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All the graphics are related to All of the graphics are related
Graphics do not relate to the
Use of Graphics topic.
All graphics relate to the topic. the topic and most of it are to the topic and make it easier
easier to understand. to understand.

Most of the graphics are in

Most of the graphics are in focus Graphics are all in focus and
Many of the graphics shown focus and the content easilly
Clarity are not clear or are too small. viewed and identified from
and the content easilly viewed the content easilly viewed and
and identified 2m away. identified from 2m away.
1m away.

Many of the items of

Almost all items of importance All items of importance on the
Labels are too small to view importance on the poster are
on the poster are clearly labled poster are clearly labled with
Labels and no important items were clearly labled with labels that
with labels that can be read from labels that can be read from at
labeled. can be read from at leasr 3 feet
at least 3 feet away least 3 feet away

Many grammatical spelling or A few grammatical spelling or Almost no grammatical spelling No grammatical spelling or
Mechanics punctuation error. punctuation error. or punctuation error. punctuation errors.

The poster is messy or poorly The poster is acceptably The poster is exceptionally
The poster is attractive in terms
Attractiveness designed and it is not attractive though it may be a
of design, layout, and neatness.
attractive in terms of design,
attractive. bit messy. layout and neatness.

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