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Ma Famille

Class: French Date: April 13, 2016

Octobre 11- Octobre 15

Title: Ma Famille Lesson Number

Unité 3: 2 out of 2 Total in Unit
Chez moi

Objective of Lesson (in own words):

Students will have a beginning understanding of the vocabulary used for family members in

Learner Outcomes (Program of Studies) Plan for Diversity

Specific Outcome Grade 4: My immediate Students can see the vocabulary words as well
family members. as have images to represent the different
family members.
Prerequisite Knowledge, Skills, Strategies Preliminary Matters (Announcements, etc.)
and Attitudes
Must remember the vocabulary from Monday.

Time Teaching Strategy Student Activity Resources Assessment

Intro 7 min Review vocabulary Students will state SMART board
from last day (moi, the vocabulary they Speaking
ma mère, mon père, remember during the Tricolore 1
mon frère (mon petit group discussion. student's
frère), ma sœur, ma book.
grandmère, mon
grandpère, ma tante, Grammar in
mon oncle, mon action
cousin, ma cousine, tricolore 1
mon chien, mon chat
mon oiseau, mon
poisson un lapin, un
grenouille, un
tarentule). Any vocab
they don’t remember,
I will put on the board
with the vocab they
do remember.
Activity 20 Show students what a Students will create Paper
Sequence min family tree looks like their own family tree SMART board
and how to create one. with at least 7 family
members (not
Have students create including pets, and
either a family tree for add any pets they
their family or draw a might have).
family portrait with
Closure 3 min Have students ask
answerportraits or about
family. trees.

This lesson on Ma Famille was engaging. Students were able to explore their families by creating
an image of their family tree or a family portrait while being able to use the French vocabulary
they recently learned. If the students finished their projects early, I had them create another.
Having a french game on Ma Famille would have been beneficial to have for the students that
completed theirs early, however having them create another portrait had them practice the
vocabulary in the lesson.

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