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The way to freedom

The room of a teenager. The curtains are drawn, and a frail

ray of light is struggling to go through them. It is a
deafening silence.
Abel enters into the room. He sits on the floor and stretches
his wrist toward the ray.
ABEL: Cut me! I feel like I’m suffocating…with tears, with
thoughts, with all of it.
The tears flow on his pale cheeks. He coughs.
Bad Thoughts enters into the room and shake him slowly.
BAD THOUGHTS: Light a cigarette, you will calm down!
Abel takes his cigarette pack from the jacket and lights one.
BAD THOUGHTS: What happened? You know that you can call me and
cry on my shoulder! We’ll find a solution. Light another one!
Self-esteem enters into the room and slaps Abel.
SELF-ESTEEM: What happened? He’s stupid…really stupid! And
besides that he’s also ugly and fat! Why do you ask for so much
Abel sits again on the floor, leaning against the door. The
cigarette falls and burns his skin.
ABEL: He’s right! I don’t deserve anything. What am I fighting
Obsession pushes into the door and pushes Abel away.
OBSESSION: I buy this time!
Obsession pulls a bottle with alcohol out of his coat pocket.
OBSESSION: Oh, my old friends! This kid crawls me everywhere.
I’m tired.
Bad Thoughts pours Abel a glass of that drink and helps him to
put it in his mouth.
BAD THOUGHTS: Again the boy who works in that coffee shop?
OBSESSION: Hell, yes…! Every day after classes we go at this
coffee shop. He fills me with coffee and then he argues with me
because I keep him awake all night! And just because that young
man who sells coffee at the corner of the street!
SELF-ESTEEM: So many vices! You spend the money on nothing,
what a waste! You can not do something for your future!
BAD THOUGHTS: Oh, boy! What a mess…seriously dude! How does he
look like?
Abel pours another glass and lights another cigarette.
OBSESSION: Maybe Abel is right, maybe I’m crying for nothing!
That boy is very handsome, has black eyes and brown hair, is
tall and slender. He has a beautiful smile and a warm voice.
ABEL: Shut up! You know nothing!
OBSESSION: And you know..?!
SELF-ESTEEM:What to know? He doesn’t even know on what planet
he lives!
BAD THOUGHTS: My friends, we have to help him somehow!
Obsession, I know that you had a friend. We’ll take this
dreamer out of the clouds!
ABEL: I love HIM! I want HIM! I can’t live without him! I
SELF-ESTEEM: You need to understand that boy will never be with
you, you’re such a mess! He’s not into you..he has a gorgeous
Obsession touches Abel’s back.
OBSESSION: Don’t worry! This friend of mine will not disappoint
you, you will have a good time with him! He should be here any
minute. People, let’ leave him alone, they will need some
Obsession, Self-esteem and Bad Toughts leave the room.
Abel stays lying on the floor with the bottle almost empty,
and the smoke in the room drowns him. Someone knocks at the
ABEL: I don’t know if I’m ready…
Suicide enters into the room.
SUICIDE: You don’t have to be. Let me, let yourself be taken by
the moment.
Suicide kiss Abel and he bursts into tears and thousands of
thrills pass through his body.
SUICIDE: It is a unique moment, don’t rush! Enjoy it!
Suicide kiss Abel again and slowly descends on his neck. Since
that moment Abel gets the safety he needs. The moans become
louder and stronger, and suddenly a defeating silence settles
over the room. Abel feels the pleasure and he also feels the
freedom for his soul now.

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