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Pierre Avedikian

Instructor: Dr. Nathalia Geha

Research Paper:
2nd body paragraph:

Having an endogamous state of mind means that families have the ability to maintain

community identity, uniqueness and status(Dzimiri,2004). It means that what originally belongs

to the family, stays to the family and does not go through changes with every generation. For

sure every family has their own traditions and special cults, and endogamous marriage helps

families keep their traditions alive for the coming generations, for example in china it one of the

most important aspects of respect is the respect of the elders, as opposed to other cultures, when

exogamic marriage occurs between to individuals, it will be most probable the other half’s

manners won’t be up to the ethics and requirements for the Chinese family. It also keeps families

their statuses. This aspect is very important for the royal families where kings and queens pass

on their power to their sons and daughters, which obviously pushes individuals to marry people

from the same social class as theirs, as well as sometimes being forced to marry cousins just for

the sake of keeping the reputation and staying the reigning power of a country. In other notices,

we may also agree that endogamy supports family businesses as coming generations, of course

being part of their original families( the father owns the business and not the grandfather from

the mother’s side), will be able to continue in their fathers footsteps and always have the ability

to have the ability to expand and invest in what came down to the individual as a “descendant”.

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