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Feldenkrais method for musicians: 12 practical lessons of body movement.

Feldenkrais method, created by the engineer, physicist and judoka Moshé Feldenkrais, through a
systematic work of unification of physical and mental activities, helps the human being to evolve, find
awareness/integrity/completeness and be able to spontaneously reach his or her own potential.

Playing music is a complex act that requires the human beings to be complete, wise/mature and free, at
their fullest strength and aware of their abilities and skills. Learning music, ideally a smooth and fluid
process, may develop physical, emotional and mental tensions through sophisticated mechanisms and
habits that prevent direct an organic access to musical contents.

Feldenkrais method through a fascinating and deep work of body awareness, allows a stronger cohesion
between body and mind making the approach to music simpler, more spontaneous and creative.

The benefits achieved by musicians who embraced this method are various, to mention a few: rediscovery
and growth of their own potential, improvement in the ability to adapt to new situations, more comfort
while approaching the most difficult technical passages, effective and adaptable posture, trust in their own
capabilities, physical and mental flexibility, inner freedom, independence, creativity while practicing music,
remarkable improvements in common professional problems, such as focal dystonia, tendinitis and
performance anxiety.

During a Feldenkrais’ “Awareness through movement” class participants/students are gently led by the
teacher with simple verbal instructions, through a sequence of movements aimed at constantly reduce
effort and difficulties. With this approach, the students acquire an increasingly stronger ability to
differentiate and sensitivity towards themselves. With this method there are neither prizes or punishments
and concepts like “normal”, “right” or “wrong” are totally rejected. The focus is totally on the quality of the
movement and not on the goal: body and mind will move simultaneously, investigating and exploring with
curiosity. During the class, students are free to move at their own pace, with their own means, without
imitating anybody’s movements, since each individual’s unicity will be the treasure and source to be
discovered and valued.

With a constant practice, Feldenkrais Method can be a concrete support to personal and professional

During the classes, the teacher will give an overview of some of the fundamental principles for musicians, in
order to make them more aware and able to manage more easily their daily routine.

Through a specific selection of Feldenkrais classes, students will acquire/learn new modules of self-image,
enriching the knowledge of the “Self”.

This is what you need to attend an online Feldenkrais class:

1) Mat or soft blanket to exercise on the floor

2) Comfortable clothes
3) Zoom app downloaded on your PC, tablet or smartphone

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