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Section 3 Quiz

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. During upper extremity elevation, the sternal end of the clavicle moves ____________________ and is
limited by the ____________________ ligament.
a. inferior, costoclavicular c. superior, costoclavicular
b. inferior, interclavicular d. superior, interclavicular
____ 2. A scapula tipped 15° forward from vertical is considered:
a. Normal c. Winged scapula
b. Anterior tipping scapula d. Upwardly rotated scapula
____ 3. The glenoid labrum serves as an attachment point for which muscle?
a. Supraspinatus c. Long head of the biceps brachii
b. Infraspinatus d. Subscapularis
____ 4. During shoulder abduction, what structure impinges on the corocoacromial arch, limiting motion, if the
humerus is not in a position of external rotation?
a. Radial groove c. Humeral head
b. Greater tubercle d. Corocoid process
____ 5. Which of the following muscles assists to counteract the upward translatory force caused by the deltoid
muscle at the glenohumeral joint?
a. Coracobrachialis c. Supraspinatus
b. Infraspinatus d. Serratus anterior
____ 6. Which motion is necessary in order to achieve full shoulder elevation?
a. 15° anterior clavicular rotation c. 20° scapular protraction
b. 90° acromioclavicular (AC) joint elevation d. 30° clavicular elevation
____ 7. Which description best fits the arthrokinematic motion occurring at the humeroulnar joint during elbow
a. Posterior/caudal roll and posterior/caudal glide of the ulna on the humerus
b. Posterior/caudal roll and anterior/cephalic glide of the ulna on the humerus
c. Anterior/cephalic roll and anterior/cephalic glide of the ulna on the humerus
d. Anterior/cephalic roll and posterior/caudal glide of the ulna on the humerus
____ 8. Which ligament of the lateral collateral ligament complex is active in all motions and the primary soft tissue
restraint for valgus and varus motions in elbow flexion?
a. Annular ligament c. Accessory collateral ligament
b. Ulnar lateral collateral ligament d. Lateral collateral ligament
____ 9. Which muscle is active during elbow flexion regardless of forearm position?
a. Biceps brachii c. Brachioradialis
b. Brachialis d. Coracobrachialis
____ 10. Which ligament is continuous with the interosseous membrane and helps to maintain a taut position when the
forearm is in a neutral position.
a. Annular ligament c. Dorsal oblique cord
b. Quadrate ligament d. Oblique cord
____ 11. Which muscle is primarily involved in the condition of “tennis elbow” due to repeated forceful contractions?
a. Extensor carpi radialis longus c. Extensor ulnaris
b. Extensor carpi radialis brevis d. Triceps
____ 12. Which carpal bone functions to increase the moment arm of the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle?
a. Pisiform c. Scaphoid
b. Triquitrum d. Hamate
____ 13. Which ligament is an intrinsic ligament of the wrist and is taut with full wrist flexion?
a. Dorsal intercarpal c. Interosseous
b. Volar collateral d. Ulnolunate
____ 14. The distal transverse palmar arch is formed by:
a. Long finger flexors as they cross the metacarpal bones
b. The distal row of carpal bones
c. Mobility of the first, fourth, and fifth metacarpals around the fixed second and third
____ 15. Which of the following tendons enter the dorsal hood most distally?
a. Interosseous c. Lumbrical
b. Flexor digitorum profundus d. Extensor indicis
____ 16. If a person experienced a radial nerve injury causing dysfunction of the muscles innervated by this nerve,
which joint would no longer have the ability to perform extension?
a. Distal interphalangeal joint c. Metacarpal phalangeal joint
b. Proximal interphalangeal joint d. All of the above
____ 17. Which grip does not require the use of the flexor digitorum profundus?
a. Cylindrical c. Hook
b. Lateral prehension d. Tip-to-tip prehension

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