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Markian Mumba

Clinic management
This is a database management system specialized for clinics. 

The main goal of the system is to ensure security in the database thus people 
can’t change credentials with ease 

To increase flow in the system in that doctors can get lab results without 
moving to the lab  

To ensure privacy and hierarchy where one cannot check information if they 
don’t have the authority to that specific information 

To increase productivity in the clinic where they don’t have to go through files 
to find the last appointments patients had or the medication they were 
prescribed. With a DBMS one can search the name an all the history to that 
person can be tracked easily  

A DBMS will help the clinic in making their data accurate in that data can only 
be changed at one point instead of having files that change frequently thus 
making the data inaccurate 


Has a doctors table which has a department, doctor id, doctor name columns. 

Next, there is the lab table it has columns lab number, patient ID, weight, doctor ID, 
date, category, patient type, amount. 

There is also a room table which contains room number, room-type, status columns. 

The patient table contains the following patient ID, name, age, gender, address, 
phone, disease, weight and doctor ID columns. 

There is the patient status table which contains patient ID, lab ID and state columns. 

There is a bill table which contains the bill number, patient ID, patient type, doctor 
charge, medicine charge, room charge, operation charge, number of days, nursing 
charge, health care, lab charge and bill columns 

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