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A good driver ------- --------- exceed the speed limit

A. Must
B. Should
C. Should not
D. Must no
E. Can

2. It is important to be punctual. You…………… always be on time for an appointment

A. Must
B. Should
C. Should not
D. Must not
E. Can

3. Littering is against the law. You……………. throw trash out of your car window
A. Must
B. Should
C. Should not
D. Must not
E. Can

4. A: There's no hot water in my apartment. What should I do?

B: You………………. call the landlord and complain
A. Must
B. Should
C. Should not
D. Must not
E. Can

5. A: Ann bought a new tape recorder. After two days, it

stopped working. What should she do?
B: She ………… try to fix it herself
A. Must
B. Should
C. Should not
D. Must not
E. Can

6. When I was in high school, I ……………work every evening at my parents' store

A. Had to
B. Have to
C. Must
D. Hast to
E. Shall

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