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MKT210 – Digital Marketing and Social Media Marketing


Marks: 20 Weightage: 10%

Date of Submission: 14-Nov-2020

This Assignment is split up into 2 parts, each carries 10 Marks.

PART 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (10 Marks)

Part 1a: (3 Marks)

Find a website in any industry you like, by searching for any key word / key words of your choice,
in Google Search Engine. It will be easier for you if you find a website that isn’t ranking well. This
means navigating to the 2nd or 3rd page of results in a search (SERP). Note down the URL.
Identify what you think is an important goal for that website. For example, is this website trying to
get people to buy products, download information, leave a review, etc.

Perform in-depth keyword research for that website. You do not need to contact the business,
simply make best guesses based on the content within the website.

Within your keyword research (you can use any key word research tool, if you want to), identify
7-10 keywords which you think provide the best opportunity for the example site to rank for and
include the following:

• Identify 3-5 keywords that are question based and match a “how, what, where, or why” search

Explain why you chose the keywords you did:

• How do you feel these keywords would help the business meet the goal you discovered?
• How do you feel these keywords would help draw in organic traffic to the site?

Part 1b: (3 Marks)

Research this businesses’ target audience, based on your best guesses by reviewing the site.
Describe the website’s audience in 100 – 150 words. Include:

• What gender is likely to frequent this site, and perform searches related to this websites
products and/or services?
• What are the major characteristics / traits of the target audience? What are the potential ways
we may be able to reach this audience organically? This could be potential content ideas,
new information to add to the site, or specific keywords.

• What are the primary traffic sources for this website? For example, are most people visiting
from a desktop device, mobile device, or getting referred from social networks? What useful
information can this provide about how we can best reach this audience?

Part 1c: (4 Marks)

Go back to the website you discovered earlier. Choose two key pages of this site. One of these
pages should be the homepage. The remaining page should be a page you feel is important to
drive traffic to.

Once you have selected your pages, list out the following information, for each page.

• The Page (Example, home page, product listing, article, etc.)

• The Page URL
• The Title Tag of the Page.
• The Meta Description of the Page
• The H1 of the Page (if applicable, if no H1 leave a note stating there was no H1)
• The H2 of the Page (if applicable, if no H2 leave a note stating there was no H2)

PART 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (10 Marks)

Digital Display Ad - is a form of Digital Marketing that uses display ads appearing on web pages
as a means of communicating relevant commercial messages to a specific audience based on
their profiles.

You are a consultant in Digital Display Advertising (DDA). Your clients have approached you for

Calculate the following in the DDA Campaign:

a) AMAZON conducted an Ad campaign of 380 × 450 banner size to its client TCL
INDIA and the Cost per 1000 impression is ₨.35 and the impressions to be served
is 800000, what will be the actual cost to the advertiser? (2 M)
b) did an Ad campaign having 728 × 90 banner size having served
50000 impressions and has generated 300 clicks, calculate the CTR of that Ad?
(2 M)

c) SHOPCLUES.COM is ready to spend Rs.50000 for Display Ad campaign having

160 × 600 size banner with number of clicks the Ad generated is 400, so what will
be the CPC? (2 M)

d) If PAYTM’S PPC is worth Rs.10, number of Impressions is 40000, CTR is 5% and

CR is 2%. Calculate the CPA to an advertiser? (2 M)

e) TOOLKART.COM spends Rs.10,000 and media buy at Rs.10 CPM, to serve

500000 impressions and CTR on the ad is 0.1%, generating 1000 clicks, with
Landing Page Conversion Rate of 10%, calculate the number of leads and CPL?
(2 M)

Instructions to Students:
1. Every student has to complete this assignment individually.
2. Assignment should be submitted within the deadline in Edhitch
3. Assignments not accepted after the deadline.
4. Strictly no emails will be accepted.
5. The Assignment should consist of Cover-Page, which consists of details like University,
SOM, MBA, Section, Course Code and Name, Assignment, Title, Faculty Name, Student
Roll number, Student Name.
6. Do not copy. (Both will be penalized)
7. No two students should analyze the same website / URL. (Both will be penalized)
8. The File Name should be: ‘DM-Assgn-(Section)-(Roll No)-(Name).docx

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