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1. Anne is always sleepy because she sits up late.

If she fell asleep early, she would not be sleepy.

2. We don’t buy a new car because we have no money.
If I had money we would buy a new car.
3. He doesn’t watch horrors because he has a weak heart
If he looked at the mistakes, his heart would be stronger.
4. Kate is always late for school because she sleeps too much.
If she went to bed earlier, I would sleep. I need it to get up
5. I can’t read "Faust" in original because I  don’t know German.
If I knew German I could read "Faust"
6. Christine is usually tired because she works too much
If she worked a little less, she could rest more
7. He can’t drive so we can’t take a car
If he cannot drive, we must take another car.
8. You work too fast that is why you make so many mistakes
If you took the time to see what you do and how you do it you
would not make so many mistakes.
9. She doesn’t have any friends so she feels lonely.
If she had more friends she wouldn't feel alone
10. I don’t see her very often because she lives in Australia.
If I lived in Australia I would see her more often
11. You drink too much coffee that’s why you can’t sleep
If you drank less coffee, you could fall asleep easier.
12. He is rich because he works long hours.
If he works less hours, he would be poor
13. She has a stomach-ache because she eats too  much meat.
If she ate less meat, her stomach wouldn't hurt
14.   She coughs because she smokes too much.
If she didn't smoke, she wouldn't cough
15. I am very bored at home because my computer is broken.
If the computer worked, I wouldn't be bored

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