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Nama : M.

Isra manfaizin

Kelas / prodi : Ilha C

Nim : 19105050111

Matkul : Bahasa inggris

Dosen bimbingan : Mrs .Nur Afni Khofsoh M.Sos

Social Solidarity

Solidarty is an awareness of shared interest, objectives, standars, and sympathies creating a

psychological sense of yunity of groups or classes. It refers to the ties in a society that bind
people together as one. The term is generally employed insociology and the social scienses
as well as in philosophy and biothics, it is also a significant consept in catholic social
teaching: therefore it is a core concept in Cristian democratic political ideology.What form
the basis of solidarity and how it’s implemented varies between sociaties, in developing
societies it may be mainly based on kinship and shared values while more developed socities
it may be mainly based on kinship and shared values while more developed socities
accumulate varios theries as to what contributes to a sense of solidarty , or rather, social
cohesion. Solidarty is also one of six principle of the carter of fundamental rights of the
European union and desember 20 of each year is international human solidarity day
recoqnized observance. Concepts of solidarty are mentioned. In the universitas declaration
on biotichs and human rights but not defined increase. As biotechnology and biomedical
enhancement research and production increase, the need for distinct definition of solidarty
withinhealth care system frameworks is im[ortant.

Solidarity discourse according to emile durkhemim, the types of social solidarity correlate
with tyepes of socity. Durkheim introduced the terms mechanical and organic solidarity as
part of his theory of the development of society exchibiting mechaniacal solidarty, its
cohesiaon and integration comes from the homogenty Of individual people feel connected
through similar work, educational and religios training, and lifestyle. Mechanical solidarity
normally operates in ‘’traditional’’ and small scale societies. In simpler societies . solidarity
is usually based on kinship ties pf familial network. Organic solidarity comes frome the
interdependence that arises frome spelization of work and the complementarities between
people a development which occurs in modern and industrial societies. It is cohesion based
upon the pendenced which individuals have on each in more advanced societies. Although
individual perform different tasks and often have different values and interest, the order and
very solidarity of society depends on their reliance on each other to perform their specified
tasks,’’organic’’ here is referring on the interdependence of the component of parts, and thus
social solidarity is maintainied in more complex societies through the interdependence of its
component parts farmers produce the food to feed the factory woekers who produce the food.

A connection between the biological and the social was of principal importance for the ideal
of solidarty as exspressed by the anarchist ideologist and former prince peter Kropotkin
(1842-1921) written partly in response to huxleyen social Darwinism, Kropotkin astudied
stages, as well as with animals, according to him, mutual aid. Or cooperation, within a
species has been an important factor in the evolusion of social institutions. Solidarity is
essential for mutual aid; supportive activity towards other people does not result from the
expectation of reward, but rather from the expectation of reward, but rather from instinctive
feeling of solidarity .

Solidarity is are remerging concept in contemporary philosophy within varios sub fields of
law, ethics and political philosophy. Early ancient philosophers such as Socrates and Aristotle
discuss solidarity as a virtue ethics framework because in order to live a good life one must
perform action and behave in a way that is solidarity with the community. One notable
approach in bioethics is so identify solidarity primarily as a three practice ecacted at the
interpersonal, communal, and contractual and legal levels. This approach is driven by the
quest to differentiate between the diverse applications of the concept and to clarify its
meaning, both historically and in terms of its potential as a fruitful ,concept for contemporary
moral, social and political issues. The modern practice of bioethics is significantly influenced
by Immanuel kant’s concept of the categorical imperative. Pastor and philosopher fritz jahr’s
article “bio ethics : a review of the ethical relationships of human to animals and plants “
refines kant’s original categorical imperative discourse by including the notion of the
bioethical imperative .biomedical technology has also further introduced solidarity as the
pivotal concept in bioethics. Scolars , such as ori levi, bring to attention the negative
implication in bioethics. Scolars, such as ori levi. Bring to attention the negative implication
of biodemical enhancements, another scholars, such as ori levi, bring to attention the negative
implication the negative implication the negative implication of biomedical enhancements
another scholars fritz jahr describes that bioethics is ultimately made up of “academic
discipline, principal, and virtue” this echoes back to the deep influence Socrates has on the
normalization of bioethics and its practices. Jahr utilizes kant’s categorical imprerative to
demonstrate in the obligatory, yet innately human practice of the bioethical imperative,

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