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till.' -- 5 IS22V

During May The Inquirer Carried TlrfKX I I I A k The Inquirer Carries

.A. A.

16,107 Real Estate Want-Ad-

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If you've a. house
In a u ire r Want-A-
or ether nrooertr for sale let
And ft buyer for you.

'Phonm Filbert 3300 for an


Ad-Tak- er

W. yyy i

Most Classified Advertising
During May
of This Fiarure.
.92,423 Ads.
For Any "WANT"
'Phone Filbert 3300 for an
. .,
Not Another Philadelphia Paper AViihin Thoo- - JI
Ad-Tak- er

VOL 186, NO 155 Published dally and Sunday. Entered a second-clas- s matter
at the Postofflce in Philadelphia under Act of March 3. is:. PHILADELPHIA - SU.N.DAI JMUKNING, JUNE 4, 1922 Copyright.
The Philadelphia Inquirer ril. 'SS 9 Sections, 108 Pages a b PRICE. TEN CENTS


18 rilled, 74 Wounded,
BELFAST, June 3. Belfast

had ; a comparatively quiet
week end. Two soldiers and
three civilians were wounded POUR INTO BELFAST

in tl e course of this after-

noon' shooting. The record LENINE SUFFERS STROKE;
since Monday last is 18 killed Untreated Wound and Wife nnH Father nf AIDES SPEEDT0 CAPITAL Foaming Wave Leaves
Sparks Fly When Angry tnd 74 wounded 1 in disturb-
ances in this city.
Units Bound for Border
False Stories of Sailor's Slater to BepllingSWOOd War Hero , Destruction in 18-Mi- le
Effusion of Blood Into Brain Follows
Banker Halts Replies to Th-r- has been a consider-

able renewal of the looting

Bel- -
Expected to Clear "John Cienze" Link Called Before Grand Slain bv ' Girl, Who Recent Removal of Bullet
BERLIN. June 3 (By The Associated
Car-bondal- e,
Sweep to
Untermyer whicl featured the rioting of
- leek Salient Him lip With Peters Jury in Blackmail Tries Suicide Press).
viet circles
Private advices received in So-
in Berlin state that Premier But Takes
July and August, 1920, and the Lenine suffered a stroke on Thursday.
authorities have issued a warn- Killing Probe Maxim Litvinoff, Karl Radek and other
Soviet leaders left here immediately for
No Lives
Counsel Intimates Kuhn, Loeb ing tliat they will put it down Crown Air Service and Bat Remarkable Tale of Married Moscow. .
with a strong hand. The Lokal Anzelger says it learns
& Co,, Buying and Selling, teries Ready for Aggression Ward Company Book Philadelphia Suspecfs Romeo and Trail of Broken that the immediate cause of Premier
Lenine's stroke, today from
Enormous Damage to
Border at - let Showing Money Moves Traced by
Heart in Tragedy Moscow,, was an effusion of blood into
Railways, Mills and
Plan Manipulation the brain consequent upon the operation

NEW YORK, June 3. The sparks

i u. s.
BELFAST, June 3 (By the Assoc!
ated Press). Reinforcements for the
ss Entries Aid Police
Belief He Is Figure
New York Police
Epteiat to T
Bring in Big Red
CITY, Mo, June 3. "The
he recently underwent for the removal
of a bullet from the neck. This, the
newspaper adds, was a delicate affair
owing to a tumor of the cervical artery.
Houses; City Streets
Under Water for
Cew again today at the Lockwood com-
ELUDES Perfect Lover is dead. I killed him that
mittee investigation of the latent steel BOLSHEVIKI; British military forces in Northern in Crime Car Hours
Ireland poured into Belfast .today, and other women's hearts might live."
merger, with Samuel Untermyer, com-

On Jher hospital cot here early to

mittee coudscI, swinging on the anvil, the influx is to continue all next week, CARBONDALE, Pa., June 3. Th
Suspected by the police here of being NEW TORK, June 3. Two new fig- -
night, Marie Peggy . Beal,

and Mortimer L. Schiff, of Kuhn, Loeb according to present prospects. The the "missinr link" in the murder and ures today entered the cast of the Ward Lackawanna Valley from Brunwood, -

hospital nureef of Springfield, Illinois, CITY eighteen miles down the river to Car
& Company, flaring in anger at hisin-terrogation- s.
city had to go back to the energetic days blackmail mystery involving "Walter S. shooting drama and there were indi- -
"""Serous j u n
bondale, was turned into a furiouJ
Their verbal fusillade of March, 1914, which preceded the Ward, millionaire baker's son, and for cations tonight that they might turn
Rochelle, is. X., ponce com- - out to be the real "Charley Ross" and
in h rights side, thus parted the cur- - whirlpool this aftehnoon when the greal
got so hot at one time that Untermyer

for refusing to answer questions. Benin

warned the banker he might go to jail M USDI1F1CI UllCI 160, OOfl allel for the nresent military activity, missioner, a man giving nis name as Jack,"
Curragh Brigade mutiny, to find a par- - mer
J P - ''AO

Two transDorts arrived this morn- Jnn tenze, - Jus ngnt arm almost neip in vain.
who have been sought so long! tain
of mystery
might see a
life, that the
dam of ths Erie Railroad at Brunwood
sagged, gave way and released the im 6
Rr"a00 an un The arrrest in Philadelphia of a At dawn today she shot and killed prisoned waters upon a half dozen towns
MlOOmrr SOOC ing from Birkenhead with the Scottish lcss from the poisonous effects ofheld

quickly intimated that if he did, Unter-

myer would keep him company behind mtovjms, u.uvuo uouo
Bordererk The Manchester are due treated bullet wound, is being un- - wounded New York man, giving his Frank Warren Anderson, former avia and many villages dongithe banks, of
the bars. -
as Stowaway" tomorrow from Guernsey, while the uf r P"" " onumrimu. name as John Ciuzo, suspected nsof clubman, "director of education" be-to- r, the Lackawanna.
of thousands of dollars
here. Ptl
"Charley Ross," and to in a local department store, whose Hundreds
Heavy Downpour Is Too
The discussion centered around the Royal Fusileers and the Liverpool reg- - j ing claiming
While authorities all over the coun live at one of the Three Mills Hotels home is in Collingswood, N. J., near worth of property, conservatively esti-
part Kuhn, Loeb & &Company are to iment also are comine. They are pro- -
for the was followed the that Philadelphia. The tragedy occurred in mated, is damaged. Mines are flooded.
take in mersin the Republic. Midvale try have been searching . nimble here, by discovery
ceeding to the Ballykinder camp, Coun- "Mrctapinno loib -
" said hora haan o a man whose first name is "Jack" has a tiny hotel room where the
I Tt--
couple had Houses have been Much for Sewers and
swept away. Manu
and Inland Companies into the North Denied
Admission New ty Down, which until last year housed wit at t0 th ti f Clarence been bobbing up at the Mills r.t.
Hotel at spent the last week, posing as man and facturing plants with machiney and
American Steel Corporation, schin; m-
nearly 2000 interned men. Before the ers, May 15, and who police believe was Seventh avenue and Thirty-sixt- h
aisted the relationship of his firm was OrleaiS.' ahOT Dfina I
r limPint reinforcements bean coming there were also wounded by young Ward, Philadel- in a red automobile. - street Iwife.
,"IIe had promised to marry me then
and finished
Pedestrians Wade
products are -

purely one of banking. They were nineteen battalions in Ulster, far be- - R? PolV ave. ??!5 anu h,st., j
th-e- N

"financially furthering" the enterprise, l! l iiuus is we u

elusive A car of this make and color was al- - he told me of his wife, who is living;
Everywhere; a check is being made to
to JakeS UD OaSe low the war strength. "third party." leged by Walter S. Ward to have been he said he would not get a divorce," she determine if any lives have been lost. .
he said, and were to head a syndicate The most interesting arrivals were cienze nas none notnmg 10 neip tne usea py inaney itoss ann J"ck 8ajd I
Lightning Sets Shop Ablaze, So far none are reported.
underwrite $23,000,000 in preferred a party of twelve officers and ninety- - Af VaaVPu, P0". tneir investigauon The suddenness with which the flood
stock at $00 and $44,000,000 in corn- - ... "0n 1 wanted to be fair I did, I
WASH rXGTON. ' June 3. Princess n f tl,.w Air Service.
" " It f D1S 3X081 OI ,tne
has turned out
".en !'UH:
ence Peters to the Kensico Reservoir.
m- - near White Plains, on the nieht of Mav did," the tirl
whispered to Rev. J. D
But Firemen and Shower tore down the valley within a few mo-
and thpn raise anotnerIvan Tsc of the former v&3 understood that twelve Bristol Ltieation to have been mereiv upon
?n ..x lermtschew,
50,OtK).000 m cash to purchase aaai-- 1 Russian iristocracy, who claims Amer- - fighting planes would fly from England misinformation. Attempts to check his
so much 15. He shot Peters to death there, Small, who sat r bedside by her
Do Quick Job on Flames
ments from the breaking of the dam
prevented warning being given.
Only the widening ot the river bed
tionat Midvale paper. Mean citiz. nshin. and who has been de- - nrohnhlv to be housed at U. ...
niovements on the day that Peters was tun afrr.rrltnT in rii ifnrr nftir reUUCBl. :

I couldn't. He told me of his


"Bt at Carbondale gave the torrent a

n.i c4.
u.tnnisttnn :-
Untermyer contended that the bank- - by- - port authorities f New Orleans, I Cen miles from Belfast, used as a camp


j:: 1. '
j c.i.-- KiUed have so far met with no success. Peters had menaced him with a pistol

Ward Baking Book on Him


because he refused to submit to further other loves. . He showed me a list 50

blackmail. The heaviest fall of rain this section towns
chance to spread out and spare other
farther down the path of the
ers intended to "create a market" for has succteded in getting her case be- - for the 17th Brigade, which recently , oearcn or. cienze s ciotning ana et- -
' ' .111 u 11 u ' i. ' mail i t
. x, , names. Mine was. the '
last the very of the country has experienced in many
v- -
cfv f th. rornnration with ivic f t u- - , n,.,. tx: Le"8 oj aeiecuves unaer ueutenant ciflted Presa railed nt thA
C i i
Milla laBl one
1 11
Atl .

drenched all Philadelphia yes

Many Mines Flooded
took it and demanded an explana months
i."- - t,o- um ;mj vi uauui jLntis, tuu l Irnvea irOEQ VOr&. Belshaw, of the murder squad, has re- Hotels today, an inspection of the reg-- 1
"I Mines throughout the district filled so
this $20,000,000 cash, and that theyj expected to render a decision within a B- - Movement Toward Belleek vealed a small booklet issued bv the isters for the last three weeks failed tion. terday, causing considerable damage in quickly like that men would have been
rats had they been below

were. .likely to manipulate prices11?

voraoie levels oy ouymg aoa uu.,
v a J 1
- I
few days.

the Labor Department, was said to deal .

St,ry told ,y the- Princess to morning. It left for Enniskillen, County prisonerin whatpenciled

hntterv also arrived this
.v.;i, n,i
Ward Baking Company,
has n7
of momo-
- "hd""!. -- .
to be iTalian agency could be found corresponding each ir1' her eyeB her hair her per
nf mMi. Tmnolatinno will h mo J. in n ffni-- t to the name of the organization for sonality. It was then I decided.
or hours he. talked-t- old
me of
the outlying

ed, street cars were halted,

districts particularly,
where telephone service was interrupt force, the mineswith
and cellars
the surface; but
only the surface men who man the reg-
the suspension in
were deserted, and

Hot with resentment, Schiff called on with "the murder and crucifixion of her t to determine if there are any further which the claimed! "I own life on the were generally
altar torrents rose to auch inundated, as the roaring ular pumps were on the job.
,ctivitv not only the town itself on the Ward
Philadelphia prisoner placed my
that Kain has been falline in this section
Chaairman Lockwood to make Unter- - husband ly the Bolsheviks, the disap- but th- - -
villaees beine sarri- - cluA? bearinK case to have worked. V
of womanhood that other hearts might proportions since Friday noon, and although the
I ajlmn? gjenze asserts he a
is private detec- -
Employees at the Seventh avenue - not die as mine is now dead. That is the gutters could not contain' the flood
myer cease asking uniur n,,Mn... pearance ot Her

Question that setoff the fireworks was of the lost Royalist cause in Russia, a iorriP.
son, a goned
- c"
Wholesale commandeering of
eight-year-ol- d

is going on, especially of motor

Manv motorboats are also
vcleson 6th Page, 7th Column Continued on 6th Page, 5th Column
wry 1 shot by perfect lover,
Rotter of "Loves"
nor sewers carry it off.
Rainfall for the twenty-fou- r hours
steady drizzles did not cause any ap-
rise in the stream, the water
down the mountainsides and
Miss Beal identified the list in An preceding 9 o'clock last night measured collecting in the upper tributaries and
put to Mr. Sthitt in tneseoneworuB: imgni across Europe on loot to evade being taken, and officers have been in she 1.18 inches, most of which fell between nnally working their way to the Erie
...... . derson s handwriting, which,

"So that, whilst with hand the Ui,. .ritci f
syndicate is selling stock to the public, "P .
acr0i 8 the Atlantic, ma.
specting other craft.
belief is that the mili na' G. 0. P. COMMITTEE MAJOR REITERATES
he boasted was a roster of his 3.30 in the afternoon and 8 o'clock in dam, pressing against the concrete and
stone until the strain became too great
with the other hand, it - is buying stock The noo-ula- r
In the roster are included the names the- evening, r.; The.' downpour started and the structure collapsed. -

eiowaway ana partly as a stewardess. tary is to be used to clear the Belleek girls from Philadelphia. after more than three hours of sunshine theAlthough direct communication

from the public. I
of twenty-fou- r with
JSchiff said this was not true, because j , The Labor ' Department
.1.. iMMinuun TfiA . Tint ttl ll ffl rtAOll ft . -..m. I TY1 1
n '
xne rnncehs claims that she js a recently,
said: . .'
of... ...
evacuated by the Lister forces
its Republican occupants.
sector seemed to OVER FACES SPLIT
one from Gloucester.. Mass., four from durinr the morning had led to the be
Boston, one from Lniontown. N. H. lief that after two days, of moisture fair tory were cut off tonight, information
upper portions of the river terri-
and when the lawyer inquired how he natiye born jn Louisville, Stirring events in this one from Chicago, two from liockford weather had returned. Rainfall, of the was passed down the strenm from town
ne!i: u.e . T Ky.. Augist 13. 15S1. She sars her be presaged
. by the departure this III., five from ht. Louis, seven from two previous days combined was but to town that the dam sprung a slight
"We do not wasa stocK, ana mother w, Countess Potenpkin, of the afternoon on Crossley tenders and com- -- Indianapolis, one from fort Wayne, . . i. i ... crack that crumbled at the edges and .

ont count." Lntermyer
facts are wnat
"men put ine qucsuou
we are loosmg
iuc waj
yoa .know Uith the fristocracy, tussian
Frederick -Schlich. a German, ntnrall
remarked, the nounced , er rank to wed hcr ,father I vlueul,y ireyrcu iui a luug fioj.

. . i manar f rea motor iorn-- s 01 larie liar-
rp ik
n i:

with them.
a great

. , wi... vj i. ii... .,u.

divided into
I i v
1 Ind.,
home town of Collingswood. N. J.
N. J., and two
was in
tion of the Wingobocking. sewer caved
he last page wherein was written in, on Courtland street between Twelfth tueiow ice nam. tne towns ot. Jdemck
her own name was kept with the and Camac. carrying with it a main Center, Uniondals. Stillwater, Forest
of damage
a por
became a frightful gap as the flood tore
In the narrow confines of the river 1 1 1 1

so that they are facts, and don't twist iaer iuinei

n suggested the banker.
Elicits Jail Threat
years old.
nished w
sections, one proceeding
Pettigoe and the other
opposite Banks or
Kw.ta,Mtoward Belleek
tne salient.
Combine Backing Baker
Wheeler-Nicholso- n
wounded girl's other treasures a bun which supplied water to a residential City
dle of love letters, a lover's knot bind district covering several square miles have suffered
ing them with a, ribbon of blue. Triedana ripping a great yawning noie m
and Hoilenbacks. are reported to
the worst, the water ris-
more than eight fret in many sec-
Weds Prince In Berlin Thev were missives of and ing
"Mr. Chairman, you had better warn Naval Force Strengthened passion, the street from sidewalk to sidewalk tions. Railroad communication virtual-
"The F rincess says she lived with reveal, police believe, one of the strong A slight electncaV disturbance ac
this witness that he is not in his bank- her rnothi r in New York, at 3U West
said the sent
The most important naval unit yet
to Northern waters is the flotilla
for Job, But. Pinchot
Dix at Camp
est pranks oi fate in an companied
Alleges the downpour, and . lightning . ly was wiped out with the uprooting of
local-crim- e

ing office," lawyer. ' -

out wuhoui railroad tracks and the twisting and
, .
Thirty-fo- i rth street, until 1896, when nals. struca in several piacea, l " a 1

"And neither are you in your office," sne was l.i years old. Then her mother leader Wallace, sister ship of the For., say police, it was a book. doing severe damage. - . tearing pi roadbeds.
came the retort. took her . to Europe, and in Berlin, in Brooke, with a speed of thirty-si- x knots. Will Fight Him Persecution
Thuvia. Maid cf Mars." by Edgar Rice
Suburban Places Hard Hit Crested Like Ocean Wave
. .

"Mr. Chairman," continued tne Dans 1902, she says

to she was married to The Wallace reached BeVfast this morn Burroughs, found besides the body of The water rose eight feet in the riv-
er, Mr Untermyer is trying put prince Ivi n a Russian, ing. The Warwick, which is patrolling the wounded woman, which paved the Manv suburban points reported a er
words in ly mouth that we are manipu- - Sh. Kn.r KnrTschernitschew, on. .;th tno Lough Foyle, was the flagship of Roger
j.. npi.. wflv to Anderson s death heavier fall of rain than the records at Carbondale and alon gthe entire
lating stock, and I will not do it; I j
returning to her mother in Berlin! Keyes in the Zeebrugge raid. Candidate Should Pick Cam Ready to Prove Statements, of But if "Thuvia". with its pictures of the Weather Bureau indicated, ln course of the stram tfhe flood came
rciuee to answer anoiuer qurauuu. Mother ai d daughter returned to New Strabane-Liffor- There are hopes of peace on the dripping daggers, was the inspiration Fern wood and Lanadowne the down like a great ocean roller, foaming at
Then came the jail threat. . York in 1902, and lived there until in d
front, though the depu r OI met rageuj, n. wan. rnj im uraw, pour was so heavy that small boys the crest and rising and gathering in
"Mr. Untermyer twists words in my tnat yearf the princess savs, her tation of clergymen and others who moth-mouth- ," paign Manager, But Row Is He baVS Penalty TOT Dap- - the written words of Anderson himself in rubber boots were sailing Doat force until the wider stretches of the
said the banker. er, in jn health, returned to Rica to waited on the Republicans as there are VDiru uirciiru inc. nam urniu. about the streets. stream gaye it a chance to spend itself.
"No. I cannot get in your mouth, to the
Untermyer assured him. "If I could, I wjth her.
visit her relative. tflkW her Hanf-ht- maintaining greaty secrecy
result of their interview. They will
Feared Milford Tomorrow ing to Think,1' He Avers at - "Dearest Peg," one letter began. "I In Norrisaown
have just finished reading one of the was responsible for blowing out many in Carbondale from Scranton on the 4
the-- ' electrical storm More than 200 passengers arriving
would close it." "At Rii:a the mother effected a - drawup tneir report, they say, and wonderful books. 'Thuvia, Maid of fuses and disconnecting many telephone o'clock Delaware and Hudson train were
- most

In a moment they were at it again, conciliation between her rin?htr mil I submit' it to tne town council which Mars, Honestly, sweetneart, I never numbers. trapped in the railroad station, so fast
TTTitrTriver insistinz that the syndicate huKhnnri mil riiori At Tfiwo th. v- -;
took the initiative in the movement. BY RICHARD J. BEAMISH
Special to The Inquirer. knew I was such a big I In this I
the company was the rush of water. The passengers

oess Claires, her con wan horn anri th leaamg ii' 10 iuc inner w mane me city telephone Cry-bab-

Continued on 15th Page, 6th Column MILFORD, Ta., June 3. A confer if CAMPthe T)IX. N X. June 2 Residv read it with a handkerchief in the left had a
hich I had to use constantly tain service in Germantown, where hun being impossible for rescuers to reach
battle to mam were still in the depot this evening, it twenty-four-ho- ur

family liv.-- in peace until the Bolshe- - report pupnc, given opportunity, he declares, t.onan'
viki uprising. During the early days Restrictions upon motor traffie were ence which may split the Republican defend his of "Prussianism" in to Hear my vision. them because of the swift current of
of the Iteolution, she says, her father put into operation today along the Lon- - State Committee of Pennsylvania into the regularcharges arniv. as orizinallv ex- - it you nave not reaa it, get n oy an dreds of 'phones were reported out of the runaway waters.
"PIRATES' CRUISE" ENDS sent ner ton away to a place of Bafety w"-'"1"7- " r8c t or bring harmony Pressed in 9 letter tn rVpeiHAnt- War,!, means.
order. Employees were so busy in The dam burst after a heavy rain-
and she has not seen him since. In ommibusses which ply between towns and aclashing factions and. to prove on the stand that a "Sounds kind of paradoxical, but it their effort to repair damage that no storm lasting several hours. Fifty
IN TRUE PIRATE FORM; mi9 her husband was taken by the ln the ree State and Londonderry chairman thoroughly in sympathy ing, clique of general staff officers is per- - touched me deeply. Perhaps it was my exact records of the number of ofwires homes were flooded in Simpson and the
rjoisneviKi, and sne tells a harrowing V J, I e uuauic m tiu me irounrr. wiia uurora fincnot win De neid in tne seaiting nun for "having dared to think rrarae or mma. nue 1 nave a sort in trouble could be bad. Most the foundations of many were wahed awav.
ONE VUTAbtK lb bHUI tale. of his death by crucifixion. Be- - J? the case of ordinary motor traffic, p0whattan Hotel Washington. Mondav while in the army." Maior Malcolm f care-fre- e disposition, I am going to trouble was caused by the rain, th The huge planta of the Carbondale
f i:- - i i i i i rnn nn rira n nn'nn t n rtoca 'Aa i t . nut on tri:jii neeler-rSicholso- n
na wires having become so saturated with Machine Company and the American
the strictest injunctions of secrecy, those containing nen in business in the morning. Mr. Pinchot will sit in that before a board at Continued on 15th Pago, 7th Column water that they would no longer carry were Felting Company, both at Simpson,
Mandalay, With Crew of Greenwich city. The Republicans are reported to meeting as the Republican candidate camp uix. alter the Court hadtoday
court-marti- al

refused the current. The same cause was re heavily damaged. Materials
Aboard, Has All Kinds box, whiei he told her contained na nave stopped iarm carts leaving JLone- - for Governor. United States Senator to his for a con for almost general disconnec
Villagers, grant plea twenty-da- y
tion throughout the country districts. Continued
wnarever ouirer, muK on 15th Page, 4th Column
of Trouble pers of vital importance to the Royal gai. and appropriating
r,roH,,e thev rennirerf George Wharton Pepper and Major Da tinnance of the case.
ist regime in Russia. and wires
A bridge in the Burnfoot district of vid Reed, of Pittsburgh, will attend as by Major supported Many telephone telegraph
' NEW TORK, June 3. An unex- ith h r dispatch box, the Princess affidavits of Boston physicians,, had NAVY BALLOON LAND IN throughout the city fell, endangering pe THE WEATHER.
thrill came near the end of Donegal, near . the border, was blown I
the Reoublican nominees for the United appuea tor a leave of absence m to
pected special destrians as loose ends swung
the Pirates' Cruise up the Hudson on
Continued on 7th Page, 4th Column up last night.
-- V Jamil
wu. J fTraiv
W.M... th t . ' IUl.'lItto. M AP,,n IV. Ill
St.te. s.-. -
. I : M. . . .
V 11
to be with
1 I
crisis at their
approaching a ser
home in Massa
MISS0URTM0UNTAINS street until Buch time as repairmen Early forecast: Fair and slightly

cooler today. Gentle westerly winds.

Xne "election of the chairman of the could arrive.
the good ship Mandalay at 2.30 A. M. BURGWR
today when a real fight started and
shots were fired.
1 fU LI l I
Tfl I
on his arrival from London told the
newspapermen that
i A' ' anil that
icBuua py 1 a 1
his visit
had been
. - .. . .
Jlr- "3..
nuuurru he carried almost all the counties of area, he Bullard,
V . be
the .
I r ...
His appeal refused bv officer of
of the Second Corps
wired a plea Testerdav to the
Silver Gray Car,
From, Covered 535 Miles
In Race
Last to Be Heard At Ninth street and
that several automobiles were stalled
as they attempted to plough trough
Risinr Sun lane
xrater rovered the street to such depth Additional Weather Report on Page 2
The vessel, with 700 or S00 men and irrmna was concerned, vine liritisn I Secretary of War, but up to the opening

to have been Because Victims Cabinet he aaid' was now ful,T advised Pennsylvania in the primary election of or me trial tnis morning nad no. re the miniature lakes. - JtySSINGPERSONS
MILWAUKEE, Wis., June 3. Lieu
women, supposed d
Why? Alwavs Lied Rivera
from the Bohemian resorts of He Says sponse. beveral military traditions and tenant W. P. Reed, navy pilot, and the Streets Become WANTED
ara jonnson.
TO KNOW the whereabooU of Eich- -
Dative oi i Jincnsntre. now
Greenwich Village and recruited among
Ajout Losses, Continued on 6th Page, 3d Column should be entitled to name the person- So heaw was the fall during the aft t V. 8. Institute.A. citizen: worked at the Sailors'
their friends and admirers, left about NEWARK, N. J June 3. The folks! who will conduct bis campaign next No- to stand or fall on the outcome of this
last o the thrtecn airmen to leave ernoon that streets were everywhere watchman in October Walnut St.. 6as night
Church 201
Mil-eas- e,

and was approaching the pier whose h uses he were HAIR RORRFR RFADY vember, is endeavoring to arrive at an which has aroused waukee in the national air race last converted into roaring streams that in. Black hair. Tattow mirk. Height ft C la.
nation-wid- e
midnight burglarized in their efforts to Defectira
t the foot of West One Hundred and .- - UiVlC AlUUCSi, l uau UC J VOCLu
i. i.- - i-
i. t agreement with the candidates for the interest because of the nature of his was reported in dispatches defied pedestrians ill left eye; resided North
Wife and children in England street,
Clarion sia-li-t
- . , I DVBl LtlJ
PHD CTVI C IMriDnlAI PY Senate by which the choice will be unan-ru- n charges and the personages the major Wednesday,'
,T'- keep dry. Umbrellas were of little I'hila. return. Would be frrateful for any informa-
tV. KtarteH Thompson, colored, said with a chuckle Ol ILC I Un IVI M ut I hmous in the conference. MondaT'a con- - promises to involve in his defense. t0 the scn8in Aer Club to have use in warding off the

moisture, and to
tion. Mrs. Jrthnxon. Prayer of Su Denials
got a thorough drencu S. Anskell. 3 Cornw
I JJ . U i -
., . landed Friday in the Ozark Mountains spring a 11.
Ka tK latent norha n rho
The skipper headed full speed for today, attc r ne nad confessed to tne po rrcanea wnn fprAnrA xr-i-

Tor a T. All afternoon and evening a con EDWARD PEY'ER Have important news
shore and blew his whistle for the he hi d committed ten burglaries
po-li- ce snipping, iney last, of series upon this subject. ,. T . , . . . - in southern Missouri ing. for you. SISTER. MRS. MARY
tstant run on taxicabs was manifest.
and I lfty-Beco-
Unc otest
tssij, Street bta- - Thompsn said he used to read the
newsDanen after each iob. iust to see
net urn or
DECATUR, III.. June 3. Hair- -
Long Locks
Fought Against Pinchot
of the State leaders who
tfiail m ll....
ueeier iicnoisou
? U
is uemg
i i--i .' .

"WASHINGTON', June '3. The Bn sewer rendered impossible the use of LOST
The break in the Winghohocking
483 ritiwater street. Philadelphia.
Batteau with deck all around, with
.x rnai rsl tAtinrl n a m m t i . fought charge violation of the filst article of initials I. C. Kindly inform C. Zimmerman.
xiou, iu"
i "" a. bu.--
now mutB tne owners -
would exagger- dressers, wearied from snipping off against Mr. Tinchot and for Attorney war in himself without leave j reaii of aeronautics of the Navy De- - front entrances of homes on Courtland Cornwells. Pa.. R. F. D. No. 2.
describing himself as John 1 Sulh- - ate their lsses. "It sure was amusing lon tresse8 ,P. restiM BOW for th- - General George E. Alter in the primary from hisabsenting post fell flat when received a street. On both sides of the street. BOLL.IN Please write, anxious; want t
have been quietly solicited to it was shown, apparently dispatch tonight from Camac to Twelfth, : sidewalks I

even by witnesses for partment

an artist, of 37 Cath- - to see how those people lied," he said. help. Do not blame yon. WIFE.
van, twenty-tw- o,

reflex to make campaign the naval bal

rine street, shot in the rieht foot and i
trying them look long i f.- - w Ti.w.r from Lieoteljant Reed, were hanging ledges without support,
It s31 rr Kotrirp1 again, because, according to Mrs. The- - of the State Committee, as State chair-odo- livered to Major Wheeler Nicholson at looniat, announcing his landing m the the dirt beneath having been carried ra LOST AND FOUND .

Tliere had been almost a panic among LILLIAN RUSSELL ILL Bender, manager of the Nation- - man. It is presumed that Senator Pep- - the time of his request in July of last Ozark Mountains. ,u.he text was iden away with the cave-i- n.

the men ana women, out on seeing the

policeman they Quieted down. Two men
who had supported Sullivan off the
boat, were questioned and released. Hos-
livan was taken to Knickerbocker
Sul- Suffers W th Complication of Diseases
!J -
The convention will be held m St. that the Pinchot leaders throuehont the violation of the 9"th article of war in
Louis in July and 'a series of medals State are virtually a unit against the making an alleged false statement
iv"- mofMw1theno?B7kre
a,ODg year, indicating that his leave had been tical with that given in the dispatch to
A anaoi Ti"a tiAn at iha oarAnrl em mtrm Milwaukee club officials,
The United States Coast Guard Serr- - into the Delaware, measures
It was estimated that the break in LOST $100 reward, no questions asked: a pet
the sewer, which carries Wingobocking
Creek underground from Germantown and

So serious did the break

150 feet receive reward. 423.
you asked.
Irish terrier, left in motor. 11th
Arch: must be seen. Return to Mrs. Helen

Box 227. Wilminaton anrl
Hare sent letter exactly as
by American Express imme-
rouah-coate- d

After Slight Injury ice announced tonight that Lieutenant Water diately on receipt Mrs-- of . this, as promised. My
pital, where detectives were sent to will be offered there for ingenuity in "lection of Mr. Baker. The tenor of was quashed by the trial judge advocate Reed had covered 535 miles, making appear that Chief Davis, of the expresa address. Helen Bradford. Wil-
about what happened. U 1 he Inquirer. their is that Pinchot Bureau, and Chief Vogelson, of the
him Special,. Mr. minaton. all -

t arguments Dei., required.

Policeman Essig when asked if the
were in costume from
PITTSBURGH, June 3. Suffering u.j..VUB sne
a cor of diseases believed enects, said,
: i
especially for wear .
was chosen not merely as the candi aiicr this
uuuri una rciuscu
to be
to nuuiii
tain evidence. Other specifications of him third in the race
American contenders in
and one of, the Bureau of Surveys, sent word that
the international they would appear in person to start do.
Will aend balance of reward on receipt of

Toyagers replied lplication with evening gowns. Continued on 6th Page, 2d Column charge appeared pretty badly the work of repairing damage, and re- LOST white metal, with black
"Some of the girls did ,, not appear to have hten mused hv sliirht
iniurv. riddled by Major Godfrey It. owler, event to be held at Geneva,

IO De m mui'B costume.
S - 1 .

Mrs. Alext nder P. Moore, formerly Lil

I O Jl of the 2bth Infantry, attorney for the storing gas, telephone and water serv- between ribbon attached; Wednesday A. M.. May 24.
Howell's and High st. Loberal reward
ice in the section. Police roped off the if returned to 3i9 IVsH at. Germantown
street and guarded the vicinity all LOST Purse, small, brown, containing 3228. !"
prit-ouc- r.
lian RusseL the actress, is critically ill
RUSS REFUGEES DARE at her hon e here. DO YOU WANT The
court was made up of prominent
ui jime xTr: j. iivisiou, t;:..:.- - wnu : l.
HlrtriAonl HUHIli .-
MdlVd night, as hundreds of persons, drawn Arch
came what
and small chanae. lost between 13th and
had and Ktrawbridire & Clothetrs. and Lits:
curiosity, tQsee
rtr btA ... nam-- n Dr. D. '.It. Swope. the attending nhv- -
UIM nAr.1 O sician, sail this evening her condition
. TO SEE ALL THE Continued on 15th Page, Ist Column
UMDmnio nr.oiuiiHi by
A. cave-i- n of less serious proportions
reward. 1644 N. Feltn St.: Belmont 7124.
LOST Sample case, containing clothing-- off of
waron between B'oad St. Station and 23d

had slightly improved and that there I

Japanese Premier Renews Request and Chestnut sts: J25 reward if returned ta
Many Flee In Bathing Suits, Hundreds was strong hopes of her recovery. North Third street.
3 KILLED WHEN PLANE Made May 2 and Withdraws Continued on 15th Page, 3d Column LOST Pin mood tin, .old fashioned, with fold.
Die In

Associated Press. survivors of hun-

TARNA, Bulgaria, June 3 (By the AUTO FALLS INTO LAKE; WORLD'S SERIES DROPS INTO CHANNEL Tress). TOKIO, June 3 (By The Associated
Premier Takahashi again sug P. AND R. GETSSHORT LINE
irom to enans-o- irTraanivwE
Broad st. Reward to finder. 1332. Eria are.
Tiofta 2133.
LOST Near Sfarket st.. on 4!st. a bnoch of
ana -

1 2 BELIEVED DEAD 01 Pilot and Two Victims on gested to his colleagues today the ad keys. Return to 206 South Forty-fir- st

dreds of Russian families fleeing from

Odessa and Crimean ports are ar- - j Scranton Police Are Dragging Water
riving here in small boats and on rafts Whtre Depth is 60 Feet
London to
French air
3 (By
of the joint resignation of the (ronton .Railroad

Special to The Inquirer.

Acquired, According
to Reports, at Allentown
and platinum ring; liberal reward.
South Broad.
basket-settina- r

equipped with sails. Many are suc- BpeHtl to 1 he Inquirer, the Associated Press). A On Mav 2 several Cabinet Ministers ALLENTOWN. Fa., June 3. Ac- LOST Gmy handhaf. 15 or 48 car. tit niibC
cumbing . in their efforts to escape from SCRANTON, Pa., June 3. One or
Next Fall hn"nnfo-- ;
tendered "SlU"r Tf,"'r
their resignations at the Pre cording to reports
the Thomas Iron Company and the
current here today
LOST St. Bernard collie, lieht
reward for information.- Call Woodland 5769
brown, collar:
P143-R- .

Kussia, some e i
oi we irau ;i craiL
. fi. I.
oeing two men are believed to have lost their
Paris, fell into the English Channel mier's request, the reason being that Ironton Railroad have been acquired W. 504S Baltimore aTe.

wrecked. Others perish by hunger this morning. A cross channel boat of the Ministry was by the Reading system. I
LOST Collie doe. female, b'own and whittv
when R stoen touring car plunged two bodies. One of these Several executive ses- - Reward. Wyo. . 1427 Rockland st. 5.M5-K-

and thirst, typhus and the exposure to picked up contemplated. Acquisition

of the Ironton Railroad Llitht shell rim spectacles. Thursday
the elements.
into gcrauton early today. The
are dragging the lake at a point
yj. had a passport in the name of Gordon sions of the Cabinet followed this action by the P. and R. would give that road LOST I

T and on May 6 Premier Takabashi an- - practically exclusive control of cement LOST Brown beaded bar. in Knelienbutx'a,
I evening. W. Phila. Rew. .ri71 Walnut atreet,
police Ley. v

Some of those arriving have no cloth- - where it if sixty feet deep, It was later learned that the pilot nounced that he had withdrawn his re shipments in the Lehigh region. It is contsininc chance, key. etc. Dia. 5t7 . I YS

ing other than bathing suits, having The exa t number of occupants of the and two passengers on board had been quest for the resignations and that one of the best paring short lines in LOST Small white doc named Trixie. S3 re-

escaped from the The Soviet car it not Renown, and the police are in- - Read Full Particulars on Pages 19 and 23 of This Section killed. The passengers were Gordon there would be no changes until several America, only ten miles long with prof-
. J ward. 514 N. Vodaes st.
Government is granting permits for vestigating the details of the accident, Ley, an. Englishman, and Paul Carroll, I items of pressing business had been dis- - its averaging more than jl,000,0O0 a OTHER 108T AKO F0T"TD ADS 03T
ieparture from tne country. pending jd:nuiicauon or the, victims. a Pam business man. I posed of. year. tlH XK CLASSIFIED. AO BECXIOii

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