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Games and sports injuries

It is a common place that sports are the basic reason for injuries. There are
injuries that mainly result from acute trauma or repetitive stress associated with
athletic activities. After conducting my research, i realized that a repetitive strain injury
and repetitive motion injuries can harm people’s life. Therefore, it is important to be
informed about risk factors, preventative measures and treatment of these and this is the
purpose of this essay.

To begin with, the first that springs our mind, when we hear about sport injuries is
the repetitive strain injury. To give a general definition it is an injury to part of the
musculoskeletal or nervous system caused by repetitive use, vibrations, compression
or long periods in a fixed position. Other common names include repetitive stress
disorders, cumulative trauma disorders (CTDs), and overuse syndrome. Moreover,
about risk factors we can refer occupational risk factors, psychosocial factors, non-
occupational factors. About the first, workers in certain fields are at risk of repetitive
strains. Most occupational injuries are musculoskeletal disorders, and many of these are
caused by cumulative trauma rather than a single event. On the other hand, there are also,
psychosocial factors, such as personality differences to work-place organization
problems. Certain workers may negatively perceive their work organization due to
excessive work rate, long work hours, limited job control, and low social support.
Moreover, about non-occupational factors age and gender are important risk factors for
RSIs. In addition, lifestyle choices such as smoking and alcohol consumption are
recognizable risk factors for RSI.

Also, there are no quick fixes for RSI, as we referred to treament, but there are
effective approaches to its treatment and prevention. One is that of ergonomics, the
changing of one's environment to minimize repetitive strain. Another is specific massage
techniques such as trigger point therapy and related techniques such as the Alexander
Technique. Licensed massage therapists specializing in RSI, as well as physical therapists
and chiropractors, generally provide hands-on therapy, but also expect that the patient
supplement and reinforce the office-visit therapy sessions with daily exercises, self-
massage, and stretching as prescribed by the practitioner. Moreover, the rice treatment is
used as the first treatment for many muscle strains, ligament sprains, or other bruises and
injuries. Rice is used immediately after an injury happens and for the first 24 to 48 hours
after the injury. Commonly prescribed treatments for early-stage RSIs include analgesics,
myofeedback, biofeedback, physical therapy, relaxation, and ultrasound therapy.
Although, early diagnosis is critical to limiting damage.

Except from the above, repetitive motion injuries are among the most common
injuries in the United States. Repetitive motion injuries make up over 50% of all athletic-
related injuries seen by doctors and result in huge losses in terms of cost to the workforce.
Simple everyday actions, such as throwing a ball, scrubbing a floor, or jogging, can lead
to this condition. The most common types of repetitive motion injuries are tendinitis and
and bursitis.

In conclusion we realize that prevention is the most significant doctor, and the
best way to prevent ourselves is to be informed about the dangers that may have to deal
with. Although when we have to challenge an injury, that especially result from acute
trauma or repetitive stress associated with athletic activities, we should be ready to take
the appropriate measures to reduce the grade of this. I hope that you find that essay

(ανακτήθηκε 24.6.2020)
(ανακτήθηκε 24.6.2020)

Ιωάννης Φουρκιώτης
Words : 561

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