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Task 2: How green are you?

Which group is the greenest? Me Other(s) Group

1. Have you travelled into town by car in the last two weeks?

2. Have you bought organic fruit or vegetables in the last two


3. Have you used public transport in the last two weeks?

4. Have you taken bottles to the bottle bank in the last two

5. Have you recycled paper in the last two weeks?

6. Have you picked up litter and put it in the bin in the last two

7. Have you bought fast food in a plastic or Styrofoam container

in the last two weeks?

8. Have you paid more for something because it’s

environmentally friendly in the last two weeks?

9. Have you used plastic bags for your shopping in the last 2

10. Have you ____________________________ in the last two


Count how many people said yes and no for each question, and then share your findings with the
rest of the group.
Task 3: Writing a report.
If you asked eight people question 1 and they all said ‘yes’, you could write: All of the people
interviewed have travelled into town by car in the last two weeks.
What would you write if they all said ‘no’?

Put these phrases on the line below:

Some people half the people only one person most of the people

only a few people

All of the people

None of the people

Now you can report your findings. For example:

The results of the survey show that only one person has used public transport in the last two
weeks but most of the people interviewed have travelled into town by car.

Sometimes we use has instead of have. Can you complete the sentence with a phrase from

__________ has taken bottles to the bottle bank.

Using the answers you collected in the survey, complete the report with phrases from above.

Survey Report

A survey was carried out in our class, to find out how green people are.

The results of the survey show that ___________ has / have used public
transport in the last two weeks, and / but ______________ has / have
travelled into town by car.

Fortunately / Unfortunately ______________ interviewed has / have bought a

burger in a plastic container and / but ____________ has / have picked up
litter and put it in a bin.

_______________ has / have taken bottles to a bottle bank or recycled paper,

and / but ________________ interviewed has / have paid more for something
because it is environmentally friendly.

_______________ has / have used plastic bags for their shopping, and
__________________ has / have bought organic fruit or vegetables in the last
two weeks.


The results of the survey suggest that the students of ______________ are
______________ green.
Task 4: Language focus
The questions in the group survey use the present perfect. Find the verbs travel, buy, use, take
etc. in the questionnaire and complete the table below.

Travel Have you______________

Buy Have you______________

Use Have you______________




Pick up

Task 5: Whole class survey

Whole class survey A – Being green at home YES NO

1. Have you _______ (leave) the TV on standby in the last


2. Have you ________ (turn) off the TV or computer

monitor in the last ________ when you have answered the

3. Have you ______ (fall) asleep with a light on in the last


4. Have you _______ (use) any solar powered energy in

the last _______________?

5. Have you _______ (have) a cold shower in the last


6. Have you ____________________________?

Whole class survey B – Holidays and the environment YES NO

1. Have you _______ (see) wild animals whilst on holiday

in the last____________?

2. Have you ________ (stay)in a large hotel resort in the


3. Have you ______ (stay) with a local family while on

holiday in the last ___________________?

4. Have you _______ (buy) locally made gifts in the


5. Have you _______ (learn) about areas of natural beauty

in the last ________________?

6. Have you ____________________________?

Whole class survey C – Using water YES NO

1. Have you _______ (have) a bath or shower for more

than 5 minutes in the last_____________?

2. Have you ________ (water) the plants in the garden in

the afternoon in the last ______________?

3. Have you ______ (wash) the car with a hose in the last

4. Have you _______ (use) a glass of water when brushing

your teeth in the last _______________?

5. Have you _______ (bring) your own refillable water

bottle to school in the last _______________?

6. Have you ____________________________?

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