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Starting from the first month of the year, the names of different months of the
year are:

First month January

Second month February

Third month March

Fourth month April

Fifth month May

Sixth month June

Seventh month July

Eighth month August

Ninth month September

Tenth month October

Eleventh month November

Twelfth month December

The short forms for the months of the year are written as follows:

Expressing Date and Months short forms of Years

the months

The first 1th January Jan. 2009

The second 2nd February Feb. 2010

The third 3rd March Mar. 2011

The fourth 4th April Apr. 2012

The fifth 5th May May. 2013

The sixth 6th June Jun. 2014

The seventh 7 July Jul. 2015

The eighth 8th August Aug. 2016

The ninth 9th September Sep. 2017

The tenth 10th October Oct. 2018

The eleventh 11th November Nov. 2019

The twelfth 12th December Dec. 2020

1. How many days are there in a week?

2. What is the name of the first day of a week?

3. What is the name of the fourth day of a week?

4. What is the name of the third day of a week?

5. What is the name of the last day of a week?

6. Write the name of the day that comes before:

(i) ____________ comes before Monday.

(ii) ____________ comes before Friday.

(iii) ____________ comes before Saturday.

(iv) ____________ comes before Wednesday.

(v) ____________ comes before Sunday.

(vi) ____________ comes before Tuesday.

(vii) ____________ comes before Thursday.

7. Write the name of the day that comes before:

(i) Sunday comes after ____________.

(ii) Tuesday comes after ____________.

(iii) Saturday comes after ____________.

(iv) Monday comes after ____________.

(v) Wednesday comes after ____________.

(vi) Friday comes after ____________.

(vii) Thursday comes after ____________.

8. Write the name of the day that comes before:

(i) Friday ____________ Sunday.

(ii) Monday ____________ Wednesday.

(iii) Saturday ____________ Monday.

(iv) Tuesday ____________ Thursday.

(v) Sunday ____________ Tuesday.

(vi) Wednesday ____________ Friday.

(vii) Thursday ____________ Saturday.

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