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Alveoli and Capillaries – 2 sites of gas exchange

Alveoli – sac, has a “cover” also has epithelial lining, simple squamous
Capillaries – Endothelium “Endo” = loob, still simple squamous
“Respiratory Membrane” less than 0.5 um/microns
surfactant - surface-acting agent; Easily removes things attached to the body; prevent the alveoli from
collapsing by decreasing surface tension

Voice production – vibrations create sound waves that form into intelligible sound; coordination of
muscles in the mouth, pharynx, vestibular fold
Innate Immunity – inherent, natural, inborn; tubular ang respiratory tract; it has a lining with epithelial
tissue; lining has cilia, ciliated epithelium, has goblet cells, which are always associated with mucus
cilia – traps debris, propels mucus
pharynx – throat
macrophages – different names depending on location; called “dust cells” in the lungs

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