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Honors Biology Name: ________________________

Cell Transport Quiz Date: _________________________

1. ___________________________________ movement of particles from high to low concentration

2. ____________________________________ “cell-eating”; the intake of solids

3. ____________________________________ solute concentration is the same on both sides of membrane

4. ____________________________________ the diffusion of water across a membrane

5. ____________________________________ type of passive transport that uses “helper” proteins

6. ____________________________________ movement that requires energy; moves against conc. gradient

7. ____________________________________ rupture of the cell membrane due to excessive shriveling

8. _____________________________________ substance that is dissolved by another substance

9. _____________________________________ “cell drinking”; the intake of liquids into a cell

10. _____________________________________ taking solids and liquids into cell via infoldings of membrane

11. _____________________________________ substance that dissolves another substance

12. _____________________________________ the random movement of particles

13. _____________________________________ bursting of the cell membrane due to large concentration diff.

14. _____________________________________ protein that spans the entirety of the cell membrane

15. _____________________________________ solution where concentration of solutes is greater than

16. _____________________________________ combination of products that are dissolved in a liquid

17. _____________________________________ type of active transport that uses receptor proteins

18. _____________________________________ condition reached when concentrations are equal

19. _____________________________________ solution where concentration of solutes is less than

20. _____________________________________ process by which cells release substances out of cell

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