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Key & Related Concepts: ​Communication, Play, Role 

Global Context: ​Personal & cultural Expression 
​ laying an instrument individually and in a large ensemble can help me understand how music is a form of expression and communication. 
Statement of Inquiry:​ P

Select a solo of appropriate difficulty and length, have it approved by your teacher. Spend time during class and at home practicing.
During your practice time demonstrate to your teacher how you’ve been preparing. Following your final solo performance complete a

Criterion A: Knowing & Understanding
i. Demonstrate awareness of the art form studied, including the use of appropriate language

Strand  Excellent  Substantial  Adequate  Limited 

7-8  5-6  3-4  1-2 

Note Naming  Accurately name 7 or more Accurately name 5 or more notes Accurately name 3 or more notes Accurately name 1 or more notes
notes in the chosen solo in the chosen solo in the chosen solo in the chosen solo

Rhythmic  Clap and count 4 or more Clap and count 2 or more

Clap and count 3 or more Clap and count 1 or more
Understanding  measures of rhythm in chosen measures of rhythm in chosen
measures of rhythm in chosen measures of rhythm in chosen
solo, with excellent accuracy, solo, with adequate accuracy,
solo, with substantial accuracy, solo, with limited accuracy. May
while maintaining a steady while maintaining a somewhat
while maintaining a steady tempo not maintain a steady tempo.
tempo steady tempo

Crit A Mark: 

Criterion B: Developing Skills
i. Demonstrate the acquisition and development of the skills and techniques of the art form studied
ii. Demonstrate the application of skills and techniques to create, perform and/or present art

Strand  Excellent  Substantial  Adequate  Limited 

7-8  5-6  3-4  1-2 
Limited projection
Fair use of fullness and
Tone is full and well projected Considerable use of fullness and Tone is poor or range is very
Tone Quality  Characteristic, mature sound projection
Approaching a characteristic
for the instrument Not yet a mature sound Sound is uncharacteristic of
Performs with very few note Performs with several note Performs with many incorrect
Note Accuracy  Performs all notes as written
mistakes mistakes notes
Performs with several rhythmic Performs with many incorrect
Rhythmic  Performs all rhythms as Performs with very few rhythmic
mistakes rhythms
Accuracy and  written mistakes
And/Or does not maintain a And/Or does not maintain a
Tempo  Maintains a steady tempo Maintains a steady tempo
steady tempo steady tempo
Articulation  Performs all articulation Performs most articulation Performs some articulation Not accurately performing
(Tonguing)  markings accurately markings accurately markings accurately articulation markings
Posture, Hand  Performs with excellent head, Performs with acceptable head, Performs with inconsistent head, Performs with incorrect head,
Position &  body, embouchure, hand and body, embouchure, hand and body, embouchure, hand and body, embouchure, hand and
Embouchure  feet placement feet placement feet placement feet placement

Crit. B Mark: 

Criterion D: Responding
iii. Evaluate certain elements or principles of artwork

Strand  Excellent  Substantial  Adequate  Limited 

7-8  5-6  3-4  1-2 

Identifies 2 or more strengths Identifies 1 or more strengths

Identifies 2 or more strengths
from solo performance and from solo performance and may Identifies 1 or more strengths
from solo performance and
Identifies  begins to provide details on that begin to provide details on that from solo performance
details those strengths
strengths  strength strength
Identifies 2 or more
Identifies 2 or more weaknesses Identifies 1 or more weaknesses
weaknesses from solo Identifies 1 or more weaknesses
from solo performance and from solo performance and may
Identifies  performance and provides from solo performance
begins to provide details begin to provide details
weaknesses  details
Selects one of the areas of Selects one of the areas of
Selects one of the areas of Selects one of the areas of
improvement and outlines a improvement and begins to
improvement and states one way improvement and does not detail
Outlines a plan to  detailed practice plan to outline a detailed practice plan to
of improving a specific practice plan
improve  improve improve

Crit. D Mark: 

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