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Background of the Study

The basic necessity of human life is food that is significant to the health

condition of all humans. Indeed, one category of food is baked products that

consumed by the people, especially those who use bakery products as meal. Bread

is the most regular consumed food in the world, due to its quality, portability, and

nourishment. According to Dela (2015), people mostly prefer eating breads than

other cereal because it is considered to be most contributing to human’s health.

Most human have very pleasant taste of bread which gives a disadvantage to

their dietary condition. Based on Medline Plus (2018), you may have had certain

eating habits for so long that you don’t realize that it is unhealthy to your body. Your

habits have become part of your daily life, so you do not think much about it. This

behavior could explain that we need to learn about our eating habits especially that

the breads are commonly used as snacks in our country.

Besides, this kind of eating behavior will have the tendency to continue

throughout to their adulthood. So, it is really important to implement the proper eating

practice as early as child to develop an ongoing healthy lifestyle among students.

Sullivan, Bopp, & Roberson (2002) stated that under nutrition or inadequate intake of

dietary nutrients necessarily to maintain health, ‘’contributes a negative health

outcome such as increased morbidity’’. Thus, having a healthy body is important to

enhance the academic performance of a student.


Overweight and obesity is one of the common problems that grow rapidly in

the generation. Whereas the eating related problems include eating and feeding

disorders are being seen to understand our food choice behavior. Thus, Eating

Behavior is a broad term that encompasses food choice and motives, feeding

problems, dieting and eating practice. (LaCaille, 2013) also embraced fancy meals,

deficient habitual nourishments and dealing food intakes. However, the behavioral of

containing processed foods is dangerous but instead, most youngsters continued

this behavior.

In addition, overweight and obesity are the problem that linked to unhealthy

dietary patterns, physical inactivity, and misperception of the body image. According

to Holliday et al. (2014), food is developed in ways that are cheaper for costumer but

cause the food to contain high amount of fats, and cholesterol. However, not all fats

cause obesity, as the evidence shown that the presence of polyunsaturated fats is

much healthier than the saturated fats.

There are many nutritional facts that baked product have which is needed in

our body. The inadequate intake and under nutrition of baked products will lead to a

negative outcome such as diseases and obesity. Food provides various nutritional

facts like baked products containing calories in the form of fats, protein, and

carbohydrates leading to the possibility of weight gains.

Our food choice behavior plays a very important role in the formation of

undesired eating behavior for students. LaCaille, (2013) said that humans make

hundreds of food decisions each day that are influenced by a variety of personal,

social, cultural, environmental, and economic factors. Understanding why we eat and

the motivational factors driving food choices is important to address the epidemics of

obesity diabetes and cardiovascular disease. This means that an alternative choice

of the food we eat depends on how we crave for that certain processed foods. But

according to Fuhrman (2017) selecting these fast and processed foods may be more

destructive for our health and for society.

And according also to the Bake info’s (2018), all bread is nutritious, and the

differences between them in nutritional value are not significant if we only have

balance diet. Therefore, balance diet is imperative. In that way, we can reduce the

overweight and obese people in our country, and lesser the diseases that it may


The purpose of this study is to determine if there is relationship between

baked product and dietary health condition. We wanted to know the importance of

having a proper diet especially in our community where we really love to eat breads

and other bakery products.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the relationship of Baked Products and Dietary

Health condition of Grade 10 Del Pilar Students.

Specifically, it answers the following questions:

1. What is the extent of Baked Product in terms of?

1.1 Nutritional Facts

1.2 Eating Habits

2. What is the extent of Dietary Health Condition in term of?

1.1 Malnutrition

1.2 Health Status


3. Is there any relationship between Baked Products and the Dietary Health

Condition of the students?

Null Hypothesis

There is no significant relationship between the Baked Products and Dietary

Health Condition of Grade 10 Del Pilar Students.

Significance of the Study

Many of us in our community loved to eat bread or any of the baked products;

it has been part of our daily lives. However, there is also lot of people who doesn't

know how to consume it properly. The study signifies the importance of knowing the

nutrients and eating habit of baked product and its relation to the dietary health

condition of Grade 10 Del Pilar.

The beneficiaries of this study are not just only the student of Grade 10 Del Pilar,

but everyone especially to those who loved to eat baked products. They will be

benefited through knowing the proper way of consuming baked products and avoid

the possible disease it may cause. The benefactors of this study are the following:

 Students – they will be benefited in a way that they were able to know what

will be the effect on eating imbalance diet and how it will affect their health.

 Teachers – they will be benefited through knowing the proper eating practices

and avoid the possible disease they may get through it.

 Canteen Vendor – they will be benefited through knowing what are they going

to sell in terms of bakery products.


 Researchers – we, researcher of this study, we will be benefited in a way that

we can also be aware of how important to know what are the baked products

we are going to take.

 Future researchers – they will be benefited in a way that they can use this

research as one of their sources on their study.

Scope and Delimitation

Breakfast is often described as the most important meal of the day. We all

know that the students eat bread at least twice a week, and some consider it as their

breakfast. This study is conducted to determine the effect of baked product in Grade-

10 Del Pilar students.

We choose the Sigaboy Agricultural Vocation High School as the area of our

study, wherein they have 6 sections for Grade 7, 5 sections for Grade 8, 3 sections

for Grade 9, 3 sections for Grade 10, 3 section for Grade 11, and 2 sections for

Grade12. Out of 22 sections in SAVHS, we only choose 1 section to conduct the

survey, which is the section Grade 10 Del Pilar. This study limits its coverage only in

the Grade 10 Del Pilar students.

Each of the respondents is given same questionnaire to answer. Survey

questionnaires do not include personal information of the respondent, such as

beliefs, culture, and traditions that might affects their personal lives. They could

answer the questionnaire based on their own opinion or experience.

Theoretical Framework

Baked Goods and Fast-Foods Linked To Depression


According to Gray (2012) theory, baked goods and fast-foods are linked to

increased risk of depression. In his study, the Public Health Nutrition reports that

eating commercial baked goods such as fairy cakes, and croissants, and fast foods

like hamburgers, hotdogs, and pizza, is linked to increase in the risks of developing


However, UK’s NHS choices service noted that the study is just as plausible

where diet and depression are both the result of a common factor. They also said

that even though this was a prospective study, it cannot conclusively show that

eating lots of hamburgers and pizzas causes depression. For example, participants

with the highest fast-food consumption were generally all single, younger, and less

active, which may have influenced both their diet and their risk of depression.

Sanchez-Villegas (2012) added that although more studies are necessary to

investigate such links, the intake of this type of food as baked products should be

controlled because of its implications on both health such as obesity and

cardiovascular disease and mental well-being. Therefore, there has a possibility that

the consumption of baked products may be the cause of dietary health condition (as

depression, diseases and diet) of the students.

Conceptual Framework

The researchers presented the paradigm of the study that notice in figure 1

below. The illustration shows the independent variable which is the Bakery Products

with the indicator, Nutritional Facts and Eating Habits; and the dependent variable is

Dietary Health Condition with the indicators, health status and malnutrition.

Conceptual Framework

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Nutritional Facts Malnutrition

Eating Habits Health status

Figure 1. Paradigm of the Study


Definition of terms

Bakery Product – it is usually prepared by a flour, water, salt, sugar, and

leavening agent; it include bread, rolls, cookies, pies, muffins, cake and pastries.

Dietary Health Condition – it is a health condition that is related to the diet.

Eating Habits – it refers to how, what, why, and when people eat; it is eating

out of habits without considering that if it is healthy or not.

Health Status – a serious health condition means an illness, injury,

impairment, or physical or mental condition.

Malnutrition – it is cause by having an improper balance diet; it is either too

much eating or poor eating.

Nutritional Facts – it is the nutrition that the bakery products consist.



Review of Related Literature

Baked Products

The taste, color, and texture of bakery products are the characteristics that

most students captivate their attention on buying bakery products. These bakery

products are famous in which it is easy to digest making the wholesale market of

these products can also justifies the favorable taste of the consumer. Moreover,

bakery products are also consumable for every occasion like birthdays, weddings,

etc. And every party we always have cakes as symbolizes to the over-all occasion.

Rayam (2019) stated that birthday party or anniversary is calm without cutting the

exotic cake and bread is essence of all food.

Bakery products have many varieties which include Cakes, Biscuits,

Brownies, Conches, Empanadas, Pan de Nuevo (Rayam, 2019) – bakery products

are also popular for it is habit in general to have sweet after lunch or dinner. We

used to consume bakery products as bread because of its requirements that focuses

our local taste, ingredients, and desire.

Another varieties of bakery products are drinking chocolates, pizzas, candy,

jelly, ice cream, Ballios, sweet biscuits, all made from dried fruits, flour, nuts, honey,

and eggs, sugar, flavored or taste (Rayam, 2019). These are usually prepared that

could provides nutrients in the human diet.

According to Singh and Matz (2019) “the time improvements in baking

technology began to accelerate rapidly, owing to the higher level of technology

generally.” When it developed its qualities, this includes the innovations of promoting

and making the bakery products in creative way. Through technology the consumers

will buy bakery products wherein it captures and attract the attention of the

consumer. Therefore, they are influenced by using technology as advertisements.

However, consuming higher amounts of these bakery products can cause

some diseases. And if humans only eat breads and other pastries in a day, they

should restraint it so that they have a long life to live.

Nutritional Facts

The nutritional value of food refers to the quantity and quality of nutrients

found in the food item. There are two types of nutrients: the micronutrients and the

macronutrients. Micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals keep our body to be

healthy. And macronutrients such as protein, fats, and carbohydrates provide heat

and energy to your body. Some nutrients found in bread include protein, thiamine,

niacin, riboflavin, iron and calcium. The amount of nutrient differs on the type of

bread consumed and the ingredients uses in the bread. Here are some of the major

ingredients used in baking:

 Flour: is the main ingredient of baked products. According to the Bread and
Pastry student manual, there are many types of flour used in baking and each
of it has its own nutrition content: bread flour has high gluten content and 12–
14% protein content; All-purpose flour has 10–11% and made from a blended
soft and hard wheat flour; Soft flour has low gluten content that made a finer
texture of bread; and Cake flour has 7–9% soft and is made of soft wheat
 Sugar: a sweet, soluble organic compound that belong to carbohydrate group
of food. There are many form of sugar like granulated sugar (white sugar),
powdered sugar (confectioner sugar) and brown sugar. Elizabeth M. Ward
(2005) stated that consuming too much sugar-sweetened food can increased
the risk of getting diabetes.
 Eggs: Eggs are a great source of a complete high quality protein of bread
with few calories. One whole egg has 5.5gram of protein in only 68 calories.
Grace Derocha (2011) stated that eggs also contain choline, which is
important especially since your body can not produce enough of it.

 Shortening: is any fat, which, when added to flour mixtures increases

tenderness. Some shortening are made from plants, fatty milk proteins,
hydrogenated vegetable oil, and fat of the cocoa beans and made from fat of
pork. According to Taylor Jones (2016), shortening contains 100% fats unlike
any other types of shortening. Therefore, it is very high in calories and low in
 Leavening Agent: are gases that cause the dough to rise. Chemical and
Biological are two classification of leavened. Leavening agent consist sodium
nutrient, that helps maintain stable blood pressure (Steve Kim (2017).
 Liquid Ingredient: provide moisture to rehydrate and activate the yeast and
bring together the flour and any other dry ingredients to make the dough. Milk
is one of the examples of liquid ingredients in baking. Atli Arnarson (2014)
states, milk is a rich source of protein, it has approximately 80% of protein in
milk and the other 20% is the minerals, calcium and phosphorus that also
promote lower blood pressure level.

Eating Habits

Our eating habits are influenced by the food we select, timing, and frequency

of meals. Also refers to why and how people eat which food they eat, and with whom

they eat, as well as the way people obtain, store, use, and discard food. According to

Meyer and Neumann (2016), there are factors that discover your consciousness of

what these patterns, it finds your lifestyle, how it effects, and what, when, how often

should we eat and why do we eat the way we do.

Regarding to the food we intake, it shows how we induced negative effect

leads to an increased food intake, specifically comfort foods. Thus, the food

preference has a quantitative relationship to the amount of food intake, and may

greatly affect on the nutrient we intake. There are two kinds of eating motives

according to Reichenberger et al (2016, 2018) the hunger eating motives and the

desire eating motive, which he defines it as unhealthy eating habits. Having

knowledge of about eating habits can provide effective treatment targets for obesity

and associated disorders. Healthy eating can be challenging around certain people

or in certain social situation.


Indeed, making plans to achieve particular dietary goals are useful as

treatment of obesity. Murad, (2016) stated that being mindful, wise and visualize are

the strategies that can keep you in the right mindset. Always consider to estimate the

foods we take which avoid us from uncontrolled eating habits. Various food guides

provide suggestions on foods to eat, portion sizes, and daily intake.

Good eating means good health and eating properly as a young person can

also bring you good health in your older years, though it’s hard, it can be done.

Because according to Women’s Health (2018), Losing weight is not that easy as you

think, but if you found some healthy eating habit that maintain your loss weight then

stick to that habit.

According to the study of Syder (2018), the effective healthy eating habits for

students includes eating healthy foods like fruit and vegetables instead of fast food,

sweets, and processed foods. And it is much healthier if we portion food correctly,

drink a lot of water, eat food with rich calcium, eat healthy snack and most

importantly have a balance diet.

Marino (2017) states that we should eat veggies at every meal, swap sugar-

sweetened beverages for water and cook are the eating habits that will improve your

health the most. Keep Healthy snacks handy at home and try to avoid buying

unhealthy ones. You could have a bowl of fresh fruit on the bench and a container of

veggie sticks in the fridge.

Healthy eating habit also has its right time. As we all know there are three

forms of meal the breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Among those three meals, breakfast

is the most important meal of the day especially to the students. Because Dean

Baker says on his blog, that leaving the house without breakfast can damage your

power to memorize and learn. Indeed, student needs to eat breakfast before going to

school because helps them for to learn. And according to the views of UK essays

(2013) you must also take lunch to keep your systems functioning more efficiently to

continue using our body as well as on dinner time.

However, the wrong kind of consuming bakery products or processed foods

can lead to health problems. Those bad eating habits affect our health such as not

enough food is just as bad that caused you wasted and your organs will eventually

fail. Bad habits formed in your youth can carry on to your adulthood when your

metabolism is not so fast.

Dietary Health Condition

Baking products that provide for the good health of customers is an easily

attainable goal for bakers`. Baked goods that meet specific nutrient needs, food

intolerances or strict diets and still taste good are easy to develop, a review

suggested by Culliney (2014). We can be what we eat, in that we can dictate our self

to choose the right variety of foods. Therefore, it is important for bakers to consider

the customer’s dietary needs.

Baking is simply combining the ingredients in a specific order and applying

heat. But when consuming these baked products, it may cause several problems

and that defines as bad impact to the dietary of student, also we can assure that

there are also good impacts. We can experience a range of chronic health conditions

may become increasingly sedentary – key factors that could affect appetite and

hunger and lead to changes in diet composition (Shatenstein, 2008). Bakery

products can be healthy, only if it consumed with proper eating guidelines. Marino

(2017) stated that habits may not easy to change, but changing even just a few can

be effective way of developing a healthier lifestyle. If our parents have an unhealthy

lifestyle it is likely we will follow in those footsteps (McClanahan, 2018). Bakery

products nutrition varies depending on the type of bakery products that you choose

to eat. Therefore, you can have a smart choice on consuming the right variety of

food as bakery products.

According to Dr. Rajhans (2016) that eating bread, biscuits, and buns are

almost a routine for most of us. But we are not aware that a killer substance is trans-

fat. It is a fat substance turned poisonous by reheating used oil or by hydrogenation.

This Trans fat is commonly used in home and by street vendors for frying and

baking. In the study of Belluz and Collins (2018) that the World Health Organization

(2018) states that the Trans - fat is thought to be responsible for an estimated

500,000 premature deaths from cardiovascular diseases.


People concerned about their health but some are not. Malnutrition is cause

by too much eating of unhealthy food. According to the World Health Organization

(WHO), 462 million people worldwide are malnourished, and stunted development to

poor diet affects 159 million children globally. Malnutrition results from a poor diet or

a lack of food. It happened when the intake of nutrients or energy is too high, too

low, or poorly balanced. And under nutrition can lead to delayed growth or wasting,

while a diet that provide too much food, but not necessarily balanced, leads to


Furthermore, malnutrition has its big impact in relation with the health. Das

and Gulshan, 2017) stated that people are malnourished if the calories and protein

they take through their diet are not sufficient for their growth and maintenance or due

to ill health, they are not able to make complete use of the food they eat (under

nutrition) or if they consume too many calories (over-nutrition).

According to the study of Radhakrishman (2018) that Growth Failure

Malnutrition is the failure of an individual to grow as expected in stature or weight,

according to his/her age and gender. There are different types of malnutrition. First,

the acute malnutrition (wasting or underweight), according to Adhikari (2017), it is the

rapid loss of weight of a child in comparison to his/her height. The symptoms of this

acute malnutrition include weak muscles, feeling tire all the time, low mood and they

easily get illness and infections. Second, Chronic Malnutrition (Stunting), it is being

shorter than average for her age group. A stunted child won’t grow to full potential,

physically or mentality. It will be at greater risk for serious health problems like heart

and kidney disease and diabetes.

In the study of Adhikari (2017) he stated that micronutrient malnutrition

consists of vitamin A deficiency, Iron Deficiency, iodine deficiency and etc. These

vitamins and minerals are of utmost importance in various body processes and their

deficiency can make an otherwise healthy person malnourished. Vitamin A

deficiency weakens the immune systems, Iron deficiency include tiredness and

lethargy, and iodine deficiency symptom is a swelling of the thyroid gland called a

goiter but the most serious impact is on the brain, which cannot develop properly

without iodine.

In conclusion, Malnutrition is a cause for great concern in all developing

nations. As Megan Meyer (2016) stated, ‘’Find a pattern that works for you and your

lifestyle and you’ll be more likely to stick with it long term. Another thing, you need to

be conscious of what you are eating and habits in combination with plan in order to

have better brighter health.

Health Status

What we eat affects our dietary health. If we get too much food, or food that

gives our bodies the wrong instruction, we can become overweight, undernourished,

and at risk for the development of disease (Earl Bakken, 2016). Physical, mental,

and social health are connected to your diet and to one another. In addition, working

on your physical, mental, and social health while you are improving your diet

strengthens your efforts in every area, leading to an improved overall sense of


First, physical health is the state of being free from illness physically. It can

cover a wide range of areas including physically fit, normal weight, dental health,

personal hygiene and sleep. Second, mental healths in some studies people who

don’t have a healthy diet were more likely to report symptoms of depression or other

mental health issues. So that health experts always tell us that eating balanced

meals and exercising a few times each can make all the differences. Lastly, social

health is when healthy eating can be challenging around certain people or in a

certain social situations.

Concluding the unhealthy lifestyle will be better to improve one-self. With that,

an individual can have lifelong protection of these health problems which makes

them free to continue to discover new things. And they are more confident socially,

perform their functions correctly, and have more balanced life.


Chapter 3


This chapter discuss about the method used in the study. The research

design, research subject or participants, data gathering procedure, and statistical

tools will be explained further in this chapter.

Research Design

We, the researchers used the Descriptive Quantitative Research Design. This

research design can identify the relationship of the baked products and dietary

health condition and also to identify how they can affect each other. Through this

kind of research design we are able come up with the right solution of the problem of

our study.

Research Participants

The subjects of this study were selected conveniently. Researchers used

Grade 10 Del Pilar students of Sigaboy Agricultural Vocational High School to be

their respondents because of the availability of the students. They also select these

students because they know that they are able to answer the question that

researchers prepared. Shown in the table below is the distribution of the participants.

The researchers used the Slovin’s formula to calculate the possible number of

participants, and we used simple random sampling as our sampling procedure to

choose our respondents.


Table 1

Distribution of participants

Participants Number of population Number of Participants

Grade 10 Del Pilar 49 44


Research Instrument

The research instrument that the researchers used in this study is the survey

questionnaire. In which the respondents will fill up their answers to the

questionnaires given to them. This questionnaire validated by the adviser of this

research paper.

The questionnaire is divided in to two (2) sets which are the Baked Products

and the Dietary health condition of the students. Each set of questionnaire has also

two parts and each part is composed of five (5) questions each.

It is rated by following the Likert's Scale of (5) for strongly agree, (4) for agree,

(3) for undecided, (2) for disagree, and (1) for strongly disagree and its parameter


Below are the parameters limits and their corresponding equivalent and

description in rating the following:


Table 2

Baked products

Parameter Descriptive Interpretation

Limits Equivalent

This means that the conditions of

4.50 – 5.00 5 Strongly Agree
baked product are mostly observed.

This means that the conditions of

3.50 – 4.49 4 Agree
baked product are often observed.

This means that the conditions of

2.50 – 3.49 3 Undecided baked product are sometimes


This means that the conditions of

1.50 – 2.49 2 Disagree
baked product are rarely observed

This means that the conditions of

0.50 – 1.49 1 baked product are never been

Table 3

Dietary Health Condition of the Students

Parameter Descriptive
Equivalent Interpretation
Limits Equivalent

This means that the conditions of

4.50 – 5.00 5 Strongly Agree dietary health condition of the students

are mostly observed.

This means that the conditions of

3.50 – 4.49 4 Agree dietary health condition of the students

are often observed.

This means that the conditions of

2.50 – 3.49 3 Undecided dietary health condition of the students

are sometimes observed.

This means that the conditions of

1.50 – 2.49 2 Disagree dietary health condition of the students

are rarely observed.

This means that the conditions of

0.50 – 1.49 1 dietary health condition of the students
are never been observed.

Sampling Method

The researcher used the simple random sampling method. This type of

sampling procedure is the most basic procedure among its type. Wherein, the Grade

10 Del Pilar students have equal chances to be one of the respondents. Then the

researchers randomly pick the names of the possible respondents from the list of

names to choose who be participates to their study.

Research Local

This study was conducted at Sigaboy Agricultural Vocational High School in

Governor Generoso, Davao Oriental.

Data Gathering Procedure

In gathering the data, the researchers are very observant and mindful enough

to come up with the desired result.

Before conducting the study the researchers asked permission first. They

construct a permission letter and let the adviser sign it for the approval and support to

the study to be conducted.

After the approval and support is given by the research adviser, the researchers

personally approached and gave the questionnaire to the respondents of the study.

They make sure to give the instruction carefully so that they can answer the questions


After the researcher conduct survey, they collect the questionnaires to the

respondents and immediately compare the different results. Lastly, in computing the

data, the researchers submitted the results to the statistician to be analyzed and


Data Analysis

The researcher used the descriptive data analysis to calculate the extent of

bakery products and dietary condition of Grade 10 Del Pilar. First, we get the mean

score to know the extent of personal perception. The two variables will be correlated

using Pearson – r in order to test if there is a relationship between the consumption

of breads to the student dietary condition. The data were analyzed and interpreted

using the appropriate tool such as:

Mean – a tool that is used to determined by adding all the data points in a

population and then divide the total number of points

Pearson r – is a tool that the covariance of the two variables divided by the

product of their standard deviations. This is also used to answer significant

relationship between bakery products and dietary health condition of Grade 10 Del

Pilar students.


Result and Discussion

This chapter concentrated in discussing the results of the objectives in the

study as presented below and in the succeeding pages of this chapter. This study

aimed to determine how Baked Products and Dietary Health Condition of Grade 10

Del Pilar are related.

The Extent of Baked Products in Terms of Nutritional Facts and Eating Habit

In the Table 4, it shows the extent of baked products in term of nutritional

facts and eating habits. The mean of nutritional facts is 3.8636 with a descriptive

equivalent of “Agree” which mean that the conditions of baked products are often

observed among all the respondents. In terms of nutritional facts in baked products

we all know that there are different ingredients used in baking and each of it has its

own nutritional content and each of it also has its correspond effect especially if you

intake too much of it. Like what E. Ward (2005) stated, sugar – sweetened food can

increase the risk of having diabetes. But on the other side it has also good effect, as

Steve Kim (2011) says that leaving agent contains sodium nutrient which help to

maintain stable blood pressure.

` The mean of eating habit is 3.7409 with a descriptive equivalent of “Agree”

which mean that the conditions of baked products are often observed among all the

respondents. Eating habit can be good or bad in our health it depends on what we

eat. Syder (2018 proves that eating healthy foods like fruits and vegetables is an

effective healthy eating habits for students. On the other hand as Reichenberger

(2016, 2018) states that the unhealthy eating habit is the hunger eating and the

desire eating motivate, wherein you eat what you want without considering if it is

healthy food or not.

Then the overall mean of baked product is 3.8022 with a descriptive

equivalent of “Agree” which mean that the conditions of baked products are often

observed among all the respondents. In our community we usually eat bread

especially in breakfast, because we know that it is also one of the sources of nutrient

as what Rayam (2019) said that people usually prepare food that provide nutrient to

their diet and one of it is bread, because it is available in the market and most

important it is affordable to everyone.


Table 4
The Extent of Baked Products
AWM Equivalent

A. Nutritional Fact 3.8636 0.4330 Agree

B. Eating Habits 3.7409 0.4304 Agree

GRAND MEAN 3.8022 0.4317 Agree


The Extent of Dietary Health Condition in Terms of Malnutrition and Health


In the Table 5, it shows the extent of dietary health condition in term of

malnutrition and health status. First, the mean of malnutrition is 4.1636 with a

descriptive equivalent of “Strongly Agree” which means that the conditions of dietary

health are always observed among all the respondents. Malnutrition results from a

poor diet and consuming a little amount of food which Das and Gulshan (2017)

stated that people are malnourished if the calories and protein they take through

their diet are not sufficient for their growth and maintenance or due to ill health, they

are not able to make complete use of the food they eat (under nutrition) or if they

consume too many calories (over-nutrition).

Then the mean of health status is 4.2227 with a descriptive equivalent of

“Strongly Agree” which means that the conditions of dietary health are always

observed among all the respondents. We need to be conscious about our health

status as we improved our diet and strengthen our efforts because Bakken (2016)

said that what we eat affects our dietary health. If we get too much food, or food that

gives our bodies the wrong instruction, we can become overweight, undernourished,

and at risk for the development of disease

And lastly, the overall mean of dietary health condition is 4.1931 with a

descriptive equivalent of “Strongly Agree” which means that the conditions of dietary

health are always observed among all the respondents. In this condition, Shatenstein

(2008) prove that we need to be informed about choosing and controlling foods as

bakery products so that we can change our dietary condition.


Table 5

The Extent of Dietary Health Condition

AWM SD Equivalent

A. Malnutrition 4.1636 0.4770 Strongly Agree

B. Health Status 4.2227 0.4922 Strongly Agree

GRAND MEAN 4.1931 0.4846 Strongly Agree


The Relationship between Baked products and Dietary Health

In the Table 6, it shows that there are no significant relationship between the

baked products and the dietary health condition. Based on the result that is given by

the statistician, the p – value is equals to 0.109 and the r – value is equals to 0.245.

the p – value mean the probability value to test the statistical significance to verify

whether the hypothesis is accepted or not, while the r – value is to measure the

strength of the relation between the two variable. The 0.245 in r – value indicates

that there is a weak relationship of the two variables and it is not strong enough to

consider that there is relationship between dependent and independent variables.

As the overall result was being analyze it come up that the baked product has

no significant relationship to the dietary health condition of the student in Grade 10

Del Pilar. This result is supported by the statement of Meyer and Neumann (2016)

that the factor that affect or dietary condition is our lifestyle and improper eating

practices. Unhealthy lifestyle is unhealthy body as McClanahan (2018) said that if

our parents have an unhealthy lifestyle it is likely we will follow in those footsteps.

Therefore the null hypothesis is accepted in that the two variables are not

related to each other because not only baked products can affect our dietary health

condition. But it has a lot of factors that affect the dietary health condition.

Table 6

The Relationship between Baked products and Dietary Health

Dietary Health
Decision Interpretation

Accepted No

Products p value 0.109

Ho Significant

N 44

Chapter V

Conclusion and Recommendation


After the result was given we determine that there is no significant relationship

between the bakery products and the dietary health condition. This result concludes


1. Baked products are not the reason of malnutrition.

2. Every bad eating habit of baked product can affect the dietary health condition

of a person.

3. It is better to implement healthy lifestyle as early as child to develop it in the

process of growing of child.


As the result was finalize and it come up that they don’t have a significant

relationship but there are a lot of factors that affects the dietary health condition that

is discover a long the process of doing the study. Therefore the researchers

recommend the following:

1. Bakers must consider the perception and dietary needs of their customer.

2. Person with diabetes should avoid eating sweets like cakes, and other

pastries that contain more sugar.

3. Future researchers must study deeper about this study to solve the unsolved



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Appendix A

Research Instruments

Survey Questionnaire

Name: ___________________________________ Date: ___________

Section: _____________________ Age: ___________

Direction: Read carefully the following statement below. Choose the answer where
do you think and feel is right. (Remember: There is no right and wrong answer).
Please put check (/) to the number of your chosen answer.


5 - Strongly agree

4 - Agree

3 - Undecided

2 - Disagree

1 - Strongly disagree

Independent Variables

Bakery Products

Nutritional Facts 1 2 3 4 5

1. One whole egg has 5.5gram of protein

in only 68 calories.

2. Shortening ingredients contain 100%

fats; it is the richest source of calories.

3. Sugar – sweetened food like cakes and

other sweet pastries can increase the
risk of getting diabetes.

4. Milk has approximately 80% of protein

and the other 20% is the minerals,
calcium and phosphorus.

5. The nutritional value of baked products

refers to the quantity and quality of
nutrients found in the food item.

Eating Habits 1 2 3 4 5

1. Eating habits refers to the food that we

intake, our food choices, and eating

2. Your childhood eating habit will be

develop to your ongoing lifestyle.

3. Healthy eating can be challenging

around certain people or in certain
social situation.

4. The foods we eat depend on what we

crave for a certain food.

5. Eating out of desire is one of the

examples of unhealthy eating habit.

Dependent Variables

Dietary Health Condition

Malnutrition 1 2 3 4 5

1. Malnutrition results from a poor diet or a

lack of food.

2. Malnutrition has its big impact in relation

with the health.

3. Malnutrition is a cause for great concern

in all developing nations.

4. Malnutrition is either you don’t get the

nutrients that are needed or you get
more nutrients that are needed.

5. Weak and bad health is a cause of


Health Status 1 2 3 4 5

1. What we eat affects our dietary health.

2. Eating balance meals and exercising

helps make a difference.

3. Physical health is the state of being free

from illness physically.

4. Being overweight or underweight

depends on how we eat.

5. Over eating can increased the risk of

your development of disease.

Compute your BMI.

Height: ___________

Weight: ___________

BMI: ______________

Appendix B

Validation of Questionnaire

Appendix C

Letter to the Principal


Appendix D

Letter to the Adviser


Appendix E

Statistical Tables

Consolidated Result

Baked Products

Nutritional Facts 1 2 3 4 5

1. One whole egg has 5.5gram of protein 0 0 27 12 5

and only 68 calories.

2. Shortening ingredients contain 100% 0 1 22 8 13

fats; it is the richest source of calories.

3. Sugar – sweetened food like cakes and 0 3 5 21 15

other sweet pastries can increase the

risk of getting diabetes.

4. Milk has approximately 80% of protein 0 1 10 22 11

and the other 20% is the minerals,

calcium and phosphorus.

5. The nutritional value of baked products 0 0 6 19 19

refers to the quantity and quality of

nutrients found in the food item.

Eating Habits 1 2 3 4 5

1. Eating habits refers to the food that we 0 0 7 17 20

intake, our food choices, and eating



2. Your childhood eating habit will be 1 3 10 23 7

develop to your ongoing lifestyle.

3. Healthy eating can be challenging 2 0 6 26 10

around certain people or in certain

social situation.

4. The foods we eat depend on what we 1 3 12 22 6

crave for a certain food.

5. Eating out of desire is one of the 0 12 19 9 4

examples of unhealthy eating habit.

Dietary Health Condition

Malnutrition 1 2 3 4 5

1. Malnutrition results from a poor diet or a 0 2 5 23 14

lack of food.

2. Malnutrition has its big impact in relation 0 2 2 16 24

with the health.

3. Malnutrition is a cause for great concern 2 0 12 22 8

in all developing nations.

4. Malnutrition is either you don’t get the 3 0 10 13 18


nutrients that are needed or you get

more nutrients that are needed.

5. Weak and bad health is a cause of 0 0 6 21 17


Health Status 1 2 3 4 5

1. What we eat affects our dietary health. 0 0 12 17 15

2. Eating balance meals and exercising 0 0 3 16 25

helps make difference.

3. Physical health is a state of being free 0 2 3 19 20

from illness physically.

4. Being overweight or underweight 0 4 2 18 20

depends on how we eat.

5. Over eating can increased the risk of 0 2 9 18 15

developing disease.


Bakery Products

A. Nutritional Fact AWM

1. One whole egg has 5.5gram of protein in only 68

3.5 Agree

2. Shortening ingredients contain 100% fats; it is the

3.75 Agree
richest source of calories.

3. Sugar – sweetened food like cakes and other

sweet pastries can increase the risk of getting 4.09 Agree


4. Milk has approximately 80% of protein and the

other 20% is the minerals, calcium and 3.97 Agree


5. The nutritional value of baked products refers to

the quantity and quality of nutrients found in the 4.29 Agree

food item.

GRAND MEAN 3.92 Agree


B. Eating Habits AWM

1. Eating habits refers to the food that we intake,

4.29 Agree
our food choices, and eating motives.

2. Your childhood eating habit will be develop to

your ongoing lifestyle. 3.72

3. Healthy eating can be challenging around certain

3.95 Agree
people or in certain social situation.

4. The foods we eat depend on what we crave for a

3.65 Agree
certain food.

5. Eating out of desire is one of the examples of

3.11 Undecided
unhealthy eating habit.

GRAND MEAN 3.74 Agree

Dietary Health Condition

A. Malnutrition AWM

1. Malnutrition results from a poor diet or a lack of

4.11 Agree

2. Malnutrition has its big impact in relation with the

4.40 Agree

3. Malnutrition is a cause for great concern in all

3.77 Agree
developing nations.

4. Malnutrition is either you don’t get the nutrients

that are needed or you get more nutrients that 3.97 Agree

are needed.

5. Weak and bad health is a cause of malnutrition. 4.25 Agree

GRAND MEAN 4.1 Agree

B. Health Status AWM

1. What we eat affects our dietary health. 4.06 Agree

2. Eating balance meals and exercising helps make Strongly

a difference. Agree

3. Physical health is the state of being free from

4.29 Agree
illness physically.

4. Being overweight or underweight depends on

4.22 Agree
how we eat.

5. Over eating can increased the risk of your

4.04 Agree
development of disease.

GRAND MEAN 4.22 Agree




Prk. 7 - Tubing

Governor Generoso Davao Oriental

Mobile No.: 09090729842

Email Address:

Age: 18 years old

Date of Birth: October 15, 2000

Height: 5’4

Weight: 55

Religion: Catholic

Civil Status: Single

Nationality: Filipino

Father’s Name: Junar A. Cantiga

Mother’s Name: Grace S. Cantiga


Graduate School


Commara T. Manuel Central Elementary School - 1

Junior High School

Sigaboy Agricultural Vocational High School




Prk. 2, Sergio Osmena

Governor Generoso Davao Oriental


Age: 18 years old

Date of Birth: May 22, 2000

Height: 4’11

Weight: 44

Religion: Catholic

Civil Status: Single

Nationality: Filipino

Father’s Name: Jaime P. Anuncio

Mother’s Name: Mercedita E. Anuncio


Graduate School


Romana C. Acharon Central Elementary School

Calumpang, General Santos City

Junior High School

Sigaboy Agricultural Vocational High School

Poblacion, Governor Generoso, Davao Oriental




Prk. 5- Bais

Governor Generoso Davao Oriental

Mobile No.: 09676505175

Email Address:

Age: 18 years old

Date of Birth: October 14, 2000

Height: 4’11

Weight: 38

Religion: Catholic

Civil Status: Single

Nationality: Filipino

Father’s Name: Jerry A. Abejuela

Mother’s Name: Sarah B. Abejuela


Graduate School


Sigaboy Central Elementary School

Junior High School

Sigaboy Agricultural Vocational High School




Prk. 5- Montserrat

Governor Generoso Davao Oriental

Mobile No.: 09381948658

Email Address:

Age: 18 years old

Date of Birth: October 12, 2000

Height: 5’2

Weight: 54

Religion: Seventh-Day Adventist

Civil Status: Single

Nationality: Filipino

Father’s Name: Rolito Sr. S. Roque

Mother’s Name: Eva R. Roque


Graduate School


Serapion C. BasaloElementary School

Junior High School

Sigaboy Agricultural Vocational High School




Prk. 3 Poblacion

Governor Generoso Davao Oriental

Mobile No.: 09552696929

Email Address:

Age: 19years old

Date of Birth: December 5,1999

Height: 5’3

Weight: 51

Religion: Catholic

Civil Status: Single

Nationality: Filipino

Father’s Name: Orlando S. Indig

Mother’s Name: Litty P. Indig


Graduate School


Dalongdong Elementary School

Junior High School

Sigaboy Agricultural Vocational High School

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