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Peyton Benich

Julia Wylie



Nutrition Signature Assignment

Learning Outcomes 

1. Demonstrate knowledge of human nutritional needs and the role of nutrition in improving

individual health and the societal economic impact of food choices.

- All humans require a source of nutrients and fluids. It’s critical that everyone

knows what they’re eating before they eat it. Our bodies are like an engine and

require certain mechanics and fluids to function. Dieting should be looked at as a

positive out view and not a starving factor.

2. Relate technological advancements in medicine and food production to the advancement

of the science of human nutrition.

- With the advanced technologies we have today, doctors are able to see exactly

what each individual needs to operate. As well as factories that produce the foods

are able to produce foods at faster rates so it’s easily obtainable as well not as

pricey. With a more knowledgeable understanding of nutrition, humans can

finally know exactly what they need to obtain a healthy lifestyle.

3. Explain the impact that the food industry has on human food choices and the subsequent

relationship to health and disease at the individual, societal, and environmental level.

- The food industry has always had the largest impact on humans, it falsely

advertises foods with the “perfect human”. The food industry is very capable of

damaging an individual’s health and exposing them to deadly diseases. It has also
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Peyton Benich

Julia Wylie



Nutrition Signature Assignment

taken over to social media with famous people that are photoshopping the way

they look but post them eating unhealthy meals and information.

4. Provide examples of past and present nutrient and diet trends in modern society and the

positive and/or negative implications on human health and the earth’s resources.

- A constant and unforgiving trend is within the fast food industry. It used to be

brought up as happy food back in the early 2000’s. People thought it was the

quickest way to get all the nutrients and a tasty meal. Although, it overloads them

on fats and sugars. Eventually leading them to obesity. To this day, fast food is

seen as a quick way for all your nutrients. Though, it will always be seen as a lie.

5. Provide examples of positive and negative interactions of humankind with

microorganisms regarding sickness, health and food production.

- Humans have constant negative interactions with health due to the obesity

percentage and health problems that can follow from obesity. Unhealthy food

weaken the immune system and make you more subject to sicknesses and

foodborne illnesses. The productions of foods have been completely reformed just

so McDonalds, Wendy’s, and other fast food joints can make business.

6. Address diet and nutrient issues and concerns for weight control, disease prevention,

physical activity, food availability, and biotechnology.

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Peyton Benich

Julia Wylie



Nutrition Signature Assignment

- Issues with dieting start at the front lines of fast food because it’s a cheaper

alternative to healthy foods. This starts the process to an unhealthy diet anyone

can afford, eventually leading them to become overweight. Starting an unhealthy

lifestyle leads you to getting food diseases and sicknesses more easily. A quick

and knowledgeable route into health and nutrition can change anyone’s

perspective to overcome an unhealthy lifestyle.


1. Make connections between what you studied in this nutrition course with what you’ve

learned in other courses at SLCC or before. Make specific references to your work in this

class and in the other courses. How did what you learn in the other courses enhance what you

learned in nutrition, and vice versa? My other courses taken at SLCC have made sure that if I

don’t know exactly what the answer might be for a problem, the course makes sure I

understand it. I am taught the topic and then given another try for another shot at answering it

right. Although, Nutrition has really taught me to keep track of everything. I have started to

keep track of all my notes with certain notebooks for each course, instead of having 3

notebooks combined with all my notes. I would easily say Nutrition has really made making

note taking better with power points instead of lectures.

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Peyton Benich

Julia Wylie



Nutrition Signature Assignment

2. Reflect on how you thought about nutrition before you took this course and how you

think about it now that the course is over. Have any of your assumptions or understandings

changed? Why? What assignments/activities/readings were influential in this process? How

will you approach (course topic) differently in the future? Before I took this class, I thought I

knew everything there was about nutritional facts. It turned out to be a lot more then I signed

up for, and I’m happy it was. I learned just how effective each specific nutritional factor in

each meal helps my body. My favorite activity from this course was my Dietary Analysis

assignment. I thought I was eating so healthy, but once I saw how below or above, in each

nutritional group I was. It really made me change my eating habits and start taking

multivitamins. I will be sure to approach my kickboxing class with a very healthy and

energetic diet.

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