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Directions: Follow the steps below.

1. Choose a writer, reader, taskmaster/timekeeper, and talk show host. Everyone else who is not the
host will be guests. The writer will write down the names below as well as the script the group creates.
The reader will read this paper aloud to the group. The taskmaster/timekeeper will keep the group from
getting distracted and keep track of how much time is left to finish this assignment. The talk show host
will ask questions to the guest(s) and lead the discussion during the skit. The talk show guest(s) will
answer the questions that the host asks. Write your names below. (2 minutes)

Writer: ______________________________________________________________________________

Reader: ______________________________________________________________________________

Taskmaster/Timekeeper: ________________________________________________________________

Cameraperson: ________________________________________________________________________

Talk Show Host: _______________________________________________________________________

Talk Show Guest(s):____________________________________________________________________

2. Read the rubric so that you will know how you will be graded. (4 minutes)

3. Oprah, Ellen, The Late Late Night Show with James Corden, and Tonight with Boy Abunda are
examples of talk shows.

4. Write a script for a talk show. Include the following information in your talk show appropriately.
Check off the information as it is used. (30 minutes)






5. Each person in the group needs to make a copy of the script so that they have something to follow
during the performance. (5 minutes)
6. Prepare or make costumes and props that can be used during your performance. (10 minutes)
7. Practice your talk show quietly. (10 minutes)
8. Perform your talk show.

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