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How to forgive

The struggle is real. How often do we sit and wonder about the ones who have torn you apart. You wish
there was closure. Either it someone who hurt you or someone you left behind. Hurt measn the same. I
often wondered what hurt really means. Is it the way im feeling , thinking or are they just my
imaginations. Most often I would sulk because someone treated me badly or left me when I thought I
was worthy enough. Then also witnessed the same people living their lives without any resentment that
I no longer exist in their lives. What could be the reality here. The art of how I was allowing myslf to be
hurt by the actions of others was more painful than the hurt it self.

Most often it is said that unfrgiveness is like you drinking poision and expecting the other person to die. I
think this is true in so many ways. When I see them, have no acknowledgement to my existence. Once
you were such good friends that you shared many moments and was almost inseparable but now… two
strangers existing on earth with just memories but no connection.

I once had a friend, who I thought was all friendly. I mean we were that kinds frineds that people called
us partners in crime. Until recently I bleived there wouldn’t be a person on earth that would be able to
bring a drift between us. As you see from my tone, it all ended. I was hurt. She was.. I dunno!

It is hard to loose people in whom you invest your emotions, and I was of course no exception. I
watched her unravel and become a person who wasn’t my friend. She took a new path in life, that made
me a mirage in the far distance. All those time you felt specia and belonged, was just an illusion from her
reality. Anyways, s you can see I was hurt.. maybe im still hurt… but does this stop me from moving on…

The I decided that I needed to forgive and move on. Oh boy! That is when the trouble started. I think
most often what we hear is ‘ Forgive and Forget’ the truth is we don’t know how to forgive. Weknow
whats forgivenss but how do we do it?

As I write this.. I am gonna take you on a journey of forgiveness….

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