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Pierre Avedikian

Instructor: Dr. Nathalia Geha

Research Paper:
3rd body paragraph:

We should also point out that exogamy pushes away the boundaries of extremism and racism,

since it encourages people to stay in contact with people from other races and other nationalities for

example, let’s say your in a culture where you have the right to have contact with whomever you want to

and don’t pressure you to stay within certain boundaries in your relations, you would be more pleased by

the company of all sorts of people, in contrary of societies where you’re put under a certain pressure not

to socialize with people outside your culture, which will eventually lead you to being racist.

Nevertheless, exogamous marriage may have its benefits, but one of the biggest downsides of it may be

that it may increase the rate of divorce between the couple, mainly because the difference in mindsets

make co-existence harder. Each race and society have their own norms and values, it is hard for two

distinct people coming from two distinct background to easily find a compromise, which often leads to

break-ups or divorces. Meanwhile endogamy cherishes relationships and makes people a bit more open

minded, a healthy marriage is based on communication, and two people that are not able to find

communication patterns and can’t properly organize their needs leads to a failure of marriage; that is

where endogamy exceeds all expectations and does a good job at reserving good spots for families and

couples to grow, because the goals and values are shared between the two married people and, it makes

living and co-existence much easier.

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