Mats PDF

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By Francisco Arcellana

a. Place: Nana Emilia’s House
b. Time: The time setting for the action is in the afternoon. This story happened somewhat between 1950’s
up to the present time. There is no specific season for the said story but the story evolves in the evening.
a. Protagonist: Mr. Angeles
b. Antagonist: Himself
a. Exposition
The story is started by Mr. Angeles who is coming home for his periodic inspection trip. Then he
had written in Mariveles to Nana Emilia that he has a surprise to him that he bought mats that are made
by an artistic craftsman at this area. These mats have colorful designs with their own distinguish weaves,
design, and colors. He is excited to give it to them all.
b. Rising Action
The rising action is when Mr. Angeles is giving his surprised gift to the whole family. And the
siblings were very excited to get their gifts. And one by one, on the lighted area of the house, he gave
the mats with distinguish names and symbolism on it.
c. Climax
The highest part of the story is wherein they all get the mats but there are 3 remaining mats that
must be unfolded. And Mr. Angeles unfold it one by one and he speaks in a loud voice that he offers this
simple mats to his 3 dead siblings which are Josefina, Victoria, and Concepcion
d. Falling Action
The falling action of the story is where Nana Emilia and Mr. Angeles argues about this sensitive
issue that they must forget already because they are dead but Mr. Angeles is so stubborn that he
emphasized that these children must not be taken for granted.
e. Denouement
The denouement of this story is when the children heard the word exploding in then silence.
They wanted to turn away and not to see the face of their father and also when Nana Emila shivered
once andn twice, bowed her head, gripped her clapsed hands between her thighs.
f. Ending
At the end of the story there was a total silence on the house. Then the mats were unfolded and
each name was slowly revealed. And the mats for the 3 dead siblings were described.
“We must not forget and take for granted the people whom passed away because they contributed to our
life and we must respect them by commemorating them.”
V. Reflection
Always remember and honor the dearly departed.
VI. Genre
By NVM Gonzalez

I. Characters
a. BOY – main character of the play
b. AIDA – object of the boy’s affections
c. PETE SAEZ – guy who invites the boy to join his band
d. OTHER BANDMATES – preferably two guys
e. JOSEFINA AND ALICIA – Aida’s cousins

II. Setting
Set in 1930s Philippines

III. Plot
a. Rising Action
When the 14 year old boy started to learn and master playing violin.
b. Conflict
When his aunt doesn’t support him to perform in public or parties because the musicians are the
last to eat during parties. (Man vs. Society, Man vs. Circumstances)
c. Climax
When Aida caught him packing some of the food in the party.
d. Falling Action
When the 14 year old throw away the food that he packed.
e. Resolution
The boy realized that like a pandesal, he is still not ready yet to face reality

IV. Theme
Simple routine in life
Love between Social status

V. Reflection
The starring Filipino element in the story was the pan de sal (bread of salt). This is an illusion that
portrays the violinist doing an errand --- a tradition of young Filipinos sent each morning to the bakery
to buy pan de sal for the family's breakfast The Bread of Salt is about coming to real life---waking up from a
long night's fantasy (his fantasy or his love for Aida).

VI. Genre
Summer Solstice
By Nick Joaquin

I. Characters
a. Paeng - loyal husband of Lupeng
b. Lupeng - married to Paeng with 3 children
c. Entoy - kalesa driver
d. Amada - yaya and wife of Entoy
e. Guido - cousin of Paeng who belonged to Europe

II. Setting
It was 1850’s during the Spanish period and the 2nd-3rd day of St. John’s Day.

III. Plot
a. Rising Action
Lupeng rushed to the dancing women and the Paeng followed. Other women notice Paeng, a man, in
their ritual and end up being beaten up.
b. Climax
As they return home Paeng was about to whip Lupeng but she cried and told him that he was a lewd girl.
Paeng wishes only to protect Lupeng because she loved and respected her so much.
c. Falling action
Paeng told her that he will kiss the feet of Lupeng even if his lips were full of bruises.
d. Resolution
Paeng kissed her feet despite of his bruises. Lupeng shocked not knowing that he will actually do it.

IV. Theme
Modern age Matriarchal system of family.

V. Genre
The God’s Stealer
By F. Sionil José
I. Setting
Banaue Rice Terraces in Mountain Province
II. Characters
a. Philipi Latak (also know as Ip-Pig)
b. Sam Christie
c. Grandfather of Ip-Pig
d. Sadek
III. Theme
a. Friendship
b. Value of Heritage
c. The lost culture and identity of Filipinos
IV. Plot
a. Conflict
Philip is intelligent and industrious but he lost his Filipino identity.
b. Complication
No Ifugao wants to sell their God
c. Rising Action
Philip stole his grandfather’s beloved God
d. Climax
Philip’s grandfather died after he stole his God
e. Falling Action
Philip chose to stay than go back to Manila with Sam
V.. Genre

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