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How To Pay Your Suppliers The RIGHT Way

Alipay is great when paying suppliers directly on Aliexpress...

But since we are focused on building an actual brand and not just simple
'dropshipping' with no logo/branding, I prefer to use PayPal and switch over
to wire transfer later.

Make sure to VERIFY your identity and upload the required documents if
using PayPal or Alipay.

If you don't do this... as soon as you start getting money coming in and sales,
AliPay and PayPal might freeze your account and make you upload your ID,
business license, etc.

Alibaba Trade Assurance:

Also a great option if ordering bulk custom shipments from suppliers on
Alibaba (if using a fulfillment warehouse in the US or your market.)

Suppliers are mostly trustworthy, but never fully trust and use caution at the
beginning of your relationship.

Once you've made orders with them and they've successfully fulfilled
products to customers, making wire transfer payments is safe.

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