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Creative Specialist role - GoDaddy

1. How would you describe the color yellow to someone who was born blind?
R: "You know that wonderful moment when you hear a child laugh? That warm hug from a friend
or that lovely smell from the kitchen? This is how color yellow looks like. It's lively, cheerful, it
makes you enjoy every little moment of your life.”
2. What are the 3 most important aspects to consider when writing for a website?
R: When it comes to website content, the most important aspects, at least from my point of view,
are the following:
1. Be creative!
There's plenty of websites out there, so if you want to be remembered by the people who visited
yours, then you need to stand out. Make them laugh, make them curious, make them intrigued!
That's how you really create a connection with your actual and possible clients.
2. Be understandable!
You always need to remember that your content is written for somebody else. Depending on your
target market, you need to adapt your vocabulary to the company clients. That also requires very
good research about your client profile, so you can tell if they prefer technical and specific details,
or if they just want to know what are their benefits.
3. Let people know what kind of company you represent!
When somebody is looking on your website, he automatically makes a general idea about how
your company is. Whether it is about a possible candidate for a job or about a client of your
services, the way you play with words creates the expectations he has for the organization. For
example, if the content is somehow playful, people expect to meet friendly and open-minded
employees or innovative products or services.
Of course, they are a lot more aspects to consider for a website, like SEO knowledge, grammar,
structure, or interest on current topics, but those can be easily found in almost any company. Those
three I mentioned before makes the real difference.
3. Tell us a story!
R: Since it was Father's Day not long ago, I'll tell you a short, but meaningful story, about me and
my father.
I wasn't very close to my father in my childhood. We fought a lot about any little thing, like my
bedtime or my time spent in front of the computer. Many years later I realized that was because he
was not so good communicating what are his worries or how he feels, and I was the type of person
who needed an explanation for everything.
But time passed quickly and it came the day to leave my house and go to University. And since
the college I wanted was in Iasi, that took me 300 km far away from home. And that's when my
father began to show his affection for me.
In my first year of college, when I stayed in a student dorm, he paid me a visit every month, for
the most insignificant reasons, like "Hey, your mom made this delicious meal, you have to try it!".
But the thing about all of this was that he could spend no more than 10 minutes with me per visit.
He didn't have money to travel with an airplane and he had a job where he needed to be, so it was
very important to catch the next train back home. That means once a month he spent 18 hours on
the train just to see me for 10 minutes, just to see if I really am ok.
I don't have words to express how much he means for me now. He is a perfect example of that
rough diamond people are talking about. Though on the outside, a wonderful and emotional father
on the inside.

I hope this story made you smile as much as me while writing it!

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