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British council

Nom : Tifrit Date : 21/10/2020

Prénom : Ryma
Theme : A short story

Task : think of a trip that went wrong

Summer 2018, my family and I went on holiday in Spain. I had just

graduated and finished school, I was looking forward to take some time off. We
were really excited about getting away from work, studies, etc… I mean our
routine !
Once we arrived, we took a taxi. He drove us to the apartment that we rented.
In my case, I immediately unpacked my luggages and wore my swimsuit ; then
my sister joined me, we went to the beach. During the day, you found us either
in the pool or at the beach. At night, we ate outside and we walked to discover
the city.
One day, we had a walking night, we had a reached the old town, we enjoyed
every aspect of the city. We visited the old church. I was really impressed by its
architecture, the building’s color. Everything was beautiful, i was astonished
how relaxed I was there. As we were coming back, I suddenly twisted my ankle
quite badly. At the moment, the pain was quick but as i continued to walk, it
gradually became too painful for me. Thankfully, my mum and my sister were
with me, otherwise i would have panicked.
We decided to go to the hospital, the health workers and all the staff were very
welcoming. Unfortunately, the insurance didn’t answer on the phone, the
hospital couldn’t take care of me. At least, they had tried to convince me to do
all the required exams when my mum called the insurance. After this
adventurous morning, we decided to go back to the aparatment. Luckily, my
mum is a physiotherapist, shed did all the necessered things.

Even if I suffered a lot, I sacrified myself and we stayed in Spain during all the
trip. I tried to enjoy but it was hard. To these days, I still talk and laugh about it
as this injury got stucked in my head for life ; but I still feel upset because i
didn’t enjoy as much as i wanted .

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