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Stop wasting time

While public domain in the United States covers many works

published after 1923, it is still best to practice due diligence and caution
when selecting course material for use in open online settings.   

Of course, most of us are likely familiar with Google Books (and the scourge

of snippet view) and Google Scholar. There are, however, a number of other
sites that collect and catalogue texts in the public domain.

 Project Gutenberg offers over 42,000 free ebooks,

 while the Open Library is building a comprehensive open catalogue of
library records, in addition to offering free ebooks to download or read
online as well as ebooks lending.
 Although WorldCat catalogues both public domain and copyrighted
texts, it does enable instructors and students to access the worldwide
availability of a given text.
 Finally, Register and Read from JSTOR, currently in beta, is an
experimental program offering students read-online access to limited
material housed in JSTOR. Importantly, only a selection of the content
in JSTOR is eligible for Register and Read.


While public domain in the United

States covers many works

published after 1923, it is still best to

practice due diligence and caution

when selecting course material for use

in open online settings.[2]  

Of course, most of us are likely familiar

with Google Books (and the scourge of

snippet view) and Google Scholar.

There are, however, a number of other

sites that collect and catalogue texts in

the public domain.

 Project Gutenberg offers over

42,000 free ebooks,

 while the Open Library is building a

comprehensive open catalogue of

library records, in addition to

offering free ebooks to download or

read online as well as ebooks


 Although WorldCat catalogues both

public domain and copyrighted texts,

it does enable instructors and

students to access the worldwide

availability of a given text.

 Finally, Register and

Read from JSTOR, currently in beta,

is an experimental program offering

students read-online access to

limited material housed in JSTOR.

Importantly, only a selection of the

content in JSTOR is eligible for

Register and Read.

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