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Types of account
There are 4 types of accounts:
1. Basic (Free or Free with Credit Card)
2. Pro
3. Business / Enterprise
4. Education

Collected from :

2. Account roles
There are 3 roles in the accounts:
1. Owner: Has all privileges including Role Management.
2. Admin: Can add, remove or edit users. Can manage advanced features like
API, SSO and Meeting Connector.
3. Members: Has no administrative privileges.

3. Types of Users
There are 3 types of users:
1. Basic: A basic user is user without a paid license. A basic user can host
meetings with up to 100 participants. If 3 or more participants join, the
meeting will time out after 40 minutes. They cannot utilize user and account
add-ons such as large meeting, webinar, or conference room connector.
2. Licensed: A licensed user is a paid account user who can host unlimited
meetings on the public cloud. By default, they can host meetings with up to
100 participants and large meeting licenses are available for additional
capacity. Licensed users have these additional features available:
 Customize Personal Meeting ID
 Record to the Zoom cloud
 Be an alternative host
 Assign others to schedule and schedule on behalf of
 Utilize account add-ons such as conference room connector
 Be assigned user add-ons such as large meeting, webinar, or personal
audio conference
 Customize Personal Link, if on a business or education account
3. On-prem: An on-prem user is a paid account who can host unlimited meetings
with the on premise meeting connector. On-prem users have these additional
 Customize Personal Meeting ID
 Use the recording connector, if configured for their account
 Be an alternative host
 Assign others to schedule and schedule on behalf of
 Utilize account add-ons such as room connector
 Be assigned user add-ons such as large meeting, webinar, or personal
audio conference
 Customize Personal Link, if on a business or education account
4. Types of Requests
5. Rate Limit according to Account & Request Type

6. Rate Limits for Concurrent Requests

If concurrent requests (GET/DELETE/PATCH/POST/PUT) are being made on a
single resource, the request may fail and you will recieve an error message along
with a 429 HTTP status code.
Concurrent rate limits error will occur in rare cases such as when your app makes
multiple requests in a short period of interval to disassociate a user from your
account. In this scenario, you will receive the following error message: Too many
concurrent requests. A request to disassociate this user has already been made.
Similarly, you cannot create/update more than 100 meetings for a user in a single
7. Rate Limit error messages

8. Authentication Type
Every HTTP request made to Zoom API must be authenticated by Zoom. Zoom supports the
following two primary means for request authentication:
1. OAuth 2.0
2. JWT
OAuth roles
The OAuth protocol defines four specific roles and these roles are actively involved in the process
of authentication flow with Zoom APIs:
1. Resource Owner: The resource owner is a user in a Zoom account who can either authorize
or decline a Client from accessing information related to the user’s Zoom account.

2. Resource Server: Resource Server is the server that is hosting the resource. If your
application is integrating with the Zoom API to obtain user-related information, the Zoom
API server is considered the resource server.

3. Client: The Client is the application that requests access to the user’s information. If your
app makes access requests to the Zoom API, your app is considered as the Client.

JSON Web Token (JWT) offer a method to generate tokens that provide secure data transmission
using a neat and compact JSON object. JWTs contain signed payload that helps establish server to
server authentication.

If your app is meant to be used only by yourself or by users that are in your Zoom account, it is
recommended that you use JWT for authentication. In our case we have used JWT authentication
for API requests.

1. Error Codes
The Zoom API uses HTTP Status codes to reflect a successful or unsuccessful request. 2XX
status codes represent a successful request, 4XX/5XX status codes represent an error took

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