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Pierre Avedikian

Instructor: Dr. Nathalia Geha

Research Paper:
1st body paragraph:

Endogamy has tendency to keep wealth in groups, meaning that groups will expand more and more and

get larger in number since the descendants will be part of that same, original group. Usually this point is

most associated with women rather than men. In fact, women that marry men from other groups won’t

be benefitting from their own group where they originate from as they will be part, from that moment

on, of the group of her husband, therefore loosing entirely or partly contact with her family or her

group, and that aspect has to do with her husband and her “new group’s” mentality and cultural beliefs.

We can also pinpoint that children of women that had engaged in exogamial marriage, and that is the

act of marrying outside one’s group, will be part of the other group, thus the girl’s group won’t be able

to benefit of any kind of increase in number but on the contrary will continue to decrease. And when

this aspect continues on along the generations, it will automatically lead to extinction of groups, since

there will be no men to carry the names of their families.

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