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The success mindset

Throughout time, human being searched for success formula, a way to a brighter future, an enlightened
path out of failure. each person in his life have its own way to achieve his goals , but no one can give a
plain scheme ,at the end it’s all within the person’s heart and will to accomplish his happiness .

So we may ask what does it take to achieve my goals ? how can hard work benefit my career? Or do I
need a lot of efforts to be happy in life ? . Well, while these are keys to attain goals, none of them are
useful without a positive success mindset .

Men had always been a fragile personality, we lean to depression once we encounter failure, we tend to
give up if our first contact is not as we expect it and once this stage attained some may find it painful to
remember these memories so we stop and close our eyes on life.

When it comes to our hopes and dreams ,we quickly conclude a negative outlook either from a bad rating
or a hard beginning .we are prone to believe that we have restrictions either from our own mind (mental
or physical competences ) or from external influences holding us from getting to what we want . one of
the external influences is the “common interest” ,it makes us believe in a lack of ability to improve and
comparing ourselves to others giving us a feeling of “ who am I to be better” . as a first step to start goal
hunting overtaking this feeling is crucial .

As the first step of improving our own , authenticity must be taught ,men have to believe in his own name
, making his trace in life and not to look up for any human to resemble so god made us live to present his
name and his only and not to praise anyone else .

A particularity of the human being that make him apart from other life-forms is his ability to create his
own path out of sadness , as we said earlier men give up very easy by nature , he might fear to continue
too early , but we are a creative being we see lights where there isn’t meaning we create to our depressed
mind a way, a goal to what we hold on also called “the Placebo effect” .

The placebo effect is a perfect example of how mindset really can be powerful. In scientific experiments, a
group of participants were told they received medication that will heal an ailment but actually they were
given a sugar pill (the placebo). Still after the experiment the participants believed it’s had a positive
effect sometimes even cured their ailment even though nothing has changed. This is the power of

when we set goals and dreams we don’t hold tight to it enough and lack faith in its completion Most of us
don’t because we hold on to negative mindsets and limiting trust in ourselves that stop us from fully
believing we are capable or that it’s at all possible. We tend to listen to the opinions of others despite
them detouring with our own or bow to societal pressures that make us believe we should think and act a
certain way. There are many reasons why we possess these types of mindsets but a success mindset can
be achieved.

“But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the
sea, blown and tossed by the wind.” – James 1:6

Faith is easily rejected, and trust is easily broken It is so easy to face new failures and fears and to lose
faith in God's plan for your life. We begin to question our own reason and role in this world if the faith we
hold is worth it. To these questions there is only one truth ,one answer and one truth to hold , move your
own way , the road is never easy to the ones who believe in an existing road ,it is hidden by an immense
wall of despair and tiredness that once broken will reveal the reality that is the real success ,success of
beating fear with our beliefs , beating the stress of walking our first steps ,the pain of failure and not being
able to advance by trepidation of going down again .

The hardest situation to face when it comes to retrieving the hope and success mindset is to find the
proper entourage. People tend to ask , they need a response to their depression but quickly encounter
people that don’t share their same interest and more usually make us fall in the common sense we talked
about .

The way to enlighten its own mind and get back the faith back in our heart is to be armed with the good
persons ,to get advice from those who share and appraise the word of the lord

The thoughts of the righteous are just; the counsels of the wicked are deceitful.

Some instants you will find loneliness is your only companion, dying to find the way you are so eager to
take, but you will learn to love loneliness, a million word is sometimes not as effective as one righteous
decision because loneliness does not mean despair, loneliness means meditation . fill your heart with the
one truth we are to approve and with the only true decisions you make and meditate on it carefully

No one shall intimidate you with the way you need to live , and if nobody stands by your side know that
the righteous is with you . every step and every actions we make is blessed with the words of God our lord

“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen
you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” - Isaiah 41:10

Nature is beautiful, nature accepts beauty. Succeeding in realizing our dreams in not about what you
invest in or how much money you earn from it, success for starter is something you achieve with
fascination and passion. Learn to appreciate your work and admire it so you keep this passion endlessly
making it a reason to continue, make it with fondness, let it be your “Placebo”. Others appreciation of
ourselves must begin with our appreciations of ourselves.

Fear makes us stop our activity, making our dreams nightmares pushing us to forget what we are here for.
I fear advancing in the unknown, I fear loosing and I fear the first try. But what we fear are most of the
times is what will ignite our will to succeed because how many are our fears, there’s always a mightier
and more threatening fear that awaits us.

Why fighting fear by overtaking it when we actually need to fight fear with our greatest fears, putting our
fear of failing in work, fear of starting project or fear of love and facing it with the fear of not being able to
understand, fear of not knowing, of being uncertain of our fate, this is a true glorious and proud way to
achieve the success mindset

Most of the time we get to see what we wish to, but we neglect what is truly within ourselves. Meaning
that we can easily fall, forget what we were here for and ask for our way, to loose ones self in advices and
ways out of depression.

But, when the true message is right here, beneath our sadness and sorrow, right in our soul. Human
beings can make a confection of so much beauty with his hands, mankind is an endless source of selection
of choices and creativity but we try hard to forget our way and look up for help and look down on our

So the message I have for you is think. Think, look into what you struggle to achieve within yourself.
Advices bring wisdom, but the mind brings something stronger than any advice.

That being self reliance.

Overtaking the state of being taught and given advices, and working on our hopes and dreams by the
power of confidence and strife of success.

The Honeymoon effect introduced by Dr. Bruce Lipton is explained as the different roles of the
subconscious and the conscious mind in each person and how it effect our way of thinking and our way to
conceive happiness and see the good side of our life. To make it simple, conscious mind is what make us
think creatively and what pushes us towards good vibes, while subconscious is what we use daily, we stop
thinking and we run our lives like a “program”. Conscious mind is what permits us to wish to have ideas,
hope and desires and that in a normal person is used only 5 percent a day, while the rest of the day we

are running our life without any creativity, we are programming our mind. The Honeymoon effect is when
we can actually invert those two entities and making your conscious mind run all day and operating on
wishes and success desires turns all the negativity we are transporting in our mind in a positive output
from different influences that we encounter daily, it could be love or graduations and many other instants
we don’t see coming and that turn our routine upside down.

As we arrive at an important depth in our conscious, we can longer bear to try and we get cold-feet, know
that god our lord and saviour shall send you a message, a positive boost deep down in our soul that sends
us courage and mind enlightenment.

“But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles;
they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.” – Isaiah 40:31

We waste our time looking for formulas to succeed; We go desperate to an illusion, a way to success that
doesn’t require much. Unfortunately no way out is like this, we waste our time escaping of our duties until
sloth consume us and we loose desires to wake and fight. God has welded us with abilities to reconstruct
ourselves and bounce back called our conscious mind, our mind is unique helping us to have faith to hold
on to success and having a never ending light that gives hope. Developing a faithful heart that passes the
negativity of the bad and saddening subconscious. We are humans meant to be united, to be standing for
one another, each advice we gain is a treasure and each advice given is a virtue to the advisor. Humans
are one unique creature meant to develop his own way with the goods his god has given him.

"The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run into it and are safe."

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