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An Explanatory Text

the three of us have different life projects but talking a little

we realized that englishhelps us to have more
opportunities in life, is very important and necessary for
ourfuture in the field ofpolitics, science, media or art and it
is often the language of theentertainment as well as
socialising alsois more easy win a scholarship,
travelwithout worries, get better work and meet new
people.English is the language ofinternational
communication in all areas helps us to have
more opportunities in life.One of the ways to improve the
skills of speaking is hearing people talk and try torepeat it
while reading or just imitating what you understand, also
you can hearconversations and play speaking as part of
it another helpful thing to practice andimprove the
speaking skills is hear interviews and then check what you
understandand haw extens is your vocabulary and also
helps you to improve your skills to askquestions. An
example; when you have to explain the pros and cons
aboutsomething , seeing these kinds of videos and
obviously making sure that what you'regonna explain
maken sense will help to make you understand better.In
the case of the hearing skills there are some things you
could do to improve themwith the website is listening
to songs them respect lyrics and if didn't understoodsome
word you can translate it or hear the song with spanish
subtitles you wouldfone the singers depend of their
alphabet order, choose one and you will see the mvof the
song and lyrics at the left so you can hear the song while
reading and singing.

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