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Lara, Christine Joy T.

February 27, 2022


Activity 1. Introduction
Physical education refers to the practice of physical fitness and skill development. It is the study
of physical activities for the entire development of a person's body and mind. This subject may
be taken for granted by most people, and it may be seen as the easiest, yet it plays an important
part in our society. Physical education has a legal foundation in the Philippine Constitution,
which may be found in Article 14, Section 19 of the Constitution. It states that: 1) The State shall
promote physical education and encourage sports programs, league competitions, to foster self-
discipline, teamwork, and excellence for the development of a healthy and alert citizenry. 2) All
educational institutions shall undertake regular sports activities throughout the country in
cooperation with athletic clubs and other sectors.

Folk arts, particularly folk music and dance, encapsulate core values that are extremely valuable
to our culture, nation, and children. We must study folk dance for several reasons. The first
reason is that it aids in the preservation of our people's cultural unity. Second, Filipino folk dance
helps individuals stay linked to their ancestors and customs, as well as to their fellow Filipinos in
the nation and even our kababayan throughout the world. Finally, studying Filipino Folk Dance
demonstrates our pride as Filipinos as we exhibit our culture to the rest of the world.

The Filipino folk dance created by our forefathers in the past to express their gratitude to the
Gods for natural and agricultural happenings. Many of these celebrations still contain traditional
tribal costumes and historical folk dances. Or to display one's love for another, or just to imitate
animals and myths. They danced their stories and their shamanic rituals, their rites of passage
and their remembered legends and history.

Since physical education is required at every school level, and if the students need to select a
major to concentrate on, they should focus on Filipino folk dance. It is not difficult to study
anything to which we are truly connected. Besides, the internet is just around the corner, and
YouTube instructions abound. Being a content provider in this industry is another way to
promote Filipino Folk Dance. Because the internet is the only thing we have access to in the
middle of a pandemic, folks who use it could be interested in studying Filipino traditional dance

Yes, I see kids’ fangirling over their idols, and it's excessive. I realize I'm simply a student, and
I'm nothing compared to their foreign idols. However, if I were to take action on this, I would
call all of the country's influencers and persuade them to promote Filipino folk dance even only
once in their videos. I'd start an organization that would bring together all of the Filipino folk
dancers and empower them by performing in schools. And by doing this, children might be
moved and alter their minds. Students should not regard the Filipino folk dance as a chore or a
need to follow, but rather as a source of fun that should be treated with respect.

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