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• it make me feel that reading make me calmer and but me in a calmer state

• because i really don't like reading, it makes me bored, i don't hate it because there are some books i
really like, but most novels bore me and make me want to do something else, and if i can do something
else i would rather that than reading.
• no.
• reading is so boring and i hate it so much
• i would read but I often don't feel like it
• it stayed the same
• I would rather spend my time learning new coding tricks or getting exersize
• it stayed the same because i still love to read
• I enjoy reading but I have more specific types of writing that I like to read. I was able to improve my
reading and vocabulary a lot over the past 4 weeks by setting the goals and achieving them.
• I think over the last 4 weeks when I read I noticed that I started to enjoy it more than I did at the start,
and I enjoyed to read theory and it felt really rewarding once I got to move my game piece thing up 100
more points and once i moved my game piece I wanted to read more so that I could add 100 more points
on top of the 100 points i had before
• It has definitely increased and I enjoy reading more now. Its not as bad as I thought it would be and I
think I'm gonna read more often now!
• reading is not hard i just dont like it
• It actually decreased. I enjoyed reading lots but readtheory is painfully boring.
• my feelings to reading stayed the same.
• i give the rating a 3 why? because i don't like readying certain kinds of books
• reading is boring i wil avoid reading when i can but i am capable in reading trust me my parents dont
think i am though
• My feelings for reading has stayed the same, once I start reading I enjoy it, but at first I don't want to. So
it has always been like that for me.
• It didn't really change. I still read every day
• i dont find reading entertaining and i did not change
• because i am okay at reading
• My feeling for reading have stayed the same in the past 4 weeks. i like to read when I have a really good
• idl
• I believe that my reading has improved because I have been taking more time to read more at the
technical aspects of the writing through read theory rather than just reading for fun like I normally do.
• I read mostly every night, and my readging stayed the same since I stared this
• I love stories but I find that I understand them better if I am listening insted of reading
• i think i gave the same rating as last time. i still enjoy reading in my free time (if i have any)
• No Because I don't read too often
• I didn't do the first self assesment as I was away for the day. I love most books and have always loved
books. I have reread books up to 5 times, one time twice in a row because of my love for books.
readtheory is a fine way to read, I prefer to read novels however. I often read articles and news storys for
fun without realizing im reading for fun. The only reason I didnt put 5 as my rating is because I often
dislike books I am forced to read.
• I don't love but I like reading so I gave it that mark. Read theory didn't change my feelings much over the
4 weeks
• neither
• i don't hate it but i don't love it, my feelings haven't changed
• books are a good way to enjoy doing nothing
• Because I find reading very boring and a time waster.
• I love reading, I have ever since I was little
• reading is ok, i don't mind it
• cause its boring
• my opinion on reading has not changed i don't hate reading reading is just ok
• yeeee
• I have difficulty finding things I enjoy to read. Because my experience hasn't been good I tend to stay
away from books. Over the past 4 weeks I dove into poetry and it was quite enjoyable. I loved the way
the words looked on paper and painted pleasant imagery in my head. I might start reading more as long
as I can find good poetry.
• Sometime's I read if I want to, and I don't mind it, it's fun!! I haven't been reading that much but when I
started reading again I enjoyed it and I want to do it again.
• I used to be around a 2 or 3 but I realised that reading isn't that bad so I'm at a 4
• Because I don't like reading
• no not really
• Feelings toward reading did not change at all because all the stuff on read theory was mostly stuff I did
not enjoy reading in my opinion, however I read a lot of sport articles and stuff about transfer news and
trades because that is what I enjoy. I can enjoy reading when I find something that interests me
• no change really
• At first, I had a mutual feeling with ReadTheory. I liked it, but I hated it at the same time. But now, I enjoy
it more than I did before
• I find reading boring and cant find books that I enjoy
• There are certain types of books that I really enjoy but certain books that I do not enjoy reading.
• I rated my feelings toward reading as a 3 because I don't hate reading and sometimes I really enjoy it but
I don't love it all the time. I think my rating changed from a 4 to a 3 just because I don't like read theory
that much.
• Because I like reading but I don't love it
• my feelings stayed the same I disliked reading as much as I did when I started
• I really like reading it didnt really change anything
• My feelings for reading have always been high but in the past year it has decreased a lot. This task of the
lit trackers has made me love reading even more than I used to, it gives me a challenge and I try to push
myself to my fullest potential
• i never read, i only really read when i have to and i personally didn't like doing the read thing.
• I read translated book but not English book
• i think it stayed the same for the most part but i dont mind reading the drivers handbook now
• I don't think so I still like to read but it depends on what I'm reading
• In general, I neither hate nor love reading, but I do enjoy reading things I enjoy more than reading things
that aren't as interesting.
• Liked it more, a good book is fun to read
• If I am reading my book that I enjoy I enjoy reading. If I am doing something like read theory I don't enjoy
reading. I also don't always feel like reading.
• It increased just a little bit. Not that much like what I was expecting.
• I enjoy reading, but I hate reading on read theory because it's not one long story. However, I do read at
home every night.
• I just dont like reading
• I've been surpassing my expectation on my reading skills at school and home. My goal was to read 50
books before December and I got past 50 all the way to 60. Which is really awesome.
• Because I like it normally, not very much. My feelings haven't change.
• cause i like fast paced stuff like video games and my adhd i cant sit still for hours
• My feelings towards reading has increased because sometimes reading is enjoyable.
• it depends on the book
• It stayed the i still don't like reading
• I've never loved reading though there have been some books that i love reading so I figured I'd put my
rating in the middle because for me it really depends on what book and the day, as some days I don't
really want to be reading but others I'll enjoy it. My feelings toward reading haven't changed over the past
four weeks its always kind of been this way.
• It stayed the same as I never liked reading and when I do read I still loose interest very quickly
• i've never really been a huge fan of reading because id rather do something more active like basketball.
my feelings towards reading didnt really change
• I think it stayed the same
• No nothing will ever change my hatred for reading
• MY reading is not the best and I struggle reading .
• ive always liked reading so my feelings didnt really change

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