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MIC and MBC nium strictipes and Polygonum multiflorum plants

was ≤1.43 mg/mL.
The values of MIC for roots, leaf, pods and seeds Chomnawang et al.36 investigated antibacterial ac-
extract were 45±0.4, 35.5±0.8, 15±0.1 and 5±0.4 µg/ tivity of Thai Medicinal plants against MRSA. They
mL, respectively. MBC for roots, leaf, pods and seeds illustrated that Garcinia mangostana extract was
extract were 100±0.4, 75±0.3, 25±0.5 and 5±0.2 µg/ identified as the most potent plant against MRSA
mL, respectively. The plant seeds extract showed (MIC and MBC values of 1.95 and 3.91 µg/mL, re-
lowest MIC (5±0.4 µg/mL) and MBC (5±0.2 µg/mL) spectively).
against MRSA while highest MIC and MBC observed Radji et al.37 carried out a study on antimicrobial
in roots extract compared with other extracts. These activity of green tea extract against isolates of MRSA.
results illustrated that seeds extract was more effec- The results of this study showed that the inhibited
tive against MRSA bacteria than other extracts of P. zone diameter of green tea extract for MRSA was
faracta at P<0.05. These results also confirmed the 19.13±0.25 mm and MIC of green tea extract was

® A
result of disc diffusion method. In this study, MIC of 400 μg/mL. The MIC and MBC values obtained in all
vancomycin for all strains isolated from various clin- mentioned studies demonstrated that these plants

ical samples ranged between 0.4 to 4 μg/mL. Among have effective impact against MRSA.
MIC of all extracts, MIC of seeds extract (5±0.4 µg/ Rad et al.38 investigated in vitro antibacterial activ-
mL) was near the highest vancomycin MIC (4 μg/

ity of Xanthium strumarium L. extracts on methi-
mL). cillin-susceptible and methicillin-resistant Staphylo-
coccus aureus. They reported that X. strumarium
extract affected both methicillin-susceptible S. au-

Discussion reus and MRSA, though antibacterial activity was
more effective on methicillin-susceptible S. aureus
In this study, all isolated MRSA were entirely sen- spp. Also they illustrated that the antibacterial ac-
sitive to vancomycin. Similar results were achieved tivity exhibited by the methanol extract may justify
for vancomycin assay in previous studies.23, 24 Van- the traditional use of this plant as a folk remedy
comycin has been the most effective therapeutic worldwide.

agent against MRSA. However, increased use of van- Darogha 39 analyzed phytochemical and antibacte-
comycin has set a basis of selection for vancomycin- rial activity of some medicinal plants against methi-

resistance in MRSA. cillin-resistant S. aureus. The results showed that the

S. aureus is a versatile human pathogen; it was MIC/MBC of pods aqueous and ethanolic extracts of

powerfully considered as a major reason of noso- P. farcta against MRSA isolates were 100/25 mg/mL
comial infection. In recent years, the prevalence of and 25/12.5 mg/mL, respectively. In our study we

MRSA has enhanced universal as it is evident from observed that MIC and MBC for pods methanolic
numerous supervision studies.25-33 However, infec- extract were 15±0.1 and 25±0.5 µg/mL, respectively.
tion with MRSA changes greatly from one geograph- In addition, Darogha 39 reported that pods aqueous

ic location to another, from hospital to hospital.34 and ethanolic extracts of P. farcta was included alka-
Today, some antimicrobial agent such as vanco- loids, tannins, glycosides, flavonoids, saponins, phe-
mycin and teicoplanin are still exclusively efficient nols and resins. The result of our study also showed

against MRSA; thus, this pathogen can cause critical that these compounds were available in pods extract
infection in different body systems in patients. The but the values of these compounds were various.
emergences of expanding in antibiotic resistance Al-Ameri 40 illustrated that MIC for pods extract
due to many researchers were examined optional of P. farcta from Iraq was 1.5 µg/mL. In compari-
accesses to treat staphylococcal infection. Plant ex- son with our results (MIC 15±0.1 µg/mL), this value
tracts have been extensively studied as natural prod- was modest. This difference between values can be
ucts. related to geographic location and ecosystems and
or other proprietary information of the Publisher.

Zuo et al.35 performed a study on potential anti- different climate.

bacterial activity of aerial parts of the Chinese me- All P. farcta extracts demonstrated various de-
dicinal plants against clinical isolates of MRSA. They grees of antibacterial activity on MRSA as evidenced
reported that the MIC for Dendrobenthamia capi- by the inhibited zones, MIC and MBC. The basis of
tata, Elsholtzia rugulosa, Elsholtzia blanda, Gera- varying degree of sensitivity of tested MRSA to plant


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